Chapter 158 Let’s do business after the nostalgia: Where is the black pattern virus sample T?

The next day.

Yin Zhi’s eyes were pierced by the sun.

He stared at the ceiling blankly.

His face looked dull.


“It’s just so-so.”

Something that happened yesterday was too magical.

It’s so magical that it’s almost like a dream.

Dongfang Weixi and Elizabeth are crazy.

At least last night, they were really crazy!

Except for “crazy”, Yin Zhi really doesn’t know what words to use to describe them…

If it hadn’t been for the summoning of the “Emperor in White”, a few shots were given.

Yin Zhi really felt that he couldn’t beat them at all and would be abolished.

“I will still offend women less in the future.”

“They are even scared of me when they are crazy.”

This is the true voice of Yin Zhi at some point last night…



Just mess with us, whether you are a woman or not.

You didn’t discuss it!

At this moment.

Yin Zhi turned his head, seemingly feeling, and met Dongfang Weixi’s dark and bright eyes.

At this moment.

Yin Zhi unexpectedly caught the panic and withdrawal in her eyes.


Forget it, I’m too lazy to care.

Love it!

Dongfang Weixi said coldly, “Remove your hand.”


Yin Zhi raised his hands and looked at Dongfang Weixi inexplicably.

Dongfang Weixi opened the quilt.

There is no doubt that the hand pressing on her is Elizabeth’s.

Dongfang Weixi shook off Elizabeth’s hand.

Elizabeth immediately became sober.

After that, the woman quarreled in front of Yin Zhi…

Various “fragrant” greetings came out of their mouths.

Yin Zhi pillowed the back of his head with both hands, quietly watching them scold each other.

Think of the cold before Dongfang Weixi.

Think of Elizabeth’s arrogance before.

Think about what it was like yesterday and now…


It’s so fun!

They cursed at each other flushed now.

Who can think of it.

Did their two mouths compete with each other last night?


It’s so magical!


Suddenly, they stopped arguing.

Qi Shushu looked left and right at Yin Zhi.

“Didi! You get ten thousand murderous points from Elizabeth!”

“Didi! You got 20,000 points of murder from Dongfang Weixi!”

What the hell? !

Am I right?

One ten thousand?

One twenty thousand?

There must be a limit to less.

You beggars!

Yin Zhi said: “You keep arguing. Leave me alone.”

Originally, he was always ready to summon Yuling to fight, but now it seems that he can avoid it.

With their strength, the killing intent of 10,000 to 20,000 is impossible to fight at all.

Elizabeth laughed suddenly.

The smile is very strange.

It’s also weird.


“Do you know? Actually I just want to share the same man with you.”

“As for who is that man…”

“I do not mind.”

“It can be Henry, of course it can also be this kid.”

Yin Zhi frowned.

This woman’s “speech” is too strong, right?

What is meant by “I just want to share the same man with you”.

What else “I don’t care who that man is”?

Isn’t this woman going to eat all men and women?

“Don’t call me’darling’.”

“If you call again, I’ll smoke you again!”

After all, Dongfang Weixi pulled out her long legs and got out of bed.

Elizabeth grabbed her hand.

“My dear, don’t you understand yet?”

“I love Henry!”

“But I love you too!”

“Everything I do is for us to be together happily.”

“I swear! You have to believe me!”

Oh oh oh oh!


It’s so amazing!

What kind of gods are all this unfolding?

In other words…

The charm of Dongfang teacher is too heaven-defying, right?

Men and women take it all!

Dongfang Weixi said coldly, “Let go!”

Elizabeth directly responded with a firm “no”.

“You left’Odin Mela’ ten years ago.”

“I am so sad!”

“Now you are finally back.”

“Do you know how happy I am?”

“But I know that you will return to the’True Dragon Kingdom’ after all.”

“You know that in my capacity I can’t leave’Odin Mela’ at all.”

“So I can only try my best to keep you.”

“I don’t ask for your forgiveness.”

“I just hope you can understand that my love for you is real!”

Dongfang Weixi shook Elizabeth’s hand.

She looked at Yin Zhi.

“Everything that happened yesterday is forgotten by me.”

“everything is over.”

“If you dare to mention it again, I will kill you!”

After speaking, put on the bathrobe and left…

Yin Zhi curled his lips.

kill me?

The words are ruthless.

You are a bit murderous!

After Dongfang Weixi left, Elizabeth smiled coquettishly and triumphantly.

Kindly a hen who wins!

Half of what she said just now was “cut leeks without a sickle-nonsense”!

Elizabeth really has a little love for Dongfang Weixi…

But it’s definitely not as exaggerated as she said.

As for “sharing the same man”.

If it was Henry, it would still be acceptable.

If it is someone else, directly reward a “Death Package”!

The reason for saying so.

It is to weaken the pleasure of Dongfang Weixi’s revenge success!

Judging from Dongfang Weixi’s reaction.

Elizabeth knew she had succeeded.

Immediately, she turned to look at Yin Zhi.

This look is quite complicated.

It seems that all emotions are a little bit…

She is a “Palist”.

According to the doctrine of “Indifferent”.

The first time for a woman to be dedicated to the one she loves the most!

A woman must be loyal to the man who gets herself for the first time!

A man who betrays own will be spurned by the “mother” (the god of faith)!

Now that there is something wrong, such a completely unexpected result…

At this time, a fierce conflict broke out between faith and selfishness.

Should I kill him?

But if I killed him, was it a betrayal of the creed of “Indifferent”?

She was lost.


Elizabeth Anna got out of bed.

In the sun, she was like a glowing elf, with her blonde hair shining with golden light.

Yin Zhi was secretly surprised.

“What a work of art!”

Elizabeth walked into the bathroom on her own.

It can be clearly seen that her actions are somewhat inconvenient.

Under the shower.

Splashes of water.

Thinking of what happened last night.

She couldn’t help muttering “I must be crazy”.

However, something strange appeared in my heart.

It seems, it feels good too?

That is a new feeling that has never been experienced before!

Elizabeth couldn’t help licking her lips…

After a hurried cleaning, she put on her bathrobe and walked out of the bathroom.

She wants to leave here as soon as possible!

Suddenly, a hand stretched over and embraced her thin waist.

Elizabeth’s anger was just a little bit.

“What are you going to do?”

“Give you an injection!”

The syringe in the hand of the “Emperor in White” plunged into Elizabeth’s body…

This is a “little and weak needle”!

The effect is as the name implies.

Elizabeth was shocked, and immediately felt that the strength in her body was rapidly draining, and she couldn’t even stand firmly.

Yin Zhi put her on the sofa.

“bring it on.”

“After the nostalgia, let’s do business!”

“Say! Where is’Black Streak Virus Sample T’?”

Elizabeth’s eyes widened suddenly, and it was filled with shock…

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