Chapter 160 I am Ye Feng, the master of the Auditorium of the “Hulong Mountain Villa”. Thank you for meeting!

“What did you say?”

“You said that Yin Zhi was taken away by the people from the’Holy Tribunal’?”

“When did this happen?”

“Because of what?”

When Mu Pingting learned from Xu Jiujiu that Yin Zhi was taken away, she immediately raised a series of questions.

Xu Jiujiu tilted his head.

“I do not know either.”

“I just met that big bald man (Jonathan) in the cafeteria.”

“He told me.”

“Just two hours ago.”

Mu Pingting’s face fell down.

The “Holy Tribunal” will not easily take people away for investigation.

Once this is done, it must be a big deal!

But the problem is…

What can be worth the “Holy Tribunal” dispatched to take away Yin Zhi?

It can’t be because of yesterday’s “Oding Mela History Museum” incident.

The “Holy Court” is beyond the mundane world and never intervenes in mundane affairs!

Xu Jiujiu frowned at Mu Pingting.

The little hand waved in front of her eyes.

“Mu Big sis?”

“Mu Big sis?”

“what happened to you?”

Mu Pingting recovered and stood up immediately.

“Xiao Jiu, I suddenly feel a little uncomfortable.”

“Wait for you to ask the teacher for a time off.”

“sorry to bother you.”

After speaking, Mu Pingting hurriedly left the classroom.

Xu Jiujiu blinked and smiled “hee”.

“Handsome guy, I suddenly feel a little uncomfortable.”

“Wait for you to help me and the teacher ask for leave.”

“thank you.”

After talking to the person at the front desk, Xu Jiujiu also left the classroom.

Mu Pingting’s concern was chaotic, and she did not perceive Xu Jiujiu following behind her back.

She came to a secret place.

Finger streamer swipes.

A bird-shaped “Space Yuling” was summoned by her.

Taking out the special communicator, she dialed a number…

“Captain, something went wrong.”

“Yin Zhi, he was taken away by the people of the’Holy Tribunal’.”

“About two hours ago.”

“I don’t know what happened at the moment.”

“Yes, I understand.”

Soon, the situation was reported.

But Mu Pingting’s eyebrows were still filled with worry.

With a sigh, she left.

She wants to rush to the “Embassy” immediately!

After Mu Pingting left.

Xu Jiujiu came out.


“I’m so smart.”

“You really are a member of’Hulong Mountain Villa’!”


How can I use this discovery?

Thinking about it.

I don’t know what came to mind.

Xu Jiujiu’s eyes are getting brighter…


There was also a sinister smile in his mouth.

at the same time.

“Shenzhen Province” branch office!

An information room.

“Sorry, Mr. Yin.”

“Because there are some things to deal with. You have been waiting for a long time.”

“Would you like a cup of coffee?”

Yin Zhi looked at the two people sitting opposite.

One is Saibar Asa who brought him back.

The other is the serious middle-aged uncle who is talking to him.

“Thank you, I am not thirsty.”

“It’s not convenient for Fang to ask.”

“I shouldn’t be classified as a’criminal’, am I?”

Suddenly he was taken to the “Holy Tribunal”.

He is very depressed.

But a “Holy Star Knight” has come before him, what can he do?

Up to this moment, Yin Zhi still wondered if Zhao Haolong really accused him.

That’s why he asked “Am I a prisoner”.

“What do you think?”

Saibar, the “Holy Star Knight” girl asked rhetorically.

“What do I think?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Although I did a few hot things.”

“But it shouldn’t violate the “Holy Law” of the “Holy Court”, right?”

Test, continue to test!

The serious middle-aged uncle spoke.

“Mr. Yin, you don’t need to be nervous.”

“Introduce myself first. My name is Jerry Tang.”

“This time I will ask you to come back and assist in the investigation.”

“Actually, it’s for’black streaks’!”


“Black streak”?

It turned out to be for this?

He was shocked immediately.

It’s strange, how did the “Holy Tribunal” know that I was investigating “Black Streaked Disease”?

Saibar said, “I was by the side when you interrogated Fujiwara Kuri last time.”

Her expression was plain.

But Yin Zhi could hear the pride and pride in her eyes.

It should be an illusion, right?

But in his heart he was still very shocked.

There was someone beside me, but I didn’t even notice it! ?


There was a sense of dissatisfaction in Yin Zhi’s heart.

Jerry Tang sighed secretly.

This Saibar is too straight!

“Mr. Yin, what Sebar is performing is a secret investigation mission.”

“She just happened to meet you while following Fujiwara Kuri.”

“I definitely didn’t mean to follow you.”

Yin Zhi “hehe” smiled.


“I understand!”

“It’s just that I am afraid I will disappoint you.”

“I don’t know as much about the’black streak disease’.”

Saibar asked directly.

“Please tell us what you know.”

“And why are you investigating ‘salacia’.”

“That’s why I invited you here.”

Yin Zhi looked at her.

“Saibar Miss, since you were next to me that day.”

“Then what you hear is all I know.”

“As for why I was investigating’spot disease’…”

“This is inconvenient to tell.”

Saibar looked directly at Yin Zhi.

A pair of sapphire eyes are very beautiful.

“Here, nothing is inconvenient to say.”

“Please tell the truth.”

“Don’t worry, we have confidentiality regulations. We will not divulge every word you say.”

Aside, Jerry Tang put down his pen.

Helplessness was written on his face.

How can you ask like that?

never mind!

He is a “Holy Star Knight” and his position is supernatural, he can’t control it!

Yin Zhi scratched his head.

how to answer?

Can’t you say that this is a task sent to me by the “finding system”?

For a while, the air in this interrogation room was extremely quiet.


The knock on the door broke the calm here.

An agent of the “Holy Tribunal” came in and whispered in Jerry Tang’s ear.


“True Dragon Kingdom Embassy?”

With a surprise, he glanced at Yin Zhi and said “I know”.

After the agent left, Jerry Tang also stood up.


“The people from the Embassy of the True Dragon Kingdom want to see Mr. Yin.”

“Let’s go out first.”

Saibal said with a blank face, “But he hasn’t answered my question yet.”

Jerry Tang can only explain patiently.

“Mr. Yin just assisted us in the investigation.”

“We have no right to prevent him from meeting others.”

“Not to mention that the other party is still from the Embassy of the True Dragon Kingdom.”

Saibar responded “Okay”.

She glanced at Yin Zhi, then got up and left.

Yin Zhi curled his lips, then thought: “You actually blew up the people from the embassy.”

Not long after, a man and two women walked into this room.

One of the women turned out to be Mu Pingting?

Mu Pingting said: “Yin Zhi, are you okay? Did they embarrass you?”

Seeing Mu Pingting’s concerned eyes, Yin Zhi’s mood immediately improved.

“Not yet.”

“But you came in time.”

“A few seconds later, I guess I will be embarrassed.”

“they are?”

A young man with glasses looking very elegant pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose.

“Yin Zhi.”

“Your name is like a thunderbolt.”

“I saw a real person today.”

His words, this tone, Yin Zhi sounded very pleasant to his ears.

“Thank you. Are you?”

The young man smiled and introduced himself.

“I am Ye Feng.”

“On the surface, I am the deputy director of the social department of the Embassy of the True Dragon Kingdom in Odingmeirah.”

“Actually, I am the head of the Auditorium of’Hulong Mountain Villa’.”

“Fortunately meeting!”

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