Chapter 142 Since you gave it to me so passionately, then I laughed at it!


Zhao Haolong fell from the chair and rolled to the ground.

At this moment, he only felt his ears buzzing, and there was a dreamy colorful glow in front of him.

Ten billion!

Ten billion!

If it were 10 billion to buy the real “Slaying Immortal Knife”…

The “Xianxian Dao” is indeed worth the price.

But the “green knife” is only the news that the “Xianxian Dao” might be whereabouts.

It does not necessarily exist.

But just “may exist”!

If it turns out that there is no information on the whereabouts of the “Xianxian Dao” at the end, wouldn’t this tens of billions be lost?

The 10 billion Zhao family can’t be taken out…

The question is whether it is necessary or not worth it!

After all, no one’s money came from the wind.

Even if it is really a strong wind… the strong wind blows 10 billion, you can be exhausted just by picking up money!

How to do?

The family only approved 50 million yuan…

Now the final price is more than one billion!

How can I explain to my family? !

“Brother Long!”

“Long brother, are you okay?”

“Brother Long, sorry, I…I know I was wrong…”

Gentle knelt beside him with tears, his whole body trembling with tension and fear.

Zhao Haolong reacted suddenly, slapped her gentle face with a “pop” slap, and slapped her to the ground.

Gentle was completely stunned by the fan.

“You have no brains?!”

“What is your brain pretending?”

“He increased the price by 800 million and you followed suit? What are you thinking?”

“How can there be such a stupid woman as you in this world!”

“I can’t figure it out at all!”

“Can you tell me why you are so stupid!”

Snapped! !

A slap slapped Zhao Haolong on the face.

Crisp and loud!

“Ye Haolong, what’s the matter with you?”

“Are you crazy!”

“How can you do it!”

It was Dongfang Weixi who did it.

Gentle is also the student she brought out.

If Zhao Haolong did this, how could she ignore it?

“Am I crazy?”

“Ha ha!”

“I really want to be stupid by her!”

“Oh my God!”

“It’s a stupid breakthrough!”

With a roar, he strode towards the toilet.

The security guard immediately murmured a few words while holding the headset.

If you get close and listen, you will hear him say: “Pay attention to the location of the bathroom!”

This is for fear that Zhao Haolong will go away…

Dongfang Weixi lifted up his tenderness.

“Gentle, how are you?”

“You wait, I will treat you now.”

Gentle but shook his head, weeping.

“No, thank you, Teacher Dongfang.”

“it’s all my fault……”

“Don’t blame Long Brother…”

Dongfang Weixi opened his mouth and couldn’t say it for a while.

“You are…really…”

She wanted to scold her for being so self-love and self-respect.

But seeing her like this, the reprimands suddenly couldn’t be said.

At this moment…

Dongfang Weixi only felt his brain dizzy, and at the same time, the strength of his body was flushed out in an instant.

She supported the table with all her strength, shook her head twice, shaking, and turned to look at Henry Harry.

“Henry, you actually… actually…”

Before saying a word, Dongfang Weixi fell to the ground like a puddle of mud.

Fortunately, Yin Zhi’s eyes were fast and he hugged her!


“It’s so soft!”

“This is too soft!”

Yin Zhi embraced Dongfang Weixi by a princess.

“Everyone! Everyone!”

“Have you seen it? This beautiful Miss was poisoned!”

“At this civilized, harmonious party gathered for charity!”

“Someone used this kind of trick to deal with such a kind and beautiful Miss!”

“Especially they are still friends!”

“Is this the work of humans? This is the work of beasts!”

When is the best time to show that you are a civilized and decent person?

This is the time!

Immediately, someone condemned Henry Harry and Elizabeth Anna.

“Shame! You are simply the shame of the’Odin Mela people’!”

“Knock them out!”

“I can’t believe I was at the same party with this kind of person!”

Elizabeth slapped the table and raised her eyebrows like an angry female leopard.

“Everyone shut up!”

“Yin Zhi, what evidence do you have to prove it was Henry’s poison?”

“If you can’t produce evidence, can I also say that you poisoned and then framed us!?”

Yin Zhi summoned the “Toad Belly” and threw Dongfang Weixi into the “Toad Belly Space”.

“It doesn’t matter!”

“How do you like to say it.”

“You have the skills to argue with me here. Why don’t you think about how to bear the anger of Teacher Dongfang.”

“Two pigs and dogs in human skin, disgusting!”

“It’s disgusting! Nah! Disgusting!”

Elizabeth Anna said angrily: “I’m going to kill you…”

Henry Harry stood up, and he looked at Yin Zhi deeply.

It seems to be to carve Yin Zhi’s face that hates penetrates the bone into his bones.

He left the seat, and stopped again after not taking two steps.

“There will be a sapphire necklace next time.”

“That thing has a special meaning to the East…”

After speaking, he strode away.


Elizabeth Anna called out, but Henry Harry ignored her.

She snatched a kick and said to Yin Zhi murderously: “I will kill you! I swear!”

“Didi! You get 100,000 kill points from Elizabeth Anna!”

Seeing her leaving behind, Yin Zhi curled his lips.

It’s so fierce, it’s just so killing intent-it seems that it has been squeezed too much before, and there is no more “oil and water” to squeeze.

What Henry Harry said…

“Sapphire necklace?”

Could it be that Dongfang Weixi followed it because of that “sapphire necklace”?

Thinking about it, it’s quite possible.

After a while, Zhao Haolong walked back with a gloomy face.

Gentle and trembling call: “Brother Long…”


“Brother Long, I’m sorry, I know I was wrong…”

Zhao Haolong gritted his teeth fiercely.

“Get out of here! I don’t want to see you now! Get out!”

Gentle ran away with tears…

Zhao Haolong glanced at Yin Zhi and took his seat again.

“Didi! You have got 60,000 murder points from Zhao Haolong, please check!”

Yin Zhi “hehe” smiled.


The auction will continue.

Yin Zhi waited while eating.

The supper here is still very delicious.

Not long after, a string of “sapphire necklace” was taken out for shooting.

Yin Zhi thought for a while, and helped Dongfang Weixi take a picture—she saved herself money before, but now she is returning it to her.

The transaction price of 430 million yuan!

Gee tee, why is this money like waste paper?

After everything is over…

“I am going to kill you!”

“I am going to kill you!”

“Yin Zhi! Yin Zhi! I must kill you!”

“Kill you!”

He babbled all the way to the parking lot, trembling all over.

Just when he walked to the own vehicle…

Pong! !

A baseball bat hit him on the head.

Zhao Haolong fell straight to the ground, his hands and feet twitched twice.

Yin Zhi slipped out of the “subspace” and picked up a long box on his waist.

When I opened it, it turned out to be the straight back rusty knife inside.


“Prince Zhao, since you gave it to me so passionately, then I laughed at it!”

“Thank you!”

After speaking, Yin Zhi turned around.

Gentle stood not far away, with tears still hanging on her face.

Her Yuling is right next to her…

“Return the knife to Brother Long!”

“Even if I try my best, I will never let you take it away!”

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