Chapter 143 As long as the black pattern virus is successfully developed, it will change the world and make history!

Looking at the gentleness in front of him, Yin Zhi smiled disdainfully.

“I ask you a question.”


“Do you know how cheap you are?”

“If you don’t know…”

“No! There are so many cars here. You can find a car and take a look in the rearview mirror.”

“Look at how humble you look now.”

“Even if a dog is kicked by its owner, it will bite back.”

“You are worse than a dog!”

“If you want to commit a crime, go on by yourself. Don’t come to disgust me.”

After all, Yin Zhi directly “slides in the subspace”, disappearing without a trace.

Now, the maximum distance he can “glide” has reached more than 120 meters.

He slipped directly into Fujiwara Li’s car 80 meters away…

“do not go!”


“Return the knife to me!”

“Why? Why are you so vicious!”

There was a sharp voice of gentle crying, desperate and helpless, miserable.

Yin Zhi only thought she was pitiful and pathetic.

Other than that…

After waiting for a while, Fujiwara Li walked out of the elevator.

He got into the car and started it.

There was no one more person in the back seat of the dark car.

The car path is gentle around.

Fujiwara Kuri murmured, “This is a poor child.”

The car drove out of the underground parking lot.

It is almost a little early in the morning.

At this point, cities like “Watsonton” are also a little quieter.

However, passing through some intersections, the sound of riots and chaos can still be heard.

The harsh sound of police sirens came from the front, back, left, and right, almost in stereo surround.

Fujiwara Li cursed, “It’s really a bunch of barbarians.”

He directly hit his mother tongue.

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “That’s too right.”

He also speaks “Taihe Language”…


Why does Yin Zhi speak “Taihe Language”?

Learned in “Dream Space”!

Learn all kinds of knowledge and skills in the “Dream Space”, and the efficiency is surprisingly high!

No matter what it is, you will know it almost as soon as you learn it and understand it at the first thought.

Fujiwara Li said: “Right?”

He just replied, and he suddenly reacted to something and slammed on the brakes.

squeak! !

The tires rubbed against the ground and the car stopped abruptly.

Fujiwara Li turned his head.

“who are you……”

“It’s you?”

“Why are you in my car?”

He has recognized Yin Zhi.

Yin Zhi barked his teeth and smiled brilliantly.

“Dr. Fujiwara, good evening.”

“Don’t be nervous, I just take a ride.”

“You will definitely help me with this, won’t you?”

Fujiwara Kuri was speechless for a while.


Did you ride a ride like this?

Also, when did you get on the bus?

Damn it, I didn’t notice it at all!

“Where are you… planning to go?”

Taking into account that the other party is a very rich person, Fujiwara Li is very tolerant of Yin Zhi.

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “I’m going to’Central Park’.”

“central Park”?

I don’t go through “Central Park”.

Fujiwara Li sighed, muttered “Okay” twice, and turned the steering wheel.

On the way, the two of them chatted without a word…

“Central Park” is located in the city center of “Watsonton”.

It is said to be a “park”, but it is actually a mountainous and forested area in the city.

It covers a huge area, with mountains, waters and forests. It can be said to be a peculiar, even weird place!

Fujiwara Li drove into the “Central Park” under the guidance of Yin Zhi.

In the end, the car slowly stopped next to a huge red cedar tree.

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “Dr. Fujiwara, why don’t we come back and talk about the “black streak”.”

Fujiwara Li was shocked and immediately reacted.

“Mr. Yin, I think you must have misunderstood.”

“Everything circulating on the Internet is fake.”

“I don’t know what’black streak virus’.”

Yin Zhi pushed the door and got out of the car, supporting the window frame of the driver’s seat.


“That’s weird.”

“I personally watched you leave the’Phoenix Institute of Biology’ with a box containing the’Black Streak Virus Sample T’.”

“Black streak virus sample T”? !

How did he know!

Fujiwara Chestnut’s face changed suddenly, and the car rushed out as soon as he stepped on the accelerator.

Yin Zhi just watched the car ass disappear into the woods…

Inside the car.

Fujiwara Li clenched the steering wheel tightly.

“How would he know?”

“He can’t know!”

“Is there a spy in the institute?”

Suddenly, a person appeared in front of him.

Isn’t it Yoonji? !

Fujiwara Kuri subconsciously stepped on the brakes.

But as soon as there was a flash of light in his brain, he stepped on the accelerator to the end!

Looking at the vehicle coming towards me…

Yin Zhi raised his foot and pedaled towards the front of the car!

boom! !

A crash sounded.

The car with the most accelerator pedal was stopped by a kick.

The front of the car was even more sunken.

Fujiwara Kuri in the driver’s seat only felt that he had hit an impenetrable wall, not a person…

His head hit the steering wheel, and he felt dizzy.

Yin Zhi dragged Fujiwara Li from the car.

“I just want to chat with you.”

“You want to kill me.”

“Okay, then I will kill you too!”

With that, he tied Fujiwara Chestnut to a tree.

Immediately, Yin Zhi drove Fujiwara Li’s car, turned around and turned on the high beam.

He stepped on the brakes while stepping on the accelerator.

The engine made a “boom boom” sound, directly hitting the chest cavity and brain cavity.

At this moment, Fujiwara Li was terrified, and suddenly yelled.

“I said! No! I said!”


“I will tell you all!”

The car sprinted suddenly, and a drifting side stopped amid Fujiwara Kuri’s screams of fear.

The car door hits Fujiwara Li’s belly.

“Dr. Fujiwara, you should reduce your stomach when you have time.”

After joking, he smiled and said, “Let’s talk about it, I want to know everything about the’black streak virus’.”

Fujiwara Kuri panted in fear and began to talk…

It turns out that this “black streak virus” was really made by him!


Fujiwara Kuri only admitted that the “black pattern virus” was made by him, but he did not invent it!

“There is someone who gave me the original research materials and production process…”

“I just synthesized the’black streak virus’ according to the above formula and data!”

“Then I will give the finished product “Black Streak Virus” to that person.”

“To put it bluntly, I’m just a virus producer.”

“As for the others, it really has nothing to do with me, what I say is true!”

“please believe me!”

Yin Zhi smiled.

“Oh oh, you are very good at dumping the pot.”

“You made the virus.”

“It has nothing to do with you, who does it have to do with?”

“Say, who is that person!”

Fujiwara Li said, “I don’t know.”

Yin Zhi frowned: “I don’t know?”

“I really don’t know! Really!”

“Every time he takes the initiative to contact me. Then I bring virus samples and research materials and put them in the designated place.”

“I have never had direct contact with him.”

The way Yin Zhi looked at him didn’t seem to be lying…

“last question.”

“I’m curious, how much did he give you?”

“You actually made a highly contagious’black streak virus’ for someone you didn’t know.”

Fujiwara Chestnut cheeks are inexplicably excited.

“No, he didn’t give me money!”

“All this is my voluntary!”

“The person who developed the’Black Streak Virus’ is simply a genius!”

“Did you know? As long as the’Black Streak Virus’ is successfully developed, it will completely change the world and make history!”

“It is a great honor for me to be able to participate in the production of’Black Streak Virus’!”

At this moment, there was light in his eyes…

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