Chapter 161 Invite me to join “Guardian Villa”? I refuse without thinking!


“Hulong Villa?”

“There really is a’Hulong Mountain Villa’?!”

Yin Zhiting rarely gaffes.

But now when he heard “Hulong Mountain Villa”, he was really taken aback.

“Hulong Mountain Villa”!

This is a widely circulated urban legend he has heard in his previous life.


A group of strange people and strangers have formed a “Gulong Mountain Villa”, silently guarding the “True Dragon Kingdom”!

Everything threatens the existence of “True Dragon Kingdom”!

Whether it’s an individual.

Or an organization.

Even the country!

Both are the targets of “Hulong Mountain Villa”!

There is also a comic about their stories on the previous life website, which is quite popular.

Yin Zhi was also a loyal reader of “Hulong Mountain Villa”.

After all, I have been so hard, and I always have to find some spiritual comfort, right?

He had always thought that “Hulong Mountain Villa” was a fabricated one.

I didn’t expect to see a real person in this world!

real or fake?

Ye Feng smiled.

Yin Zhi’s reaction made him quite useful.

“Some legends are fake.”

“But some are true.”

“But at least the existence of’Hulong Mountain Villa’ is true.”

Yin Zhi is no longer an ordinary person in his life.

“Hulong Mountain Villa” only shocked him for a moment.

He soon calmed down.

A polite smile appeared on his face.

“Nice to meet you!”

“I am lucky enough to meet.”

“Hehe. I didn’t expect the legend to be so close to me.”

Ye Feng smiled and said, “Actually,’Hulong Mountain Villa’ is closer to you than you think.”

Yin Zhi looked at him suspiciously…

Mu Pingting said: “I’m sorry, Yin Zhi, I want to apologize to you for something.”

Yin Zhi turned his puzzled eyes to Mu Pingting.

Just listen to her saying: “Actually, I am the’Dragon Guard’ of’Hulong Mountain Villa’!”


Are you from “Hulong Mountain Villa”?

Ye Feng spoke again.

“Yes. Mu Pingting is the ‘guarding dragon guard’ of the ‘Hulong Villa’ Yizitang.”

“The so-called “Dragon Guard” is to protect some special people.”

“For example, you, the lord of’Emperor Qingyan’!”

After speaking, he “haha” smiled.

“Of course.”

“It turns out that you don’t need the protection of the’Dragon Guard’ at all.”

“On the contrary, when she is in danger, I am afraid you will have to protect her.”

Yin Zhi blinked and looked at Mu Pingting.

“I’m a little confused.”

“Unexpectedly, I would still enjoy the treatment of being protected by the’Hulong Mountain Villa’.”

“It’s kind of flattered.”

“Ha ha!”

That’s what I said, but there are still some grudges in my heart.

Said to protect…

Then we understand it as “surveillance”, is there nothing wrong with it?

That is, Mu Pingting felt very good for him.

For someone else, he doesn’t want to look good.

Mu Pingting was a little guilty, lowered her head, as if not embarrassed to look at Yin Zhi…

It’s just that she can’t say much for the time being.

Ye Feng said, “Because your Yuling is the’Emperor Qingyan’.”

Immediately, he said some of the hidden jab actions of the “Descendants of Zhao”.

Finally, he sneered disdainfully.

“More than two thousand years have passed!”

“They are still doing the ridiculous Emperor of the Restoration Gate.”

“It’s so ridiculous!”

“It’s just that a sense of prevention is still necessary.”

“Once they get the’Emperor Qingyan’, it will be very troublesome.”

Yin Zhi smiled “hehe” and his face was full of disdain.

“I’ve learned those guys a long time ago.”

“At least I haven’t met any decent person yet.”

“If the’Descendants of the Zhao Family’ are all the same as Zhao Haolong.”

“Give them another two thousand years and don’t even think about rebuilding the country.”


When the emperor?

It’s so ridiculous!

This has been more than two thousand years!

If it can be done, it is necessary to wait until now?

I have waited till now, can it still be achieved?

Go dreaming!

Ye Feng smiled and waved.

“Stop talking about it.”

“This time we come.”

“First, I will talk to you frankly and honestly.”

“Secondly, it is for you to be taken away by the’Holy Tribunal’.”

Yin Zhi frowned.

He paid more attention to Ye Feng’s “open and honest conversation”.

What to talk about?

His doubts were quickly answered.

“In fact, shortly after you got the’Emperor Qingyan’, we paid attention to you.”

“To put it bluntly, we want to suck you into the’Hulong Mountain Villa’.”

“However,’Hulong Mountain Villa’ has a heavy responsibility. Not everyone can afford this responsibility.”

“Although you got the’Emperor Qingyan’. But whether you can keep it is a question.”

“Even if you keep it, you will be able to display a bit of strength in the’Emperor Qingyan’.”

“These are the things we are concerned about and inspected.”

“Of course, and your character and character!”

Yin Zhi nodded and digested Ye Feng’s words.

Ye Feng pushed his glasses, crossed his fingers and looked at Yin Zhi.

“Now, you have passed our assessment.”

“We formally invite you.”

“Invite you to join the’Hulong Mountain Villa’ and protect the’True Dragon Kingdom’ together with us!”

“Do you want to?”

Yin Zhi didn’t want to wave his hand: “I don’t want to.”




Yin Zhi refused so categorically, leaving Ye Feng, Mu Pingting, and the beautiful woman who didn’t say a word in a daze.


“Why are you not willing?”

The first question was the beauty who didn’t say a word.

A pair of triangular eyes stared wide, some of which undermined the overall beauty of her facial features.

Yin Zhi glanced at her.

He didn’t like the tone of this woman.

She asked this as if I had to join the “Hulong Mountain Villa”.

After Ye Feng froze for a while, he smiled: “Can I ask why?”


This is the attitude of good communication!

Yin Zhi ignored the woman directly.

“I like to be free and unrestrained.”

“Your’Hulong Mountain Villa’ must have many rules and regulations.”

“I don’t like the feeling of being restrained.”

The triangular-eyed beauty asked three times immediately.

“Because of this?”

“Just because of this you refuse to fulfill your responsibilities and obligations?”

“You are still not a’True Dragon Countryman’!”


If you talk to me in this tone again, I will go crazy!

Ye Feng frowned.

“Xia Zhen, just leave the matter here to me.”

Xia Zhen pursed her lips.

Ye Feng said: “Xia Zhen is a bit straightforward.”

Yin Zhi smiled “hehe” and said, “It’s straight.”

“Although I will not join the’Hulong Mountain Villa’.”

“But in the future, if’Hulong Mountain Villa’ needs me, you can just come to me.”

“Being busy as much as I can, I can’t help but define it.”

“After all, I am a genuine’True Dragon Countryman’!”

He still couldn’t help but murmured that Xia Zhen vaguely.

Ye Feng said, “Really?”

“Can’t fake it.”

Ye Feng smiled and nodded: “Haha, well, it’s enough to have you.”

After speaking, he changed his mind.

“Then let’s talk about the second thing…”

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