Chapter 151 I’m Back from The Underworld! The head let me say: go to f*ck!

Two men and a woman walked out of the “Odin Merah History Museum”.

“Damn it!”


“I can’t swallow this breath!”

“Brother Jiang, I won’t just leave it alone!”

“How about he is the lord of the’Emperor Qingyan’?!”

“This is’Odin Mela’! Not in China!”

“He will soon know how powerful the Red Dragon Society is!”

The short handsome man gritted his teeth and cursed.

Listening to his tone, he was determined to take Yin Zhi.

To put in one’s eyes, Yin Zhi, the “Emperor Qingyan”, is not at all.

Where does his confidence come from?

Just from the “Red Dragon Society” is the largest “True Dragon Group” in the entire “Odin Merah”!

The “True Dragon Man” who wants to discuss Life in the “Odin Merah”…

Six of the ten people are more or less related to the “Red Dragon Society”!

It seems that the “Red Dragon Society” helped the “True Dragon Man” establish a foothold in this foreign country.


Collect protection fees…

Forcing the good to be a prostitute…


The “Red Dragon Society” has achieved today’s wealth by squeezing and sucking the grease of compatriots and compatriots!

And money and power nourish a deformed pride.

In the bones of the short handsome man, the concept of “I am better than other’true dragons'” has been formed!

Only officials like “Brother Jiang” are qualified to enter the eyes of his law.

What about the other “true dragons”?

In his eyes, they are livestock, slaves, and untouchables!

Today, a pariah dared to slap him in the face?

Is it tolerable or unbearable!

Gao Junnan didn’t say a word for the cruel words of the short handsome man.

Although he hates Yin Zhi…

But he is not the same as a short handsome man!

Although the short handsome man is still the “True Dragon Nationality”, there is only one nationality still related to the “True Dragon Kingdom”.

But he is different!

He just came to travel and relax.

After traveling and relaxing, he still wants to return to the “True Dragon Kingdom”.

So he has scruples!

Once Yin Zhi stabs today’s matter back to China, his future will be over…

This is really not an exaggeration!

His future is in the hands of the older generation.

And the older generation is the most bloody and backbone!

Once they heard that they were on the side of foreigners in “Oding Mela”.

He would never want to eat institutional food anymore.

At this time he even thought: “Am I really not bloody? I have no spine?”

In other words…

Is he so afraid of Yoonji?


After all, Yin Zhi is the cruel man who sent the “Bai Family Young Master” to prison!

Seeing “Brother Jiang” look gloomy, the fashionable beauty uttered relief.

“Brother Jiang, calm down.”

“Don’t be in a bad mood because of a mental illness.”

“He is so arrogant and rude, someone will come to clean him up sooner or later.”

The words of this fashionable beauty just fell…

Clang! !

There was a sound of broken glass.

The trio subconsciously followed the prestige.

I saw a man smashing the window and flying out, falling to the ground.

Take a closer look, isn’t it the guy just now? !

The short handsome man was taken aback first, and then he was overjoyed.

“Ha ha!”

“Miss Zhao, your mouth is open, right?”

“What you say is what you say!”

Just in time, a “haha” laughter sounded deafeningly.

“Taste my ‘crazy thunder trembling’!”

A short and stout figure entwined by an electric snake fell from the sky, falling like a meteorite to the ground.

Boom! ! !

The huge hammer hit the ground, and the ground shook and shattered.

It turned out to be a ten second-level earthquake!

At the same time, violent electric snakes danced wildly, wandering around and raging everywhere.

The two men and the woman backed back in shock.

They see clearly…

That hammer originally hit Yin Zhi!

But Yin Zhixiang rolled around twice and avoided.

Otherwise, if you are smashed upright, you will definitely be smashed into a pool of flesh!

“Damn, what a pity!”

The short handsome man regretted it-he was expecting a foreigner to smash his own compatriot to death!


Yin Zhi escaped the hammer and was not smashed to death.

But it was bounced into the sky by the counter-shock force of the ground.

Moreover, the raging electric snake thunder eel was still entwining him, destroying his body.

Just in time!

A jet black straight arrow shot obliquely from the air.

The mud splattered with scattered turf.

“Sorry, guys.”

“As the head of security for’Haward’.”

“I can’t let you kill him.”

It was Jonathan who fell on the ground alone!

This is pretty magical again…

Yin Zhi’s compatriots are looking forward to his death.

In the end, it was an “Odin Mela” who saved Yin Zhi’s life.

The “Mecha Man” stood up.


“Look at what you did?”

“You beat your own compatriot for a foreigner!”

There was an anger in the voice!

“Dwarf Thor” swept the sledgehammer in his hand twice.


“Believe it or not I can smash your head into your chest.”

“If you don’t want to, please go away!”

“Captain Patriotic” came to Jonathan in a long jump.

“It’s time for house cleaning.”

“Please don’t stop us from cleaning up the garbage.”


Jonathan spread his hands.

“So, you changed jobs from heroes to criminals…”


“And I, a criminal in the past, have to act as a hero to save others today.”

“Haha, this is really interesting.”

Yes, Jonathan was once the number one thug of a certain criminal group.

Once dealt with these “heroes and spirits”-they were sent to prison.

After serving his sentence, Jonathan, who was unemployed, was hired by “Haward” and became the head of security.

“Captain Patriotic” put on a fighting pose.

“Patriot Shield” faced Jonathan.

“All this is for the dignity of this country!”

“If you stop me.”

“Then I can only beat you up again. Until I fall.”

At this time…

The cyan flame containing the terrifying high temperature was released.

“Emperor Qingyan” stepped out of the “summoning circle”.

Immediately, the blazing blue flame ignited from Yin Zhi’s body and turned into a Phoenix, lifting Yin Zhi…

Yin Zhi opened his eyes and pulled out the black arrow stuck in his chest.

This black arrow can actually withstand the blue flames, it’s not a common product!

In the blazing flames, Yin Zhi threw the black arrow to the ground, with a grinning smile on his face.

“I’m back from The Underworld! The head of that asked me to say: go to f*ck!”

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