Chapter 153 What happened? what happened? Who will tell me why? !

Yin Zhi walked out of the mist…

His fingers were sliding in the air, and the fingertips glowed with silver luster.

“The Empress in White” has finished her job and retired!

Her role is to give Yin Zhi three shots to increase the effect.

Why not get more shots?

There will be conflicts if you hit too much “medicine”!

Three shots are the safest.

Otherwise, Yin Zhi doesn’t mind putting all the “buff effect shots” that can be applied!

Anyway, he is used to playing now.

“Machine Empress” walked out of the summoning circle.

“Master, the pilot is waiting for your instructions!”

Yin Zhi was very comfortable every time the greetings of “Machine Empress” appeared.

The kind of comfort that is in the bones!

Up to now, the “intimacy” with the “Machine Empress” has reached 66 points…

It is the highest among all the “female emperors”!

If it weren’t for the “Emperor Qingyan” to have extraordinary significance to Yin Zhi, he would definitely prefer “Ji Niang”.

Yin Zhi lifted the “Zhuxianjian” and slowly pointed to the four “revenge squad”.

“Don’t waste everyone’s time.”

“Let’s go together!”

“But you can rest assured that I will not kill you.”

“You have to live!”

“Live and taste the taste of failure.”

“Live and savor the taste of being cast aside by those who admire you.”

“That’s interesting, isn’t it?”

In an instant, Yin Zhi received four “didi” sounds.

Income 1.3 million…

Tsk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tuts

“Dwarf Thor” was already grumpy, and now half drunk and slightly drunk, how could he stand Yin Zhi’s teasing?

“You stand still!”

“Since he wants to be beaten.”

“Then I will satisfy him with the’Hammer of Doom’!”

“Dwarf Thor” growled.

The “Hammer of Doom” was lifted high, and a raging fire ignited in an instant.

“Let me see if your cyan flame is so powerful…”

“It’s still my’flaming of the sky’!”

The “Scourge Fire Rain” of the “Doomsday Warhammer” skill!

In an instant, clusters of flaming meteors fell from the sky, smashing into the area where Yin Zhi was located at an extremely fast speed.



Boom boom boom!

Yin Zhi was instantly overwhelmed by the so-called “Sky Fire” that fell from the sky…

The flame was really strong, and some “hero statues” carved from metals melted into molten iron on the spot.


“Burn you bastard!”

Suddenly, a light and shadow of blue flame passed through the “fire rain of natural disasters” and rose into the sky!

A voice echoed in the sky.

“You have fire falling from the sky!”

“I have it too!”

“Look at the sword!”

Qingyan·Sword·Dragon Nine Tribulations Sword, give it to me——

The “Zhu Xian Sword” stabs the ground, and the fire dragon formed by the condensation of nine green flames swoops down.

Green scorching hot!

Long Wei Sheng extremely!

The combination of the two, the power and power, the Kowloon out, it is better that the whole sky has collapsed.

Feeling the crisis falling from the sky, “Dwarf Thor” had two big eyes with staring eyes.

“Captain Patriotic” shouted: “Tor!”

As soon as he shouted, the others also came out.

As soon as the majestic figure flashed, he had already arrived in front of Thor and raised the “Patriot Buckler.”

“Patriot Guardian” of the “Patriot Buckler” skill, activate!


Defend against all attacks!

“Dragon Nine Tribulations Sword” drowned the two in an instant…

The raging Qingyan is full of scorched earth!

If you look closely, you may even see crystals on the scorched earth-this is the direct burning of glass!

Suddenly there was a sweet sound.

The “Dark Elf” is doing it!

I saw her right hand and bowstring disappeared.

But there were jets of dark and sharp rays of light shining towards Yin Zhi.

The skill of “Broken the Demon Black Arrow” is “A Thousand Arrows”!

In almost an instant, her “ammunition” was shot out by her.

The attack at this time is undoubtedly stuck with Yin Zhixuan in the sky, can’t hide it?

