Chapter 140 Afraid that Teacher Dongfang will be calculated, and specially came to be a flower protector, are you moved?

“Karma Law Prediction”…


For a moment, Yin Zhi only felt dizzy.

The head is dead and heavy, just like a lead pouring.

Mental Energy is exhausted.

Spiritual Qi in the body is exhausted.

Yin Zhi quickly summoned “Emperor Qingyan” and “Emperor White Clothes”.

For what?

In-situ Meditation cultivation, absorbing Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi!

The rarer the Yuling, the higher the efficiency of absorbing and purifying Spiritual Qi.

“Holy Spirit Nine Stars” Yuling’s absorption and purification efficiency of the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, which is called psychic energy here, is undoubtedly the highest!

Three “Holy Spirit Nine Stars” Yuling together, do you still have it?

In an instant, the Spiritual Qi in this area was swallowed cleanly.

The exhausted Spiritual Qi in Yin Zhi’s body is also filled.

It’s really “charging for three minutes and lasting for a whole day”!

Immediately, he leaned on the toilet, closed his eyes, regained his spirit, and regained his spirit…

Time passed by every minute and every second.

At a certain moment.

Mansion hall.

Henry Harry poured red wine for Dongfang Weixi.

Slightly sour and fragrant wine scented.

Experts know that it is the best wine at the first smell!

Henry Harry raised his glass.

“East, we had some misunderstandings before.”

“I am deeply sorry.”

“This glass of wine represents my sincere apologies. At the same time, it is also a celebration of our reunion ten years later.”

“The innocence and beauty of the student days seemed to be yesterday.”

“Come on, let us do this cup!”

Elizabeth Anna smiled charmingly and raised her glass to look at Dongfang Weixi.

“Honey, cheers!”

“This is the’girl’s blood’ that Henry has treasured for ten years.”

“I’ve been greedy for a long time and he is reluctant to take it out!”

“As a man, it’s too stingy.”

Henry Harry laughed and said nothing.

Dongfang Weixi looked at the “Girl’s Blood” in front of him with hesitation in his heart.

Henry Harry asked, “What’s wrong? Dongfang, do you really think I will hurt you?”

As he said, his pale face showed a wry smile and sadness.

“Dongfang, please believe me.”

“I will never hurt you.”

“I swear to you.”

Elizabeth Anna glanced at Henry Harry, a bit fierce in her charm.

“Hurt my dear?”

“Henry, do you dare?”

“As long as I am here, don’t even think about it!”

Then he said to Dongfang Weixi: “Don’t worry, dear, I am here. I will protect you.”

Dongfang Weixi seemed to have believed in Elizabeth Anna, smiled, and raised his glass.

“To our friendship, cheers!”



Just as Dongfang Weixi poured the wine from the glass into her mouth, a hand suddenly stretched out and snatched her glass.

“Teacher Dongfang, don’t drink this wine.”

“In case of medicine, you will be a mother at this time next year.”

“It is a hybrid of Chinese and foreign hybrids.”

Dongfang Weixi said in surprise: “Why are you here?”

Yin Zhi shook the red wine in his hand and smiled.

“Yeah, why am I here?”

“It’s not that I am afraid that Teacher Dongfang will be calculated and specially come to be a flower protector.”

“How is it? Not touched?”

By this time, Henry Harry’s face was already gloomy.

Elizabeth Anna flashed her eyes and smiled charmingly.

“Big boy, this is a private banquet venue.”

“How did you get in?”

“Did you sneak in here?”

Yin Zhi glanced at her and said, “I don’t want to talk to you, Golden Retriever Sow!”

Elizabeth Anna was taken aback, she couldn’t believe her own ears.

“What did you say?”

“What did you call me just now?”

Yin Zhishun moved a chair from the empty chair next to him and sat down.

“Teacher Dongfang, you have two choices now.”

“First, trust me, don’t drink this glass of wine.”

“Second, don’t believe me, drank this glass of wine.”

“And even if you don’t believe me, for the sake of helping me before, I will be a’Flower Protector’ tonight.”

“At that time, you will also be able to see the true face of this dog and man.”

Dongfang Weixi looked at Yin Zhi blankly.

Immediately, she turned to look at Henry Harry, her eyes sharpened.

“Henry, tell me there is nothing wrong with this glass of wine.”


Henry Harry pursed his lips and put down the wine glass gently.

“Dongfang, I am very sad.”

“It seems you don’t want to believe me anymore.”

“Well, since you don’t believe me, then I can drink this glass of wine.”

He got up to get the wine, but was blocked by Yin Zhi.

“What? Do you want to destroy the evidence?”

Henry Harry’s pale face was flushed.

“Didi! You get 300,000 murderous points from Henry Harry!”

Upon hearing this prompt, Yin Zhi smiled.

Elizabeth Anna’s beautiful face is ugly.

“Yin Zhi, do you have any evidence?”

“If there is no evidence, it is slander.”

“It is to bear legal responsibility.”

Yin Zhi smiled and said: “It’s okay. Isn’t it just a lawsuit? I have money to fight a lawsuit. I like to fight a lawsuit.”

Elizabeth Anna was speechless for a moment.

Dongfang Weixi took back the wine in Yin Zhi’s hand and looked directly at Henry Harry.

“Henry, I will ask you again, and for the last time…”

“Is there any problem with this glass of wine?”

Elizabeth Anna said: “My dear, how can you doubt Henry so much?”

Dongfang Weixi ignored her.

Henry Harry stared at Dongfang Weixi’s eyes.

“I won’t do anything to hurt you, Dongfang, please trust me.”

Dongfang Weixi nodded.

“Okay, I believe you!”

Then she looked at Yin Zhi.

“I hope you do what you say.”

Then she drank the wine in the glass in one sip.

Henry Harry’s face changed drastically: “East, you!”

He didn’t expect that Dongfang Weixi would actually drink the wine…

There was also a hint of surprise in Elizabeth Anna’s eyes.

Immediately, she waved her hand and called a waiter over and pointed at Yin Zhi.

“I suspect this person is not the guest invited tonight.”

“I hope you will deal with it as soon as possible.”

Now, Yin Zhi must be driven out, as soon as possible!

Yin Zhi “hehe” smiled.

“Why? I want to drive me out and not let me be a flower protector. Are you so cruel?”

boom! !

He slammed the table.

In an instant, the eyes and attention of everyone around him were attracted.

“Tell you, there are no doors!”

“Gentlemen present, ladies…”

“Now, there is one thing that requires you to bear a testimony.”

“These two dog men and women, unite to poison their friends!”

“But they don’t want to admit it.”

“Now, their friend, the beautiful Miss who repays her trust in her friend, has drunk the poisonous wine.”

“What you need to witness is…”

“I wronged and slandered them.”

“It’s the friendship they trampled on and betrayed their trust!”

“The answer will be revealed soon!”

Yin Zhi’s words immediately drew a lot of discussion from everyone present…

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