Chapter 150 Trash is not allowed in my theme pavilion! Time to clean up!




The two men and one woman were shocked by Yin Zhi’s “Not cheap”.


Gao Junnan reacted first.

“Are you sick?!”

“I can’t say you!”

“With your qualities, you are embarrassed to be thrown abroad!”

“Ashamed. What the hell.”

“let’s go!”

Am I ashamed?


Yin Zhi sneered.

“Don’t rush away!”

“If the gong is not struck, it won’t sound. It’s unclear if you don’t argue.”

“Let’s talk about it.”

The short handsome man said: “There is nothing to say to a person like you with no quality.”

Yin Zhi nodded.

“Don’t move your mouth, right?”


“Stop talking, let’s do it.”

Gao Junnan sneered-the disdain seemed to come out of his bones.

“Do it?”

“Hehe, when are we scared?”

“Boy, I noticed that you have a big tone. Do you know who we are?”

Yin Zhi pointed to own face and asked, “Then do you know who I am?”

Gao Junnan smiled “ha”.

“Do I need to know who you are?”

My dad is an official in Xinjiang!

My grandpa’s relationship goes straight to the capital!

Who do you think you are?

I need to know who you are!

It’s really boring.

Bringing a big star who just got started to go abroad to play, unexpectedly met such a bad person.

What a disappointment!

He gave a “ha” smile, and Yin Zhi also gave a “ha” smile.

“Yes! You don’t need to know who I am.”

“Then I will introduce myself who I am.”

The short handsome man interrupted Yin Zhi.

“No need!”

“I’m not interested in who you are at all.”

“Brother Jiang, let’s go.”

“It’s really bad luck! Encountered a crazy!”

Snapped! !

When Yin Zhi went up, he slapped people down.

“God f*ck’s menstrual illness.”

“F*ck only gave birth to your nasty brain damage when he had a menstrual illness.”

Gao Junnan was taken aback, followed by a rage.

“What are you looking for?”

Yin Zhi slapped his backhand and fell to the ground.

“I’m looking for your mother!”

The fashionable beauty suddenly shouted: “Help! Hit someone!”

Yin Zhi shouted: “It’s so noisy! I’ll even hit you!”

The fashionable beauty shuts her mouth when she is scared.

“See? Guys.”

“I just said it.”

“Whoever loses the face of our’True Dragon Kingdom’ will be beaten by myself.”

A group of “Sacred Heart Students” are full of weird hearts…

Gao Junnan stood up.

“You are dead!”

“You are dead!”

“I must kill you!”

Yin Zhi waved his hand.

“I’ll talk about this later.”

“Let’s talk about reason first.”

“Did those foreigners scold me first?”

“When they scolded me, they didn’t see you talking.”

“When I scolded it back, you jumped out and said that I had no quality? You said that I corrupted the image of the’True Dragon Kingdom’.”

“Come on! Tell me what’s the truth?”

At this time, the security guard of the museum ran over.

Yin Zhichong pointed at them, staring and shouting: “It’s nothing with you! Fuck off!”

A burst of thunder stunned them all.

Gao Junnan stared at Yin Zhi fiercely.

The short handsome man also got up, yelled “kill you”, and was slapped down by Yin Zhi again.

“Speak? Dumb!”

“I deserve to be scolded, I deserve to be insulted, and I can’t answer back, right?”

“As long as you have quality, as long as you are educated!”

“I’m telling you, you are not called qualified, not educated!”

“If you don’t say anything, it’s just’my shit’ at most.”

“But it’s good for you to teach me the other way around?”

“what is this?”

“Just one word: cheap! Two words: guilty! Three words: very cheap!”

The fashionable beauty hugged Gao Junnan’s arm and said, “Brother Jiang, let’s go.”

This man is simply crazy, like a mad dog!

The “Brother Jiang” stared at Yin Zhi, his whole body trembling with anger.

“Say I’m ashamed? Say I corrupt the image of’True Dragon Kingdom’?”

“It is you who are ashamed!”

“You are the one who corrupted the image of the’True Dragon Kingdom’!”

“It’s what you call quality, so that others feel that we are weak and bully!”

“Two big men!”

“What about bloody? It’s all against my compatriot, right?”

“There is a kind of you rush to foreigners! A bunch of cheap bones!”

At this moment, the short handsome man got up again.

He mumbled “You’re dead, you’re dead”, took out the communicator and dialed the number.

“Do you dare to hit me? You are dead!”

“Do you know who my dad is? My dad is the leader of the’Red Dragon Club’!”

“Blind your dog’s eyes!!”

“I tell you, don’t want to leave’Odin Mela’ alive!”

When he got through the phone, Yin Zhi grabbed his communicator and kicked him flying.


“You’re that cheap daddy, aren’t you?”

“The child does not teach, the father too!”

“Since you can’t teach well, I will help you teach him.”

“What? You ask who am I?”

“My name is Yin Zhi!”

“If I don’t know me, I will search the Internet for’baseball bat beats Oding Mela’!”

“If you want to avenge me, I will accompany you at any time!”

“I beat the’Odin Mela people’ hard, and I won’t be merciless when I beat my compatriots!”

“To give birth to such a cheap bone son, I even want to beat you up!”

After speaking, he cut off the communication.

“And you two!”

“I will check you up after I return to my country.”

“Look at what your family background is.”

“I also want to ask your family members face to face how they raised their children.”

Gao Junnan looked at Yin Zhi and said, “Are you… the lord of ‘Emperor Qingyan’?”

Yin Zhi said, “Oh, do you know me now?”

Gao Junnan gritted his teeth secretly and spoke.

“Just… it was our fault, I… apologize to you…”

Yin Zhi waved his hand.

“No need!”

“It’s like I’m bullying others!”

“I have always been reasoning with you.”

“Don’t let me see you guilty again, otherwise I will see you and fight once!”

After speaking, he left the three people behind and turned to look at the narrator.

“Where did you just say? Go on! Let’s listen.”

Narrator: “…”

She really wanted to quit!

I took a deep breath and wanted to continue the explanation, but my brain was in a mess, and I couldn’t remember what I said before.

Just change the place!

“The next thing we are going to visit is the’Captain Patriotic Theme Pavilion’, please follow me!”

“‘Captain Patriotic’ is the only historical hero who has survived so far!”

“He was in the world war a hundred years ago…”

Everyone followed the commentator to the “Captain Patriotic Theme Pavilion”!

Yin Zhi stood in front of the statue of “Patriotic Captain”, “Tsk Tsk” in admiration.

The pectoral muscles are too developed, right?

“Xiao Jiujiu, look, his pectoral muscles are bigger than you.”

Xu Jiujiu’s face was black, and he wanted to sip Yin Zhi, suddenly his eyes stared.

“Live… live pectoral muscles… no, live’patriotic captain’…”

“What did you say?”

Yin Zhi was puzzled.

Follow her gaze and look to her left side.

Sure enough, he saw a man with abnormally developed chest muscles standing beside him.

Isn’t that image exactly the same as the statue of “Captain Patriotic”?


“Captain Patriotic” greeted Yin Zhi with a smile on his face.

Then he shot without warning, “Patriot Buckler” made a half circle and hit Yin Zhi’s chest.

Pong! !

There was a knock on the gong.

Yin Zhi was hit and flew straight out, smashed the window glass directly, and flew out…

This incident shocked everyone else.

The narrator was suddenly surprised: “God! Patriotic Captain! Are you?!”

“Captain Patriotic” smiled, showing white teeth.

“No rubbish is allowed in my theme pavilion! No rubbish is allowed in my country!”

“Now, it’s time to clean up!”

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