Chapter 154 Dongfang Weixi: Follow me! Do not talk nonsense! I’ll cut you off if you don’t obey!

What happened?

It’s simple…

That Yin Zhi!

It actually defeated the four “heroes and spirits” in an instant!

“Dwarf Thor”?

Get hit by a punch!

“Dark Elf”?

Slapped down by a slap!

“Captain Patriotic”?

Cut down by a sword!


Hit by a knee!

The four “heroes and spirits” who surrounded and beaten the “Incarnation of Devil” just a second ago…

All fell to the ground in a second! ?

The contrast is so huge!

How can the people of “Odin Mela”, who have high hopes for the four-person revenge team, accept it?

I can’t completely accept it!

What is going on here?

The people of “Oding Meila” need an explanation and an answer!

This kind of inexplicable defeat is too weird to think about it? !

“What’s the matter?”

“what’s the situation!”

“Why all of a sudden…all of a sudden…just…”

Not only the people of “Odin Mela” are crazy.

Even Yin Zhi’s compatriots, the young president of the “Red Dragon Society”, were crazy.

What he wanted to see was that Yin Zhi was slaughtered by the four “Captain Patriotic”.

Instead of Yin Zhi’s easy one-to-four selection!


It seems that he hasn’t used the skills of “Emperor Qingyan”!

He is alone, how could he be so strong?

Why is he so strong?

When this “Red Dragon Society” young president was mad…

Zhao Haolong had already laughed foolishly.


This laughter is crappy enough.

The people around him couldn’t help getting away from him.

“I knew it……”

“I knew it……”

“I knew he couldn’t die…”

Suddenly, Zhao Haolong roared excitedly.


“You trash!”

“Four people can’t beat one!”

“You are not rubbish what are you?!”

At this time, a keen media focused the camera on Zhao Haolong!

Professional sensitivity tells them that there are big news to dig out here…

A “True Dragon Countryman” who is suspected of being on the side of the “Odin Merah Country”, expecting Yin Zhi to be defeated and killed?

This is the big news!

Yin Zhi heard Zhao Haolong’s noise.

He just felt noisy.

Others only saw the four “hero warriors” easily brought down.

How can it be so easy in fact?

These four “heroes and spirits” are indeed very strong!

Take it out alone, and you can compete with Yin Zhi in head-to-head.

Four plus one, it is quite difficult to deal with.

Hasn’t he been killed once before?

This time, after as many as 965 failures, he found the opportunity to bring everyone down in one fell swoop!

at this time.

Looking at the four “revenge groups” lying on the ground, Yin Zhi secretly “screamed” a sigh of relief.

Raise your hands, give your thumbs up, and…

Two thumbs upside down!

It’s the “killing pig” link again…


“That’s the skill of your’heroic spirit master’?”

“I am disappointed!”

“I am very disappointed!”

“Before the cowhide blew loudly.”

“now what?”

“All fell down!”

“You will only attack me when I haven’t summoned Yuling!”

“Once I summon Yu Ling…”

“You so-called ‘heroes’, you are simply vulnerable!”

At this moment, Yin Zhi knew that he must have a lot of small amounts of “killing heart” accounted for.

The last wave made more than 40 million!

I don’t know how much I can make this time.

When Yin Zhizheng said hey…

“Mecha Man” stood up!

He stood up with his head high and moved his limbs.

“I haven’t fallen yet.”

“I can continue to fight!”

“Just today, just now, right here…”

“I will kill you!”

As he said, his “Twilight Armor” was filled with blood that was visible to the naked eye.

The form of the battle armor has also undergone some changes.

The blood light faintly flickered, and the faint Blood Qi diffused…

The ultimate skill of “Twilight Armor”, “God Twilight”!


“Dusk Armor” absorbs Blood Qi from the master’s life, its attributes are comprehensively increased, and its skills are comprehensively strengthened!

There is no doubt that this is a desperate move!

“Ha ha!”

“Do you think you are the only one with armor?”

“Sorry, I have too!”

“Machine Empress”‘s spiritual defense skills, “Nano Mobile Armor”, launch!

Black nanoparticles gush out from the body of the “Machine Empress” and stick to Yin Zhi’s body.

In the blink of an eye, Yin Zhi put on a pair of cold, domineering, and perfect mechas!

In terms of styling, the “Twilight Armor” was compared in an instant…

that’s all?

more than!

A raging blue flame erupted from Yin Zhi’s body!

In his hand, he still held the “Zhulong Sword”…

Momentum, climb the peak again!

Yin Zhi opened his hands and made a hug.


“Let me fight for the third round!”

“and also!”

“How many of the so-called’heroes’ want to kill me?”

“All come! All come! All come!”

“Let the people all over the world see how you “Oding Mela” bullied the less, and how you were beaten up by me alone!”


The two figures, one green and one red, collided with each other under the stare of countless pairs of eyes!

At this moment, countless “Odin Mela people” are praying.

“Mecha, must defeat that Devil incarnation!”

“Father, please show a miracle!”


Perhaps their “father” was dozing off and did not hear the prayers of “his” children.

When the “Mecha Man” was punched in the air.

Like a meteorite, it fell from the sky, knocking out a big hole in the “Oding Mela History Museum”.

Never got up again.

The result of this battle has been completely revealed…

“Mecha Man”, lost!

After the “Dusk Armor” dispersed.

A thin, skinny young man lay in a pile of ruins, dying.

At this moment, countless angry “Odin Merah” shattered the screen in front of them!

Various “scents” came out of their mouths.

And the object of their curses was not Yin Zhi, but the “revenge group”!

Go to him if you don’t have the ability?

As a result, he was beaten up!

The face and glory of the “Odin Merah” have been thrown away by the four of you!


You are not worthy of being called heroes!

As a result, angry people took to the streets to demonstrate again…

They need to vent!

“Oding Mela History Museum”.

Yin Zhi, who had faded from the fighting state, came to Jonathan.

“Hey, big brother, shall we continue to visit?”

Jonathan said: “Visit the ruins? It’s better to go back to sleep.”

“Haha, agree! So what are you waiting for? Let’s go!”

Not long after, everyone got in the car.

In the end, one person was missing, Elizabeth Anna who led the team…

After waiting for a while, Jonathan did not wait any longer and drove away.

In view of the reliability of this bulletproof car, Yin Zhi slept on it.

Nothing happened next, and Yin Zhi went back to sleep after returning to school.



“Dong… Teacher Dongfang?”

Zhengxiang of Yin Zhishui.

Suddenly, I felt something, and when I opened my eyes, I saw Dongfang Weixi on the edge of his bed, motionless.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, she really looks like a ghost…

Almost scared his soul out!

“Come with me.”


“I’ll let you go with me! Don’t talk nonsense! I’ll chop you off if you don’t obey!”


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