Chapter 141 Convinced! His Majesty the future emperor really throws money like paper, lavish!

“You even poisoned a friend?”

“Unbelievable, it’s so despicable!”

“If it is true, then they should go to The Underworld.”

“Hey, that person isn’t…”

“Yes, it’s him!”

“He was invited…”

At first, I was still talking about what Yin Zhi said.

But soon, the focus of the discussion was on Yin Zhi.

All of you here are rich, status and prestigious.

It is fundamentally different from those fools who yelled “Yin Zhi to death”.

With their knowledge, cultivation, and vision, no matter what they think in their hearts, they are very restrained in their mouths.

Not long after, a well-dressed middle-aged man came forward.

“This gentleman, please don’t make a loud noise, it will affect other people.”

“Also, do you have an invitation?”

“What we are holding here is a private charity dinner.”

“If you are not among the invited, I am sorry that we cannot entertain you.”

“Please forgive me.”

Elizabeth Anna took a breath and smiled.

She waited to see Yin Zhi’s joke.

Also waiting to see Yin Zhi’s jokes is Zhao Haolong…

He has now calmed down from the shock of seeing Yin Zhi at first.

Zhao Haolong explained to Gentle.

“This ‘Private Charity Auction’ is organized by ‘Mr. Stark’.”

“He is a powerful oligarch of Odin Mela.”

“Just wait and see how he gets kicked out.”

There was a gentle “Yeah” softly.

She doesn’t care about Yin Zhi or something, she just wants to quietly enjoy the time with Zhao Haolong…

Similarly, many people are also waiting to see the end of Yin Zhi.

“Erman Stark” is the steel oligarch of “Odin Merah”!

One of the important pillars of the “wolf faction”!

How dare to sabotage the “Charity Auction” organized by “Mr. Stark”?

It can only be said that this courage and courage is worthy of admiration!

As for the ending…

He had to pray that “Mr. Stark” would be kinder.

To know!

Because of the “baseball bat case,” the “wolf faction” polls overtaken the “bear faction”, and the head of state Langte Edwards has a re-election crisis!

The “wolf faction” probably hates him to death.

He actually hit the muzzle by himself now?


Very interesting!

At this time, everyone only heard Yin Zhi’s smiling voice.

“I have no invitation. But I have this.”

Everyone saw him draw out a dark card…

In the hall that was as bright as daylight, the pitch-black card was so striking.

“Black card?”

“Am I right? He actually took out the black card!”

“true or false?”

Yin Zhi squeezed the dark card in his hand and smiled.

“I heard that you can enter and exit any high-end places with this card.”

“I don’t know if I can have a place here?”

Where did the “black card” come from?

Naturally it was given by Qin Aunt!

Last time I called her to borrow money, her “personal fund manager” sent this card to him the next day.

This card is amazing!

However, Yin Zhi couldn’t find any information on the Internet that could prove its breaking.

Now it’s time to try it out.

Judging from the surrounding reactions, this “black card” may really be a bit awkward…

The attitude of the middle-aged man standing in front of Yin Zhi immediately changed dramatically.

“If it is convenient, can you show me your black card?”


The middle-aged man took the card with both hands, flipped through it twice, and returned it with both hands.

“Sir, I welcome you on behalf of Mr. Stark.”

“I just ask you to pay attention, so as not to disturb other guests.”

“Wish you enjoy the party tonight. I’m sorry.”

He didn’t dare to rush out of the guests with the “black card”.

Otherwise, a large group of oligarchs will be offended…


Because this “black card” was made by the oligarchs to show their identity and status!

Whoever denies the “black card” is tantamount to denying the “privilege rules” established by the oligarchs.

Get rid of him, isn’t this just looking for smokers! ?

Even if a dog comes in with a “black card”, they have to prepare the world’s best dog food to serve…

Yin Zhi put away the “black card” and looked at Elizabeth Anna with a smile.

“I was not kicked out, are you disappointed?”

“You sow!”

“And your male dog?”

“Male dog”, of course, refers to Henry Harry-his poisonous tongue, but he has always been unreasonable!

“It’s you, do you want to leave now?”

“Look, everyone is watching you now, waiting to witness the result.”

“Now that I am gone, I can still keep some face.”

“Didi! You got 200,000 murder points from Elizabeth Anna, please check!”


Add another 200,000 points of income!

Elizabeth Anna stared at Yin Zhi fiercely, wishing to eat him.

Harry Henry’s face was white and red…

Upon closer inspection, there was even a thin cold sweat on his forehead.

Dongfang Weixi sat quietly, looking at no one, as if waiting for something quietly…

Not long after, the “Charity Auction” officially began!

Yin Zhi waited patiently.

He didn’t care about the other lots at all, and dismissed it.

Soon, that straight-back antique rusty knife was put on the stage.

Like the scene in “Karma’s Law Prediction”, Zhao Haolong participated in the filming…

The price quickly soared to 17 million.

“17 million at a time!”

“17 million twice!”

“one thousand……”

Before the auctioneer shouted, Yin Zhi made a bid.

“Nineteen million!”

At this moment, Zhao Haolong clenched his fists.

The situation he worries most still happened…

“Damn it, where did he know it?”

“Do you want me to give up?”

“No! I will never give up!”

Zhao Haolong said to Gentle: “Gentle, you help me bid. As much as he pays, you add two million. Do you know?”

“Okay, I know.”

Zhao Haolong immediately got up, went to the bathroom, and made a call.

“Dad, it’s me!”

“Something went wrong. Yin Zhi is here too, he is robbing me of the knife!”

“The money I brought is not enough…”

“okay, I get it.”

Hanging up, Zhao Haolong went back to inquire, but he heard…

“One billion and twelve million!”

Is it a gentle voice? !

I… Am I right?

Billion? !

Zhao Haolong hurriedly returned to his seat and asked in a low voice, “What’s the matter? How come it has reached one billion?!”

Gentlely said: “He directly added 800 million before…”

Zhao Haolong roared grimly: “Then you still add it up? Are you stupid?”

“But…but…you asked me to add…”


At this time, the auctioneer has already started bidding.

“One billion twelve million at a time!”

“One billion twelve million twice!”

“One billion twelve million three times!”

“Congratulations to Mr. Zhao at table ten, for successfully filming the’True Dragon Ancient Sword’!”

“I also thank him for his contribution to charity!”

“Let us give him the applause!”

Bang bang bang bang! !

Yin Zhi slapped his hands vigorously.

“Prince Zhao, great! Applause to you!”

“More than 10 billion (True Dragon National Currency) to buy a rusty knife!”

“Convinced! His Majesty the future emperor really throws money like paper, generous!”

Zhao Haolong just felt dizzy and staring at gold stars…

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