It’s a pity that her Ruyi Scepter abacus is empty!

Yin Zhi appeared behind the “Dark Elf” in a “subspace gliding”.

He kicked out, hit the “Dark Elf” butt, and kicked her out.


“This kick feels pretty good.”

“There is an urge to kick again.”

Thinking like this, Yin Zhi turned his head to one side.

This action allowed him to escape the fist that the “Mecha Man” blasted from the side.

Yin Zhi turned around and slashed in anger with a sword!

In no mood……

boom! ! !

A ball of energy light ejected from the chest of the “Mecha Man”.

Yin Zhi is in a state of “quantum calculus” at the moment, and his reaction is extremely fast.

With a heart move, he immediately plunged into the “space gap”.

“Cannon in the chest” hit the air!

Yin Zhi immediately drilled out of the “space gap”, and the “Zhulong Sword” continued to be cut down!

The “Mecha Man” withdrew back, and dodged the sword edge of the “Zhulong Sword” dangerously and dangerously.

Yin Zhi was about to take advantage of the situation to attack, and his upper body bowed to the “Mecha Man”…

“Patriot Buckler” flew past Yin Zhi’s back.

With a sound of “Dang”, the “Patriot Buckler” hit the “Mecha Man” in the chest, knocking him back several steps.

“Sorry buddy!”

“Captain Patriot” yelled and jumped up, just to catch the “Patriot Buckler” that bounced back into the sky.

I saw him holding the “Patriot Buckler” and cut towards Yin Zhi.

The “Patriot Cut” of the “Patriot Buckler” skill!


Cut everything!

“Patriot Buckler” is the hardest shield and the sharpest shield!

It’s just that the attributes of “hard” and “front” cannot be possessed at the same time, and only one attribute can be possessed in an attack.

Yin Zhi glided again and appeared behind the “Captain Patriotic”.

He was about to kick his hips too.

“Captain Patriotic” unexpectedly had a Transcendent response, turning around immediately after a blow.

Pong! !

The “Patriot Shield” blocked Yin Zhina’s kick.

Immediately afterwards, “Captain Patriotic” punched Yin Zhi…

Yin Zhi was shocked.

That seemingly unremarkable punch.

It makes “quantum calculus” unable to calculate the trajectory and dodge plan? !



The fist of “Captain Patriotic” hit Yin Zhi’s chest.

“Zhulongjian” also opened a hole in the chest of “Captain Patriotic”.

At this time, “Dwarf Thor” smashed over with a hammer.

After Yin Zhi hid, the “dark elf” joined in again.

An arrow was shot against Yin Zhi’s face!

She even used a bow and arrow to conduct close combat, and she was really superb with her archery skills.

Yin Zhi was secretly surprised.


“Awesome! As expected of a famous character.”

“Even’quantum calculus’ can’t predict their offense…”

At this time, Yin Zhizheng intends to use “subspace sliding” to escape the encirclement.

Suddenly the “Mecha Man” shouted: “Don’t even think about it!”

Activate the skill “Space Oscillation” of “Dusk Armor”!

Yin Zhi immediately found that “subspace sliding” could not be used…

Has been restrained by skills?

Yin Zhi is not surprised at all.

“Gu Ling skills” are mutual restraint!

As long as you find restraint skills, you can get twice the result with half the effort, and the miraculous effect of defeating the strong with the weak.

“In this case……”

“Hey! At this time, probably many people think I must die, right?”

“Sorry, I’m going to disappoint you!”

“Look at me showing your faces!”

“Karma Law Prediction”…


In an instant, the scene in front of Yin Zhi’s eyes changed drastically.

From the outside world…

Yin Zhi has been surrounded by the “revenge group”!



Tears are in your eyes!

More people shouted “Father” to bless “Odin Mela”!

As a result, in the next second, their eyes were staring.

Someone exclaimed: “What happened?”

Someone exclaimed: “What the hell is going on?”

Some people even held their heads mad: “Father! Who will tell me why?!”

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