Chapter 147 Off-campus activities: visit the Odin Mela History Museum!

Next, I spent a week of peaceful campus study Life…

During this period.

The proponent of “Photon Harmony Theory”!

The world-famous “Dr. Estan”!

Two classes were specially given to all “exchange students”.

The first class is a theory class.

The second class is a practical class.

It’s amazing.

He even unreservedly taught his “photon harmony theory” to everyone!

Shouldn’t this be a “state secret”?

It was taught to a group of “foreigners”, is it really okay?

There is no fraud here, right?

Even though I think so, when “Dr. Estan” is teaching, everyone listens seriously!

Isn’t the purpose of the “exchange students” coming to “Haward” to learn the “photon harmony theory”?

In practice class…

In order for everyone to apply what they have learned, “Dr. Estan” even brought five “garbage crystals” for everyone to practice.

This excites everyone.

Don’t look at it as a “garbage crystal”, and you can’t get it casually.

Five crystal monks are more than porridge.

They selected practitioners by means of lottery.

Yin Zhi was out of luck and didn’t catch it.

The five lucky ones tried to extract Yuling using the “photon harmony and resonance method”.

In the end, three of them successfully pulled out Yuling.

Among them, the lucky one, Xu Jiujiu, used the “garbage crystal” to draw out a rare “Elite Nine Star” Yuling!

But she was so happy that she was jumping around, and she was not afraid of breaking the ceiling…

At this time, everyone is excited about it!

“Photon Harmony Theory” is so magical! ?

Yin Zhi probably had no feelings about the “photon harmony theory” because of “the female emperor”.

But I am also amazed by the “photon harmony theory”!

Although this “photon harmony resonance method” is difficult to learn and difficult to master.

But it seems that as long as you really master it, the success rate of Ascension’s “pumping Yuling” can be greatly increased!

Even, the success rate of using low-level crystals to extract high-level Yuling is greatly increased.

It’s not hard to imagine.

Once the “photon harmony resonance method” is promoted.

The “Gu Lingzhe” of “Endless Universe Sea” will blow out in general!

Thinking about it, Yin Zhi’s mind suddenly flashed.


“How do I feel…”

“This’photon harmony resonance method’ is complementary to Teacher Zhuang’s’Rhythm Coherence Theory’?”

Yin Zhi’s learning ability has been exercised by the “Dream Space”.

Comparing the theories of Dr. Estein and Teacher Zhuang Mo, I immediately found some clues.

Just as a low-key person, Yin Zhi did not ask Dr. Estan on the spot.

He decided to look back and find another chance to ask him for advice.

On this day, the school bell just rang.

Elizabeth Anna, with long blond legs and long legs, walked into the classroom just after the teacher left.

Seeing her, Yin Zhi who was sitting in the corner curled his lips.

Because of his previous life experience, he even owes a bit of favor to the betrayers!

How about this woman who is beautiful?

In his eyes, it was nothing more than an ugly skin!

“Dear students, please listen to me.”

“Tomorrow we will not have class, but will have an off-campus activity.”

“The content is to visit the’Odin Mela History Museum’.”

“So, all students…”

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded, interrupting Elizabeth Anna.

“Old pig…ah, no, teacher!”

Who can talk like this, except for Yin Zhi?

“I am not interested in visiting the’Odin Mela History Museum’ at all.”

“So I can’t apply.”

Elizabeth Anna glanced at him, then scanned everyone in the classroom.

“This visit will be included in the final assessment results of your exchange studies.”

“Haward will not be held responsible for the series of consequences caused by the refusal to participate.”

“So please take it seriously, everyone.”

“Tomorrow at eight o’clock in the morning, we will gather at the school gate.”

“Classmates, punctuality is an excellent quality that both gentlemen and ladies must have.”

After speaking, she twisted her waist and hips that made the boy’s heart beat faster and left.

Yin Zhi also stared at her waist and hips, and a vicious thought came out of his heart.

“I really want to kick on it!”

Visit the “Odin Merah History Museum”?

It means a fart!

I’m busy with important things!

A week passed.

The task of “investigating black streaked disease” has made no progress so far.

Halfway through, he went to the “Phoenix Institute of Biology” again.

However, Fujiwara Kuri was not found.

I caught a researcher for questioning, only to realize that he had something suddenly happened and he had asked for leave to return to China…

Back home?

I can’t go to the “Taihe Island Country” to find him!

Right now, Yin Zhi was naturally anxious.

But he also knew that he couldn’t be anxious.

In fact, he is not without investigation clues.

But “that clue” is too troublesome to investigate!

For a while, Yin Zhi hadn’t made up his mind.

He is going to take a look in a few days.

If there is really no progress.

You can only investigate according to “that clue”!

at the moment……

What to visit “Odin Mela History Museum”.

He really doesn’t want to go!

I haven’t learned the history of “True Dragon Kingdom” yet.

How can any extra brain cells wasted in the history of your “Odin Merah”?

But I think of the assessment results of this exchange study.

Still go?

In case this assessment result is related to any follow-up activities.

And because he was disqualified because of his unqualified examination results, he was depressed.

“Sacred Heart University” is my favorite to play this set!

No words for a night.

The next day.

Yin Zhi stepped on the dot and came to the school gate.

“Hey, buddy! How are you?”

“This time I became your driver again.”

“I hope we won’t be attacked by eggs this time. Hahaha!”

This hearty voice is exactly “Rocket Head” Jonathan.

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “Maybe it’s not an egg, but a rocket!”

Jonathan said: “Haha, no matter what the bullet, my big baby can withstand it!”

Elizabeth Anna was sitting in the passenger seat of the campus bus.

“It’s all here.”

“Go, big bald head.”

At this time, someone asked: “Teacher Anna, isn’t Teacher Dongfang going?”

“She feels a little uncomfortable.”

“So sorry to be absent.”

“She is not here, can’t you enjoy today’s holiday more happily?”

Some people love to listen to these words.

The East is not beautiful but beautiful, but it’s too cold.

Elizabeth Anna, who is still warm and beautiful, is more pleasing.

So, the bus went straight to the “Odin Mela History Museum”…

After a while.

A tall figure walked out from the gate of “Howard College”.

She wears a hat, sunglasses, and a coat…

The whole person is like being wrapped in a cover!

If it weren’t for her bulging and high breasts, she would hardly be able to distinguish between men and women.

She hired a taxi.

“Where to go?”

“Odin Mela History Museum.”

Hearing this voice, the driver trembled involuntarily.

Why is it so cold?

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