Chapter 163 Dongfang Weixi: You are here with me! forever! Far! Don’t even think about taking the initiative!


Looking at the door near the eyelashes.

Yin Zhi was speechless for a while.

As for?

Just when he was about to knock on the door again.

The door is open!

At this time Dongfang Weixi wore a big brown trench coat.

The devil-like body is tightly wrapped.

I also put on a pair of sunglasses…

The whole person looked colder and colder.

But also more and more glamorous and unparalleled!

Who could have thought how amazing this woman was in the extreme madness and complete liberation last night?

“Teacher Dongfang, where are you going?”

Yin Zhi noticed that she was carrying the suitcase.

Dongfang Weixi’s white lips opened lightly.

“Go away!”


It’s cold!

Yin Zhi secretly took a breath.

“I won’t go away!”

Dongfang Weixi’s forehead moved, obviously frowning.

“I’ll say it again…”

Yin Zhi interrupted her.

“You say it a thousand times and I won’t go away.”

“Come on, let’s go to the house and talk.”

“I have really important business to ask you.”

He didn’t care whether Dongfang Weixi wished or not, he pushed her inside.

Dongfang Weixi didn’t want to have physical contact with Yin Zhi, and was forced to retreat back to the room.


The door to the room was closed.

Dongfang Weixi also simply sat down on the sofa coldly.

Yin Zhi sat next to her.

As a result, the buttocks touched the sofa cushion.

Dongfang Weixi threw him a sentence, “Go over there.”

Yin Zhi replied simply: “I’m not!”

Dongfang was about to get up before he made a move.

Yin Zhi hugged her waist.

Gee tee.

Even if I wear clothes, I still hold them so thin.

Dongfang Weixi immediately sternly said: “Let go!”

Her reaction was almost like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and her hair instantly exploded.

“What are you doing?”

“What do you mean?”

“I want to throw me aside after I use it?”

“What do you think of me?”

“Can’t even speak well.”

“This is too much!”


You all froze into ice yesterday.

I haven’t melted you with my fiery and piping hot.

Can’t take care of you today?

Dongfang Weixi took a deep breath.

I don’t know if it’s suppressing anger.

Immediately she was motionless.

Let Yin Zhi hold her.

“Can you speak well?”

“If I can, I’ll let it go.”

“We can’t keep holding.”

“First declare: I am not used to you!”

Dongfang Weixi said nothing.

Yin Zhi just let go.


“I came to find your purpose, as I said just now.”

“I’m looking for Henry Harry now…”

Dongfang Weixi said coldly: “If you find him, go find him. Why do you come to me?”

Yin Zhi smiled “hehe”.

“Teacher Dongfang, don’t you know…”

“Because I didn’t make a special trip to find you.”

“You’re unhappy, right?”

He just said so.

Even he himself knew it was “feel good about himself.”

Dongfang Weixi faced Yin Zhi and smiled contemptuously.

What kind of expression is this?

Humph, I’m going to fight against you!

“Hey, I guess it must be!”

“In fact, Teacher Dongfang, it is official for me to find Henry Harry.”

“It’s a private matter to find you.”

“Public and private matters are very important. We are both public and private.”

Dongfang Weixi said: “To make a long story short. Don’t talk nonsense. I’ll catch a plane.”

Catch a plane?

If you catch a plane, you are not returning home, but where are you going?

Yin Zhi said, “Where are you going, Teacher Dongfang?”

“You can’t control it.”

“I want to manage.”

“are you crazy?”

“Huh, didn’t you know it a long time ago?”

You are here to piss me off! ?

Dongfang Weixi clenched his teeth.

She adjusted her mindset.

“Say, be, and matter!”

Yin Zhi secretly poked a triumphant smile.

Hey, the initiative is in our hands again, right?

“Then let’s talk about the two of us first.”


Dongfang Weixi said coldly: “There is nothing to say between us.”

Yin Zhi waved his hand.

“This is our business.”

“It doesn’t count if you say it alone.”

“From now on we will not see when we look up.”

“Ignore it clearly, how embarrassing to see each other in the future, right?”

Dongfang Weixi faced Yin Zhi coldly.

“Am I not clear enough?”

“Nothing happened yesterday.”

“everything is over.”

“When you mention it, I will kill you!”

“I do what I say!”

Yin Zhi barked his teeth with a smile.

“You won’t kill me.”

There is no killing intent at all, who are you fooling?

Dongfang Weixi said coldly: “I will!”

“No, you won’t!”

“I will talk about it!”

“Little dead-finding expert” asked for death again: “I hurt when you caught it last night, and I scratched my back and bleeds.”

I want to see if you will “kill intent” on me.


“Who called ‘Mom, I’m going to fly’ yesterday.”



A pillow hit Yin Zhi’s head.

Time after time.

It smashed in a few clicks, and the duck down was flying all over the sky.

After a few hits, Yin Zhi quickly took the initiative and got entangled with Dongfang Weixi.


Yin Zhi’s physical strength is still not as good as Dongfang Weixi.

Was quickly suppressed.

Dongfang Weixi seemed to be completely irritated by Yin Zhi.

The beautiful face is very terrifying and scary at the moment!

“You like to take the initiative, don’t you?”


“I won’t let you take the initiative!”

“Don’t even think about it!”

“You are here with me! Forever! Far away! Don’t even think about taking the initiative!”

After all, Dongfang Weixi gnawed down at Yin Zhi like a she-wolf who threw down her prey.

Yin Zhi’s eyes widened.


“It seems to be overdone.”

“Should I be…”

Pieces of duck down fell leisurely.

One of them, coincidentally, happened to fall on the head of a small doll ornament.

My eyes are covered, and I can’t see what I shouldn’t see…

I don’t know how long it took.

It’s been a long time since night has fallen anyway!

“I feel like I…”

“Intentionally or unconsciously, awakened the beast in Teacher Dongfang’s heart?”

“A woman who has been single for more than 30 years is really terrifying.”

Yesterday, I was crazy about playing and called the “Female Emperor in White” to get an injection.

Not today.

The result seems a bit tragic…

“Now that I’m done privately. Tell me about your business.”

“You run to me to find Henry…”

“What means?”

There is no light in the room.

Listening to Dongfang Weixi’s gasping sound from the gloom, Yin Zhi also gasped.

“I don’t want to say it today, I will say it tomorrow.”

Dongfang Weixi said, “Say it today. Don’t speak tomorrow. I won’t listen.”

“Okay, okay! It’s like this…”

So, Yin Zhi explained the cause and effect while panting.

“This is the situation.”

“Now the police and the ‘Holy Tribunal’ are doing their best to arrest Henry Harry.”

“That guy doesn’t know where to hide.”

“Elizabeth doesn’t need to ask and knows she can’t say it.”

“I can only come to you.”

Dongfang Weixi said, “You found the wrong person. I don’t know where he is.”

“You don’t understand men.”

“Men always have a strange psychology towards women they like.”

“Think about it carefully.”

“Is there anything special to you and Henry.”

“Perhaps the dog day will be there.”

Dongfang Weixi said, “Can’t you be more elegant?”

“can not!”

“For those who hate me, I will show them what they hate.”

“I just like to see how they want to kill me, but they can’t kill me.”

In the dark night, Dongfang Weixi was silent for a while.

“There is a place.”

“It was the place where our class held summer camps ten years ago.”

“There, Henry confessed to me. I refused.”

Yin Zhixian praised “beautiful rejected” before asking where he was.

“Crystal Lake Camping Area…”

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