Chapter 157 You Are Not Right? I am even more wrong than you! See which one of us is the most wrong!

What’s wrong with you Dongfang Weixi?

There is no routine playing cards at all.

Then I am even more wrong than you!

I also don’t play cards according to the normal routine.

Then let’s see, which one of us is the most wrong…

Take a closer look, which one of us has the most powerful card repertoire!

Yin Zhizhen doesn’t want to go to Elizabeth Anna, the superb Ocean Horse?

I learned that they are still “original” and clean…

Of course I want to chant!

How could he have this fate in his previous life?

In this life, this opportunity is not always there.

But the problem is…

He likes to take the initiative!

To put it bluntly, it is the donkey temper!

Unless you want to move, you will not walk or go backwards.

The tighter Dongfang Weixi pressed, the more he quit!

Threatening me with death?


Am I the kind of person who is afraid of death?


Must be countered!

Even if it missed an opportunity that “there is no rare opportunity in this life”, it would not hesitate to do so.

Real men, hard men, must hold the initiative firmly in his hands!

The passivity last time was a shame.

Today I have a chance, and I must get back a game!



Dongfang Weixi’s frozen pale cheeks flushed.

“I think you are…”

“You really want to die!”

Her angry words can’t speak smoothly.

Yin Zhi held his head proudly.

“I have opened the conditions anyway.”

“If you don’t agree, then you can’t blame me.”

“I didn’t force you.”


Elizabeth Anna, who could not move, breathed a long sigh of relief.

She knew that she was saved…

With Dongfang Weixi’s personality and character, it is absolutely impossible to agree to Yin Zhi’s terms.


“A greedy and stupid person!”

“You wait for me!”

“Today’s hatred, I will definitely avenge it!”

She hasn’t really gotten out of trouble yet, but she is thinking about revenge.

Dongfang Weixi smiled suddenly.

A beautiful smile should be pleasing to the eye.

But her smile made Yin Zhi a little frightened.

After that, she came to Elizabeth Anna’s side.


“Look at her.”

“Open your eyes and take a good look at her.”

“How white is this skin, like cream, do you really want to taste it?”

Her cold fingers scratched Elizabeth’s body.

Grain of goose bumps spread all over Elizabeth’s body.

Elizabeth was begging for mercy.

But Dongfang Weixi fell on deaf ears.

At this time, Dongfang Weixi has become a salesperson selling merchandise.

Yin Zhi’s eyes seemed to be drawn by Dongfang Weixi’s fingers.

Climbing down the mountains and valleys is not a problem.


“But you don’t agree to my terms.”

“I don’t want to… don’t do it!”


Dongfang Weixi patted Elizabeth on the thigh, as if hitting a ball of jelly.

“Then you just get out of here!”


Yin Zhi breathed a sigh of relief.

Not only a little disappointed, but also the joy of winning!

“Then I’ll go one step ahead.”


Yin Zhi turned around and left, without even a little bit muddled.


This perseverance, even I admire myself!

As a result, just when Yin Zhi’s hand was about to touch the doorknob…

The biting chill came from behind!

Yin Zhi shuddered.

Seeing that the cold air instantly froze the door handle and the entire door.

Hard ice blocks the way, leaving nowhere.

The ice crystal is like a mirror, reflecting Yin Zhi’s shocked cheeks.

At the same time, another scenery is reflected on the ice…

Yin Zhi turned around.

Dongfang Weixi stood coldly, cold air venting all over his body.


There was a crisp sound.

The clothes on her body turned into smashed ice, and pieces fell off.


“You want to be together, right?”

“Then see if you have this ability!”

While she was speaking, a seemingly thin layer of ice covered her body.

The skin is pale and pale.

The “Queen of Winter” with the rarity of the “Holy Four Stars” is pretty behind her.

The cold emperor’s coercion quietly released.

Is this going to fight me first?


Is it necessary to break your clothes in a fight?

This is to start a fight with me!

But she froze herself.

If you don’t have the skills, you can’t get it.

This woman is really…

For revenge, as for this?

“Teacher Dongfang, you…seriously?”

To be honest, he is really a little confused at the moment.

Dongfang Weixi smiled coldly and put on an expression that looked down upon Yin Zhi.


“Do you know how to say it?”

Yin Zhi pursed his mouth.

Randomly heartbroken!


In that case, I’m not welcome!


“Teacher Dongfang, have you forgotten?”

“My Yuling is the’Emperor Qingyan’!”

Seeing Qingyan paddling, “Qingyan Empress” stepped out.

The green flames ignited, and everything in the way was wiped out.

Unexpectedly, “Emperor Qingyan” still has this purpose…

This was unexpected by Yin Zhi.

He stepped towards the east Weixi.

At this time, he never noticed that the “Emperor Qingyan” behind him frowned slightly…

She seems a little unhappy?

Elizabeth Anna lying on the bed widened her eyes.

I watched as a ball of ice collided with a ball of fire.

Ice extinguishes fire.

The fire melts the ice.

Ice and fire are twofold, and thick white water vapor is permeated.

Elizabeth Anna’s sight was obscured.



“Dongfang Weixi, you lunatic!”

She screamed in panic and angrily.

Just to avenge me, you even let yourself go?

As for?

As for? !

this moment.

Elizabeth Anna was really scared.

help me……

Who can help me!

Henry, come and save me!

Dongfang Weixi is crazy!

this moment.

Elizabeth Anna really regretted it.


Why should I provoke Dongfang Weixi?

Why am I so stupid to come up with that bad idea?

This is not the result I want!

Not long after, a “Song of Ice and Fire” was played in this room.

In the corridor, Elizabeth’s cry for help echoed.

But no one heard it.


Because the entire hotel has been covered by Dongfang Weixi.

There is no fourth gasp here.

No matter how Elizabeth broke her throat, no one would hear the call for help.

Just in time.

A fast food restaurant attracted a customer.

“Boss, have a private special super burger.”

“I want the thickest and longest sausage.”

“Two eggs! Of course this is a must.”

“By the way, I want two different kinds of bread!”

“The top is yellow bread, and the bottom is white bread.”

“Two slices of bread, one yellow and one white, are sandwiched and eaten. This is the best way to eat in the world!”

“And don’t forget to drizzle the cream!”


A special hamburger is placed in the hands of the customer.

He picked up the hamburger, opened a huge mouth, and took a bite.


The juice splashed out.

The guest’s expression was exaggerated, and his brows were excited.

“Oh hoo hoo hoo!”

“This lady is so delicious.”

“I can’t describe the satisfaction at the moment!”

“Life is so beautiful!”

Swallowing what was in his mouth, he took another bite…

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