Chapter 152 Are you ready? I am going to start my performance!

“Phoenix Nirvana” has been used…

Obviously, Yin Zhi was not joking.

He really went to The Underworld.

Of course, this is just a rhetoric. How can there be The Underworld in the world?

To put it bluntly: Yin Zhi died once!

There is deadly toxin on that black arrow!

The center of the arrow is next to the heart.

So, Yin Zhi died…

Fortunately in misfortune!

Jonathan bought him time to summon Yuling.

Even if it was only a few seconds, it saved Yin Zhi’s life!

The “revenge team” was not surprised at Yin Zhi’s resurrection from death.

Since they decided to take revenge on Yin Zhi, they naturally did their homework.

So, why didn’t you know that the “Emperor Qingyan” had the “Phoenix Nirvana” skill to bring the Lord back to life?

This is why, even if Yin Zhi hit the black arrow, the “revenge team” still attacked him.

“Yinzhi, how are you?”

Mu Pingting rushed over.

Yin Zhi smirked at her.

“I’m fine, very good.”

“Pingting, stay away a little bit.”

“I’m afraid that the fight will affect you later.”

“Qing Yan attacked indiscriminately.”

Mu Pingting was silent.

She had to face the fact: “With own strength, it seems that Yin Zhi can’t be protected at all.”

“Mecha Man”!

“Dwarf Thor”!

“Captain Patriotic”!

“Black Elf”!

These are all powerful and well-known “spiritualists” in the “Odin Merah Country”.

He and he are not in the same class at all.

“Then you… be careful yourself.”

She knew that she didn’t even have the qualifications to be strong.

Yin Zhi waved at her.

“Jonathan, thank you so much just now.”

“You saved my life.”

“But next, it’s time for me to perform.”

“You can’t steal my limelight.”

Jonathan was taken aback, then raised his hands.

“Alright alright!”

“To be honest, I don’t want to fight him either.”

“The feeling of being beaten twice by the same gang is really bad when you think about it.”

“Ha ha!”

Laughing, Jonathan patted his bare, pointed head and left.

Yin Zhi drew the summoning circle with one hand, summoned the “Female Emperor in White”, and took the “Zhulong Sword” with the other.

He looked at the “revenge squad” in front of him.

“Now, should it come to me?”

“Dwarf Thor” roared: “I will smash you into flesh.”

He was about to attack, when Yin Zhi suddenly yelled “Wait a minute”, and then pointed to the left.

“Obviously they set up the seats.”

It turned out that at this moment, a group of media reporters had already arrived outside the wall of the “Oding Mela History Museum”.

The camera lens of the long guns and short guns is facing this side.

At the same time, there are drones and helicopters in the sky, and there are also photographic lenses on them.

It seems that this is going to be broadcast live!

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “Couldn’t you call these people?”

“Mecha Man” said: “I know you like to be famous. So, I am very happy to help you be famous.”

“Ha ha!”

“you’re right!”

“I like being famous very much!”

At this time, the “Emperor in White” pierced Yin Zhi’s body with one needle.

It is “A hundred poison does not invade the needle”!

“Dark Elf” yelled, “Stop him!”

She shoots arrows so fast that it is hard to see with the naked eye.

Without seeing how her hand moved, a black arrow turned into a sharp black light and shot out.

At the same time, the “patriotic captain” also moved.

Seeing his sturdy arm muscles agitated, the “Patriot Buckler” was thrown out by him.

It is the “Patriot Throwing” skill of “Patriot Shield”!

The speed of the shield flying is not slower than the black arrow.

Yin Zhi escaped the black arrow, but was hit by the “Patriot Buckler”.

With another “pong” sound, Yin Zhi was knocked out.

A “statue of a historical hero in Odin Mela” was hit by a fan.

“Dwarf Thor” yelled loudly: “Try my’flood wave’ again!”

Every skill of “Doomsday Warhammer” is a catastrophe that once brought doomsday to the world.

This is an “artifact” with a rarity of “four-star mythology”!

He rushed over, holding the “Doomsday Hammer”, roaring to the sky, sweeping with all his strength.

In an instant, a turbulent flood came out of the “Doomsday Warhammer”.

The great flood rose to the sky, and then fell suddenly, like a furious beast, drowning Yin Zhi in one mouthful.

The surrounding “hero sculptures” were suddenly overwhelmed by a large area…

The flood was condensed as it was under control, whirled like a tornado!

not far away……

The live media are noisy.

“It started! Why not wait?”

“Fuck! What’s the matter, please plug in the plug quickly! I’ll fuck if I don’t plug it in quickly!”

“It’s all right! I’m all right here!”

“Perfect! The signal is normal! Let’s live stream the battle of revenge!”

Ever since, the “revenge war” that took place in the “Odin Mela History Museum” was broadcast live to every household through the web.

A certain child waved his fist excitedly.

“Come on, Captain Patriotic! You are the best! The Patriots are invincible! Kill the bad guys!”

A bearded man holding a shotgun took a sip of wine and roared.

“Fuck him! Thor! Let him taste how hard the Doomsday Hammer is!”

A certain couple was hugging each other, and the man kissed the woman hard.

“Look, my dear! I said, justice will be late, but it will never be absent!”

A group of rich people gathered around a table, raising their wine glasses, all smiling.

“‘Father’ shelters’Odin Mela’! Let’s do this cup! Celebrate the upcoming victory!”

A young man who was hit by Yin Zhi with a baseball bat is still lying in the hospital.

“Kill him! Kill him! Kill him for me! Kill the crap!!”

As a result, as soon as he was excited, he fainted, and foamed at the mouth while lying on the hospital bed.

at the scene……

“Mecha Man” displayed another skill “Swarm Missile”!

The dense miniature missiles flew out like a swarm of bees, drilling into the waterspout.

As they exploded together, the twisting waterspout was shattered and splashed!

There was even a cloud of mist.

Under the sunlight, a rainbow was born, which was extremely magnificent.

far away.

Two men and a woman looked far away with their toes on their toes.

The short handsome man laughed triumphantly.

“Hey, Brother Jiang, just watch! That kid is dead!”

“Do you know why?”

“Those four people are all famous and powerful Transcendent’s’Spirit Heroes’!”

“Each of them’s Yuling is’mythical grade’.”

“What if there is a’Female Emperor Qingyan’?”

Gao Junnan frowned slightly.

He certainly hates Yin Zhi!

But he was also quite unhappy with what the four “patriotic captains” did.

at the same time.

Mu Pingting, Xu Jiujiu and others also watched the battle outside in the “History Museum”.

Needless to say, Zhao Haolong, he is now seeking all the gods and Buddhas all over the sky.

I just hope that they will show their spirits and let Yin Zhi die soon!

“Gentle, you also pray in my heart for me. Pray that he will be killed!”

Nodded softly.

“I see, Long Brother…”

If you are cheap, you can be holy.

That gentleness can definitely be regarded as a “low saint”!

At this moment, no one noticed that Elizabeth Anna smiled happily.

In fact, all of this was planned by her…

But at this moment, a loud cry came over, but her smile froze.

“Are all the seats ready? If you are ready, then I’m going to start my performance!”

This voice not only made Elizabeth Anna’s expression froze.

Many people have stiff expressions because of this voice…

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