Chapter 159 Mr. Yin Zhi, there is a case I hope you can help us investigate!

“This is impossible!”

“How did he know!?”

“It’s impossible for him to know!”

at this time.

Elizabeth’s brain buzzed with Yin Zhi’s words.


Does Yunzhi know?

he does not know!

The reason for asking questions in such a positive tone.

Just want to swindle Elizabeth.


Why did Yin Zhi think of cheating Elizabeth?

This is the stupid way Yin Zhi thought of continuing to investigate the “black pattern virus”!

Why did Fujiwara Kuri, who was responsible for the production of the “Black Streak Virus”, go to the “Charity Auction Dinner”?

Needless to say?

Naturally, the “black streak virus sample T” was handed over to the person behind the scenes.

The question is, who did he give it to?

do not know!

This requires a “stupid way”-find every guest present that night!

Including Elman Stark who hosted the “Charity Auction Dinner”.

This method can be described as very “stupid”.

But in the absence of clues.

This is the only practical way Yin Zhi can think of.

at the moment.

Isn’t Elizabeth the one who attended that “charity auction dinner”?

Just start with her!

Not to mention.

Henry Harry, as the minister of the “potions department”, is naturally more suspicious than others!


Never expected it!

The first shot hit the target.

Elizabeth’s reaction in front of her proves everything!

“I do not know what you’re talking about.”

Yin Zhi smiled at what Elizabeth said.

“No! You know.”

“It’s just that you don’t want to tell me.”

“But even if you don’t say it, I already know the answer I want to know.”

“Henry Harry, director of the’Haward Potions Department’!”


“It was he who made the’Black Streak Virus’.”

Elizabeth had calmed down at this time.

She tried to move her body, but the whole body was weak and weak.

Damn it!

This feeling is really terrible!

“Ha ha.”

Elizabeth smiled and looked very charming and intoxicating.

“You have a lot of imagination.”

“You can try to be a novelist.”

“I think you can become a best-selling author.”

Yin Zhi smiled “hehe”.

He stretched out his claws and plunged into the bathrobe…

Lips also reached Elizabeth’s ear.


“Tell me more about the’Black Streak Virus.'”

“Trust me, I just want to investigate the truth about the’black streak virus’.”

Elizabeth was already breathing, her cheeks flushed.

Water mist appeared in his eyes again.

“As for the others, I don’t care.”

“If you don’t say it.”

“First, you will suffer a little bit from me.”

“Secondly, I will go to the’Holy Court’ to report on Henry Harry.”

“I think this shouldn’t be the result you want to see, right?”

Elizabeth panted.

There was a painful expression on his face.

“You are not an ordinary student.”

“Who on earth are you?”

“Who are you?”

Yin Zhi said: “I am who I am. Stop talking nonsense. Go straight to the subject.”

Elizabeth said: “You will be disappointed. I don’t know anything.”


Yin Zhi made all the stops, trying to dig something out of Elizabeth.

It’s just a matter of direct torture to extract a confession.

However, Elizabeth’s mouth was tight.

No matter what Yin Zhi did, she just didn’t say it.

Yin Zhi only felt that the boss was boring.


Forget it…

In other words, I spent a good night together.


To no avail after a lot of compelling questions.

Yin Zhi was a little hot and couldn’t help but do a set of morning exercises.

Afterwards, he wanted to drive instead.

“You don’t want to forget it.”

“I will find it myself.”

“But don’t get in the way of me.”

“Otherwise, don’t blame me for destroying the flowers!”

Abandoning these words, Yin Zhi put on his clothes and left.

“I am going to kill you!”

“I will kill you!”

“I swear!”

The moment the door was closed.

Yin Zhi also heard Elizabeth’s cruel words coming from the room.

He pouted.

Don’t just move your mouth?

Can you kill me?

Kill a bird without killing you!


“I have treated her this way, so why didn’t I have a murderous heart?”


“Is she a masochist like Qiu Yaoyao?”

Yin Zhi was a little depressed.

The fat-bellied toads used up 4 million in the past.

Now the “killing balance” should be…


Yin Zhi slapped his forehead.

“Why did I forget this?”

Yesterday should have received a large wave of murderous intentions!

Being so tossed by Dongfang Weixi.

Haven’t watched the “killing heart balance” yet!

Yin Zhi immediately sensed…

“Depend on!”

“Isn’t it?”

“what happened?”

“Why is it so?”

“System, is it a mistake?”

“Did you cheat on my money?”

What is Yin Zhi’s “killing heart balance” at this time?

Ignoring the fraction and taking the whole number, it is one thousand six hundred and four hundred million…

But this is not right!

Shouldn’t there be a large amount of “payment” in the previous wave of operations?

“Didi! The system did not calculate wrongly! Hope the host knows!”

“Didi! This system never does anything to pit the host!”

Yin Zhi was a little angry.

“What about fools?”

“Last time I collected more than 40 million yuan.”

“Why is it so this time?”

“Didi! I don’t know about this system!”

“All right, all right!”

On the way back.

Yin Zhi thought hard and suddenly thought of a possibility.

“Could it be that I did too much, right?”

“Everyone’s murderous intentions have been transferred to those four guys?”

He really guessed it!

The four “heroes and spirits” with high hopes.

In the end, it rewarded everyone with despair and disappointment.

Compared to Yin Zhi, the inherent foreign enemy.

The people of “Odin Mela” even wanted to kill them.

Four wastes!

Lost the face and dignity of the “Odin Merah”.

They shouldn’t die, who should die?

“Thinking about it, there is only this possibility.”


“What a failed show!”

“Wasting a wave of opportunities to make big money.”

“I have to converge a little later.”

Yin Zhi returned to “Haward” with a sigh.

As a result, he saw a bunch of police cars and a few white cars parked in front of “Haward”.

The few white cars made Yin Zhi look up.

It’s the car of the “Holy Tribunal” belonging to “Holy Court”-just look at the logo on the car!


“There are people from the ‘Holy Tribunal’?”

“How did they get together to’Haward’?”

Yin Zhi came to Jonathan.

“Hey, big brother.”

“What happened?”

“This battle is not small.”

Jonathan shrugged.

“not sure.”

“It seems to be here to catch the’Minister of Potions Department’.”

“Haha, Henry Harry is amazing.”

“Even the’Holy Tribunal’ has been dispatched.”

This is not a cold joke.

It is a reverse glory in itself to let the “Holy Tribunal” be sent out to arrest people!

At this moment…

A beautiful girl in a white dress came from a distance.

He came to Yin Zhi in an instant.

“I am Sebar Asa!”

“Subordinate to the Special Task Search Bureau of the’Holy Star Knights’.”

“Mr. Yin Zhi, I hope you can assist us in investigating a case!”

Jonathan gave Yin Zhi a thumbs up.

“Ha ha!”

“Man, you seem to be great too!”

The so-called “assistance in our investigation”.

It’s just a good way of saying “we need to investigate you”.

At Jonathan’s ridicule, Yin Zhi rolled his eyes…

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