Chapter 156: Up, Up, Up! Go on! But I have a condition! Otherwise, I won’t die!

“What are you doing with pestle?”



Looking at Dongfang Weixi who is cold and fierce…

Instead, a thought came to Yin Zhi.

“You can go there if you say it?”

“Then I have no face?”

“Well, I am also a man!”

“I can’t do it myself anymore?”

Elizabeth Anna tried to save herself sadly.

“Dear… Dongfang, please!”

She just wanted to call Dongfang Weixi “Dear”.

The fiery pain on her face made her immediately change her mouth.

“I know it was wrong.”


“Do not do this to me!”

Dongfang Weixi angrily scolded, “Then what did you do to me?!”

“I trust you!”

“I treat you as my friend!”

“But what did you do to me?!”

Yin Zhi was taken aback…

what’s the situation?

Shouldn’t Henry Harry do that thing last time?

Is Elizabeth Anna a threat at best?

How do you listen to Dongfang Weixi, this foreign White Tiger girl is the main culprit?

Actually, it really is!

The relationship here is a bit messy, but very simple…

Elizabeth Anna is obsessed with Henry Harry.

Henry Harry has a soft spot for Dongfang Weixi.

No feeling for Elizabeth Anna?

No feeling!

Elizabeth Anna’s next operation is very irritating.

She wanted to please Henry Harry, and at the same time to do good things with him…

Encouraging Henry Harry to use “Fallen Angel” on Dongfang Weixi?

This brain circuit can only be said to be very strange.


There are always times when the brain gets the wrong way.

Especially when it comes to women.

Henry Harry failed to hold back Elizabeth Anna’s instigation.

In addition, because of Yin Zhi, he had been unhappy with Dongfang Weixi before, and he took a sigh of relief in his heart.

So, under the intertwined feelings of desire and guilt, Dongfang Weixi was drugged.

And this happened to explain why Henry Harry would tell Yin Zhi about the “sapphire necklace” in the end!

It can be regarded as his apology to Dongfang Weixi after the failure.


How did Dongfang Weixi know?

She went to avenge Henry Harry.

As a result, Henry Harry “admitted his mistake with an extremely good attitude.”

How good is it?

Do not fight back!

Dongfang Weixi still knows something about Henry Harry…

Suddenly, my heart flashed, and I thought of Elizabeth!

Henry Harry did not betray Elizabeth.

But even if he didn’t say a word, Dongfang Weixi would be observant.

Then today!

She took advantage of the chaos and stunned Elizabeth and took away.

After another questioning, everything will come to light!

Yin Zhi’s cognition is correct…

Women go crazy and can really do anything.

Are you trying to faint me and humiliate men?

Then I will faint you and insult a man!

Blood for blood!

A tooth for a tooth!

So, there was such a “wonderful unfolding” in front of me…

After the fury over Elizabeth Anna, Dongfang Weixi glared at Yin Zhi again.

“You won’t listen to me?”

“Do you really think I’m joking?”

“Let you be the last woman and you won’t be on it, can’t you?”

what? What?

You actually suspect that I can’t?

Yin Zhi is angry!

Can I do it, don’t you know? !

He really wanted to question Dongfang Weixi righteously…

At this moment.

Elizabeth Anna saw “rescue failure” here in Dongfang Weixi.

She knew that she could only put hope on Yin Zhi.

“I warn you!”

“If you dare to touch me…”

“I will kill you!”


Ouch, hello?

Am I right?

It’s all this time, and even threatening me?


“Teacher Dongfang, I’m actually a cleanliness person.”

“You know, the woman in’Odin Mela’ is called an open.”

“I don’t want to share a bus with other men.”

Elizabeth Anna is indeed a top-notch Great Yanmar.

But so what?

Lord is not hungry!

“Don’t worry about this.”

“I checked it just now.”

“You will be her first man.”

Yin Zhi was stunned.



Original goods?

real or fake?

Why don’t I believe it?

An abnormal smile appeared at the corner of Dongfang Weixi’s mouth.

“She’s a ‘Damish’!”

“The ‘Palli’ advocates giving the first time to the person she loves the most. The person she loves the most does not love her…”

“Besides, if she is so open.”

“What’s the point of my revenge?”

“It’s better to chop her off!”

“Why are you so much nonsense? Can’t make it!”

Yin Zhi blinked and looked at Dongfang Weixi, suddenly a flash of inspiration…


Elizabeth Anna listened and breathed a sigh of relief.

Dongfang Weixi said coldly, “Do you want to die?”

“Didi! You got 600,000 points of murder from Dongfang Weixi, please check!”

Damn? !

Six…600,000 points? !

Such a terrifying number of killing intents, this is really true!

But so what?

I’m afraid of you!

Yin Zhi hummed.

“The tool of the crime is on me.”

“How I want to use it is my business.”

“No one can force me!”

Dongfang Weixi stood up and walked to Yin Zhi.

Eyes stared straight at Yin Zhi’s eyes!

The piercing cold air was released from her body…

Yin Zhi couldn’t help but shiver.

Her body and the ground under her feet were covered with a layer of frost.

This in itself is a manifestation of strength!

Because the “Gu Lingzhe” can’t perform supernatural powers without Yu Ling.

Except for those who really reach a certain Realm!

So what is a “definite Realm”?

At least they have to be “Imperial Class”!

Even some ordinary “Royal Level” can’t do it!

“Should I hurry up and summon the’Dawei Tianlong Empress’ to save my life?”

Yin Zhi thought so…

It seems that I only have the trump card of “Dragon Empress of Great Power” to hold the winning ticket… right?

Dongfang Weixi gasped and froze.

“I will ask you one last time!”


“Still not!”

Does Dongfang Weixi want to kill Yin Zhi?

Saying that I don’t want to, and I don’t want to.

Speaking of thinking, I really want to!

Very contradictory?

It’s very contradictory!

The responsibility for the incident last time was all on me, I couldn’t blame Yin Zhi.

She knew this.

Do you know what? !

She lost her precious innocence!

She has endured the pain of betrayal!

Not directly picking up Yin Zhi is already the utmost sanity she can maintain.

And once she had a reason enough to persuade herself to chop Yin Zhi…

She will not be soft!

Now, the reason is here.

I asked you to take revenge on me by a woman. You don’t have to take revenge. Who will die if you don’t die? !

Yin Zhi replied decisively…

“Go on!”

Forget it, don’t make life difficult with yourself.

“But I have a condition!”

“You have to promise me, or you won’t die.”

“However, I am not going to wait and die!”

“If we fight, Yanmar will probably be the happiest.”

Dongfang Weixi gritted his teeth: “Say!”

Yin Zhi’s head raised.

A posture of “I am a dead pig, you can scald with boiling water”.

“Go up together!”

“First you, then her!”

“Otherwise, don’t talk about it!”

Up up up up…

Up, up, up!

Since you a woman likes to say “go up” so much, go up together!

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