Chapter 155 Do it to her exactly what you did to me that day!

what? What?

Chopped me out?

When I was scared!

Yin Zhi poked his lips secretly, and then said: “Then I will change my clothes.”

Follow you, follow you!

Afraid you won’t make it?

In other words…

It was the first time Yin Zhi had seen her since “that thing” last time.

He once wondered if Dongfang Weixi would hang himself up because of “that matter” temporarily because of his inability to think about it…

Impossible at first sight!

But if you think about it carefully, it’s not impossible.

He knew it.

The woman gets up with a tendon, gets up at the horns, and does everything!

So Yin Zhi still chooses to be obedient.

But I am not afraid of her!

It’s just that there is no need to be positive…

Really fighting, I really may not be her opponent-otherwise she would not have been stronger last time.

Just see where you let me go with you!

With this idea, Yin Zhi followed Dongfang Weixi into a sports car.

The sports car sprinted all the way, “buzzing” through the steel jungle of “Watsonton”.

At this speed, as long as you hit it, you will be immortal and crippled!

Yin Zhi is not afraid of crashes, but he can’t stand the depressed atmosphere inside the car.

So he fumbled around and turned on the radio in the car.

It’s good to listen to songs and news!

Switching channels, I was suddenly attracted by a news topic.

After listening to two ears, I was talking about the battle that took place at the “Oding Mela History Museum” this morning…

“The’patriotic captain’ apologizes to the people of the whole country!”

“The’Mecha Man’ said that he will form a formal organization, the’Odin Mela Vengeance League’!”

“The purpose of this organization is very clear, to initiate revenge actions against all individuals and organizations that are not conducive to the’Odin Merah Country’!”

“He called on many ‘heroes’ to join in!”

“As of now, as many as 20’heroes of the spirits’ have expressed their desire to join the’Odin Mela’s Revenge League’!”

“However, now the’Mecha Man’ and others are facing multiple accusations.”

“Including the crime of intentional injury, destroying historical and cultural buildings…”

“Perhaps the first thing the’Mecha Man’ should do now is not to form the’Odin Mela Revenge League’, but to quickly find a good lawyer!”

“Because once the charges are established, they will face at least twenty years in prison.”

Hearing this, Yin Zhi “haha” smiled.

Let you be a hero!

Let you have nothing to do!

“Should I go in too?”

“never mind!”

“If they are really put in jail, how can I raise pigs?”

Today, the four of them have created an income of 1.3 million yuan for him-this is direct income!

Yin Zhi hasn’t looked at the extra income yet.

He wants to wait until tomorrow to see if there is a big surprise!

looking forward to!

As for the “Odin Mela Vengeance League”…

Isn’t this the equivalent of helping me build a “pigsty”?

The people in this “pigsty” all wanted to kill me, and most of them were not weak.

Gee tut!

They are all good people!

Yin Zhi listened for a while, felt boring, and cut it off.

after an hour.

The sports car came to a halt and stopped.

Yin Zhi got out of the car and looked at it, and suddenly felt that the surrounding environment was very familiar.


“Isn’t that…”

“Is that the hotel last time?”

“Why did Dongfang Weixi bring me here?”

“It won’t be…she wants to do it again, right?”

The thought of this possibility made Yin Zhi a little bit painful.


Because he prefers to take the initiative!


No taste inside!

While staring blankly, Yin Zhi shuddered suddenly.

But Dongfang Weixi stared at him coldly a few steps away.

Yin Zhi mumbled a few words in his heart, and followed.

“Fear of a bird!”

“That said, if you can’t resist, just enjoy it!”

Thinking of this, Yin Zhi looked at the rear of Dongfang Weixi, his heart tickled.

As Yin Zhi expected, he followed Dongfang Weixi to the last room.

After entering the room, he stared.

The scenery in front of me is alluring and alluring, but it is also eye-catching, but the problem is…

It’s too weird! ?

So, what did he see?

He saw Elizabeth Anna!

Wearing “The Emperor’s New Clothes”…

Yin Zhi was stunned.

Why is Elizabeth Anna here?

And it’s still this… this and this picture?

Yin Zhi was a little embarrassed to look at it.

Elizabeth Anna hates it, but he still has to be disciplined.

Staring at others, it’s inappropriate and inappropriate…

Can’t stand the scenery is infinitely good!

This is the first time to inspect a foreign lady on the spot.

In my previous life, I have watched some small foreign-themed movies, but none of them can compare with Elizabeth Anna.

Dongfang Weixi came to Elizabeth Anna.

“Papa” slapped down with two slaps!

Elizabeth Anna’s face was flushed immediately.

Seeing that she hadn’t moved, Dongfang Weixi slapped twice again.

At this time, Elizabeth Anna finally had a reaction, and faintly woke up.



Dongfang Weixi slapped her.

“Who is your dear?”

Elizabeth Anna only felt hot on her face.

But then she felt that she couldn’t move her body? !

How could this be?

Where is this place?

What is Dongfang Weixi going to do?

Immediately, her eyes widened-because she saw Yin Zhi!



“Don’t look at me with such a look, it has nothing to do with me!”

Dongfang Weixi turned his head to look at Yin Zhi, cold and frosty.

“Take what you did to me that day, and do it to her exactly as it is!”


Yin Zhi first responded unconsciously, then reacted, and immediately yelled.


Yin Zhi was shocked!

Dongfang Weixi looked at him coldly.

“This… Teacher Dongfang, are you… watching a joke?”

Dongfang Weixi’s eyes were extremely cold.

“Do you think I am joking?”

“Do you think I am a joke?”

Elizabeth Anna seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly pleaded with difficulty.

“Honey, you can’t do this, please…”

Snapped! !

“You call me’Honey’, and I will slap you!”

“I am just doing what you did to me and doing it to you again!”

“It’s fair, isn’t it?”

After all, she raised her eyes to Yin Zhi.

“I learned this from you!”

Yin Zhi rolled his eyes inwardly.

Teacher Dongfang, if you want revenge, don’t get involved with me, okay?

Dongfang Weixi stared fiercely when he saw Yin Zhi not moving.

“Did you not hear me clearly?”

“Or you don’t plan to listen to me?”

“Do or not? Believe it or not, I chopped you off!”

Yin Zhi said, “Teacher Dongfang, how about…you should find someone else? This…”

Dongfang Weixi categorically yelled “No!”

“I want you!”

“What do you think I am doing?”

“I’m taking revenge!”

“Change to someone else, what revenge shall I avenge!”

Yin Zhi really wanted to take a picture in the mirror to see what his expression was.

This is…what’s the matter?

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