Chapter 148 In order to defend the dignity of the “Odin Merah”, revenge!

Who is this person wrapped in the case?

Even saying a word makes others tremble…

Besides Dongfang Weixi, who else can there be?

Why did he go to the “Oding Mela History Museum”?

It’s very simple, she is going to get revenge!

Is her Dongfang Weixi bully?


It has never been!

This time, she can be said to have been bullied miserably!

How miserable is it?

The innocent body for more than 30 years is gone…


Does she hate it?


Since you hate, naturally you must have revenge!

Blood for blood, tooth for tooth!

Yin Zhi knows nothing about this.

He was joking with Mu Pingting, and he used Xu Jiujiu to get rid of him every day.

Just in time.

The campus bus passed by a group of demonstrators shouting “We want freedom”.

“Speaking of…”

Mu Pingting looked at the demonstrators outside, and suddenly changed the subject.

“This country is really amazing.”

“To be honest, I even admire’Odin Merah.'”

Standing in the back seat, Xu Jiujiu’s chest was pressed against the seat back.

Because she is too young and peaceful, there is no pressure for her…

When she heard this, she couldn’t help screaming.

“No? Sister Mu!”

“This country?”

“Do you still admire it?”

Since Mu Pingting would say that, she naturally has her thoughts and reason…

“You think.”

“This country is messed up and down like this.”

“What kind of infectious disease? The’heads of state compete for posts,’ and there is discrimination based on skin color and ethnicity, and so on.”

“A bunch of problems got together and broke out, but this country hasn’t completely collapsed.”

“I even saw a weird order in these chaos…”

“Look, the parade of the parade, the go to work, the go shopping.”

“Also, let’s go to visit the’Oding Mela History Museum’ now. Isn’t it just a tourist sight!”

“I really don’t know what is supporting this country.”

Xu Jiujiu was dumbfounded.

“When you say that, you really are…”

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “I know what it is.”

Xu Jiujiu immediately stared in his eyes.

“Wow! As expected of the squad leader.”

“Say quickly.”

“I’m curious.”

Yin Zhi asked, “Are you rich?”


“No eh.”

“Sir, can you give me something?”

Yin Zhi rolled his eyes.

“You think it’s pretty.”

“Even if I have a lot of money, why do I give it?”

“Isn’t it fragrant to donate something to do good deeds?”

Xu Jiujiu pouted suddenly.

In my heart?

It was screaming frantically.

“I’m furious!”

“Huh, who cares about your three melons and dates!”

“When I stab you to death, my old lady can make money that I can’t spend a lifetime!”

“You wait for me.”

Crazed in my heart, I heard Mu Pingting’s voice.

“Yinzhi, you mean…”


“Is the money supporting this country?”

Yin Zhi smiled “hehe”.

“But it’s not money?”

“Believe it or not, those marchers outside.”

“Most of the backbone members have capital bosses behind them!”

“After all, the riots in this country are all capital bosses fighting.”

“As long as the really rich people in this country don’t collapse.”

“No matter how chaotic this country is, it won’t fall.”

Xu Jiujiu immediately stared at Venus and said, “Wow, sir, you know that, I admire you too much.”

Mu Pingting also cast an admiring look at Yin Zhi.

Yin Zhi “haha” smiled.

He also used “touch the head to kill” to destroy Xu Jiujiu’s hairstyle.

“low profile!”

Mu Pingting smiled, suddenly her heart moved…

“How do you feel like being watched?”

Is Mu Pingting’s feeling an illusion?

Not really!

Because someone is really looking down on their campus bus to the “Oding Mela History Museum”.

There are four people!

Three men and one woman!

They are standing on the top of a tall building on the left.

“He, in that car!”

“Guys, are you ready?”

“They will arrive at the’Museum’ soon.”

“Before, our’Odin Mela’ face was lost.”

“This time, we want to get back the lost face.”

It was a person who was covered in metal armor.

His voice sounded like it was electronically synthesized.

The metal armor, alternating between red and silver, has a very beautiful human form, and the muscle lines are clearly visible.

“Know? Guys!”

“I can not wait any more!”

“I want to use my sledgehammer to smash him into flesh!”

“Hiccup…this’Blackland’ is really great.”

“Captain, you should really have a bite.”

This is a short and strong blond man.

Half of his face was covered with beard. .

On his shoulders was a large dark silver hammer that was square and square.

The other hand is holding a bottle of wine.


“Alcohol will affect my combat effectiveness!”

“Tor, I also suggest you stop injecting alcohol.”

The speaker wears a half-face helmet, which covers only the upper part of the head and face.

Wearing a blue tights, the muscle lines are perfectly outlined.

A circular shield hung from his arm.

In the sun, the shield shone with a faint golden light.

Thor “haha” said: “No, no, alcohol makes me stronger!”

The remaining woman has an unusually hot body!

In particular, she is also wearing a pure black tights with a snake-like pattern on it.

Behind her was a bow and a pot of arrows, which were obviously her weapons.


Her face was a little sorry for her figure.

Although it’s not ugly, it’s just not ugly.

“Promise me, gentlemen.”

“Finally, I must shoot him to death!”


With that, she licked her lips, looking hungry and thirsty.

The metal mecha humane: “No problem.”

The sledgehammer man “haha” smiled and said, “Since he is a man, I will let you shoot.”

Shield male said: “As long as I can get rid of him, I don’t mind.”

The archer girl smiled and said: “It’s really unexpected, the’Captain Patriotic’ actually wants to kill someone.”

Shield male: “The great’Odin Merah’ will not allow anyone to be defiled-that’s why he deserves to die.”

Metal Mecha humane: “That’s why we are here.”

The sledgehammer said: “Haha, let’s go, let’s go, let us act!”

In a blink of an eye, they disappeared…

who are they?

“Odin Mela Country” is a household name “Heroes and Spirits”!

The so-called “hero warrior” is the nemesis of evil and the partner of justice!

They are……

The “Mecha Man” wearing the “Twilight Armor”!

“Dwarf Thor” wielding “Doomsday Warhammer”!

The “Patriotic Captain” holding the “Patriot Shield”!

as well as……

Archery Transcendent’s “Dark Elf”!

They are all the top ten existences in the “Heroes and Spirits Popularity List”…

Usually, these “heroes” act alone.

But this time!

The four of them formed a temporary alliance.

For what?

Revenge against Yin Zhi!

Everything is to defend the dignity of “Odin Merah”!

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