Chapter 162 I want to ask you, do you know where Henry Harry might be hiding?

Yin Zhi, Mu Pingting, Ye Feng, and Xia Zhen left the “Holy Trial Province” branch office.

At the entrance of the branch hall, Jerry Tang and Saibar Asa watched them leave.

Saibar Asa’s expression remained blank.

“Just let him go like this?”

“But we didn’t ask him anything.”

“I have a hunch that he must know what we don’t know.”

Jerry Tang lit a cigar and took a deep sip.

Saibar Asa collapsed a step to the left, away from Jerry Tang.

She doesn’t like the smell of smoke.

It’s just that she didn’t seem to realize that she was so stunned that she was kind of cute…

“Premonition cannot be used as a reason for us to keep him.”

“He is not a suspect.”

“What’s more, he is a secret investigator affiliated with the official’True Dragon Kingdom’.”

“In his capacity, it is reasonable and reasonable to investigate’spot disease’.”

Sebar Asa was dumbfounded.

Jerry Tang exhaled a puff of cigarette.

“Don’t worry about him.”

“The most important thing now is to find Henry Harry!”

“My instinct tells me that he is the person we are really looking for!”

Here is Yin Zhi.

He followed Ye Feng to his official car.

“Director Ye, thank you very much this time.”

“Otherwise, with my temper, I will inevitably have a fight with them.”

“It is estimated that I will have dinner in the canteen of the’Shenzhen Province’ tonight.”

Ye Feng smiled elegantly.

“It’s just a small matter.”

“Furthermore, this is my job.”

“Isn’t the’Embassy’ serving the compatriots who are abroad.”

“Get in the car. I’ll take you back.”

Yin Zhi declined, saying “You are a busy man. I can just take a taxi myself.”

Ye Feng didn’t procrastinate, so he said goodbye to Yin Zhi immediately and got in the car.

Mu Pingting stood beside Yin Zhi.

She is bold and straightforward on weekdays,

It was like a kid who had done something wrong and was waiting to be criticized.

“Yinzhi, I’m sorry…”

“I didn’t hide it from you on purpose.”

Yin Zhi waved his hand indifferently.

“What is the apology for?”

“You are not doing anything to apologize to me.”

“You are here for protection.”

“Besides this time I have to thank you!”

Mu Pingting said: “Are you really…not angry with me?”


“You must be really sorry…”

“Then kiss me!”

“Such an apology is considered sincere.”

What’s the use of just saying sorry?

How cheap is the word “sorry”?

Not a dumb can say it!

But how many people in the world are sincere when they say “I’m sorry”?

Mu Pingting rolled her eyes.

“Think beautifully.”

“You still talk to Xu Jiujiu.”

“She must be happy to hear that.”

Yin Zhi hooked her finger towards her: “Come here with your ears. I’ll tell you a secret.”


“Come here. Are you still afraid that I will eat you?”

Mu Pingting crossed her ears with suspicion.

Yin Zhi said in her ear: “I suspect Xu Jiujiu is a killer who killed me!”

Mu Pingting’s eyes widened, and then she turned her head sharply.


As a result, this head turned…

By coincidence, her lips hit Yin Zhi’s face.

After a daze, she immediately reacted, covering her lips and staring at Yin Zhi.

“You irritated me on purpose?”

Yin Zhi immediately cried out for injustice.

“Hey, this is really wrong to me.”

“Am I this kind of person?”

“How did I know your reaction was so big?”

“Besides, I like to take the initiative.”


Mu Pingting puffed up his cheeks angrily, turned and left.

Yin Zhi strode to keep up.

Inside Ye Feng’s car.

Xia Zhen exasperated.

“Brother Ye, we really missed it.”

“We also arranged for the’Dragon Guard’ to protect him.”

“Unexpectedly, he is a selfish villain with no dedication at all!”

“Don’t he understand the principle of’the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility’?”

“If he doesn’t like being bound by rules, I think he is evading responsibility.”

“I knew he was this kind of person, at first…”

Ye Feng said: “Xia Zhen, speak carefully.”


Ye Feng closed his eyes and leaned against the backrest.

“Although what you said is not entirely correct, it is not entirely wrong.”

“But if you are wrong, you should not say everything!”

“It’s fine now.”

“At least he has promised to help us when we need it.”

Xia Zhen glanced at her mouth.


“Hulong Villa” Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger, the strong are like clouds, will he need his help?

Ye Feng seems to have a mind-reading skill.

“I know what you are thinking.”

“At least we need his help for this investigation of’Stigmatism’.”

“This disease is terrible!”

“We must use all means to prevent it from being transmitted back to China!”

Xia Zhen doubted this.

“Even the’Sacred Tribunal’ and the’Oding Mela Police’ couldn’t find out anything.”

“Can he?”

Ye Feng sighed secretly.

This woman is really…

“If he didn’t find out anything through investigation, how could the ‘Holy Tribunal’ find him?”

Xia Zhen frowned.

It seems, it makes sense…

Ye Feng said: “Wait and see. Even the “Holy Tribunal” has taken action. I believe this matter will have a result soon.”

Yin Zhi and Mu Pingting returned to “Haward”.

Walking on the campus, I heard some students discussing that the police and the “Sacred Tribunal” were dispatched at the same time to look for Henry Harry.

Yin Zhi sighed inwardly after hearing this.

“It’s the police…”

“It’s the ‘Holy Tribunal’ after all…”

“Dog’s nose is so clever!”

Henry Harry’s “dog nose” on this dog day is also very good!

It turned out to be one step ahead.

The task of “investigating the truth about black streaked disease” is now very clear.

It is basically certain that the “black streak virus” was tossed out by Henry Harry.

Of course, the possibility of the “principal” also participating…

After all, Henry Harry was doing all sorts of things under his nose.

Want to say that he doesn’t know it at all?

Yin Zhi expressed doubts!

But of course he won’t risk taking action against that “principal” right now-it’s not a pitfall in his mind!

Don’t look at people in a wheelchair, they are actually strong!

So, the next thing to do is to find Henry Harry!

How can I find it?

Now even the police and the “Shenzhen Province” are looking for him, but haven’t found him yet.

Where should I start?

Elizabeth Anna?

Come on!

Don’t say I don’t know where she is now.

Just know, you can see from the previous posture, even if she knows, it is impossible to say.


Yin Zhi’s inspiration flashed.

Will Dongfang Weixi know?

“Then what?”

“I want to ask you, do you know where Henry Harry might be hiding?”

boom! !

A bowl of closed door pats Yin Zhi’s face…

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