Chapter 164 Stop Him! Go and stop him! He is the devil! He must be stopped!

Crystal Lake Camping Area.

It is located in a mountainous area more than two hundred kilometers west of “Watsonton”.

It used to be a very popular holiday destination for tourists.

There are green hills and green water here, and the scenery is undoubtedly superb.

It’s just that it was bought by a private person later, and it has been “non-entry” ever since.

Under the leadership of Dongfang Weixi.

Yin Zhi came to the “Crystal Lake Camping Area”.

A wall of barbed wire blocked their way.

There is a warning sign on the wall of barbed wire, which says…



High voltage!

Do not touch!

Private territory, no entry!

Yin Zhi peeked around, then turned to look at Dongfang Weixi.

“Teacher Dongfang, please take a trip with me.”

“You can go back now.”

“Henry, if the dog is really here.”

“It’s better not to meet him.”

A trace of hesitation flashed in Dongfang Weixi’s eyes.

But then she shook her head.

“Do not!”

“If the’Black Streak Virus’ was really made by Henry…”

“I must stop him!”

The color of determination flashed in Dongfang Weixi’s eyes.

It has nothing to do with nationality!

Such a contagious virus is a disaster for all mankind.

Do not stop the black hand behind the scenes.

Does not eliminate the “black streak virus”.

It is the “Odin Merah Country” that is infected today.

Tomorrow maybe the “True Dragon Kingdom” will suffer.

There are other countries and regions.

Once the “black streak virus” spreads around the world, the consequences will be disastrous.

Yin Zhi answered, “Okay.”

Immediately he summoned the “Machine Empress”.

Yin Zhi suddenly stretched out his hand towards Dongfang Weixi.

Behave to hold her waist.

Dongfang Weixi stared at him coldly.

“what are you doing?”

Yin Zhi blinked, with a natural expression on his face.

“Hug you!”

“How can you use your skills without holding you?”

“You don’t want to just walk in like this, do you?”

“My’machine girl’ has the ability to travel through space, perceive the surroundings, and can avoid surveillance.”

Dongfang Weixi sneered.

That expression, that look, that sneer.

Obviously you are saying “I think you clearly have a bad intention”!

After that, she saw colorful streamers blooming on her fingertips.

A butterfly with a pair of colorful wings was summoned.

Yin Zhi curiously said “Huh”.

“What Yuling is this?”

“See you for the first time.”

“It’s pretty.”

Dongfang Weixi casually replied “Illusory Color Fandie”, so I won’t introduce more.

Immediately, she used the Yuling skills.

The “Illusory Color Fan Butterfly” fanned out a large swath of colorful dust.

The dust fell on Yin Zhi and Dongfang Weixi, covering both of them.

Immediately, something magical happened.


“I’m actually invisible.”

“so amazing!”

“Huh? Teacher Dongfang, where are you?”

“This can’t work! You can’t see me, I can’t see you, what should I do if I get lost?”

“Let’s hold hands.”

Dongfang Weixi suddenly felt a failure.


Suddenly I felt that own wrist was grabbed, and then his hand was grabbed.

“never mind!”

“Holding hands is better than being hugged by him.”

Immediately, the two held hands and jumped over the high-voltage electric barbed wire wall.

Walk through a forest of dead trees piled up with damp and rotting leaves.

A lake and a mountain are in front of you.

Yin Zhi couldn’t help but exclaimed.

“The scenery here is really good.”

“The mountain is really big.”

“There is so much water.”

“Teacher Dongfang, what do you think?”

Dongfang Weixi said, “Are you here to see the scenery or do business?”

Yin Zhi smiled “hehe”.

On the left is a small barracks.

Wooden houses are built against the mountains and hidden in the forest.

It’s just a glance at the past to know that it has been abandoned for a long, long time.


“I knew something was wrong here.”

“It’s surrounded by energized wire fences. It’s all deserted here.”

Dongfang Weixi dragged Yin Zhi and left: “You are so much nonsense.”

Then the two explored in the abandoned camping area.

After turning around, I found some hidden cameras.

At this time, you still need to use the “Mechanic Empress” perception skills!

as predicted.

As soon as the “holographic scan” was performed, this area was immediately revealed.

There is an underground facility under the ground!

Moreover, “holographic scanning” can not scan the whole picture.

How big does this have to be?

Yin Zhizheng wants to display “subspace sliding”.

It suddenly occurred to me that I should find a more professional person!

However, before summoning the “Empress Empress”, Yin Zhi first summoned the “Empress in White”.

“A hundred poison does not invade the needle” is naturally essential!

Immediately, the “Empress Empress” was summoned.

Since having a relatively stable “food”, “Empress Empress” has become easier to talk.

Negotiate with the “Empress Void” here.

There Dongfang spoke soon after.

“You really have a relationship with the’female Yuling’.”

“Every Yuling is a female!”

“They are all first-class beauties!”

Yin Zhi let out a “Uh” cry.


There is no way to refute it!


Need to refute?


That’s right, I have a relationship with the “Female Yuling”.

And none of my friends are ordinary “female Yulings”.

All are the “Emperors” of the “Holy Spirit Nine Stars”!

I keep a low profile.

I’m afraid to scare you to death!

“so far so good!”

“Come on, hold me tight.”

“I want to use the’Void Walk’ skill.”

“Don’t hold me tight, what if you get lost in the void?”

Of course he would not say that this is alarmist.

Dongfang Weixi reluctantly grabbed Yin Zhi’s waist from the side.

Yin Zhi took her into his arms and held her tightly.

Using the “Walk in the Void” skill, the two passed through the barriers of the earth and successfully entered the underground facilities.

The two appeared in a corridor.

The overhead lights flickered.

There is a faint smell of blood in the air…

It looks like the situation here is not good.

Just in time!

A man covered in blood rushed past the end of the corridor.

In the next second, the blood man jumped out again.

He roared, and ran towards the two Yin Zhi.

Dongfang Weixi flicked his fingertips.

The “Queen of Winter” was summoned almost in an instant.

The teacher is the teacher, and this speed of summoning makes Yin Zhi feel beyond reach.

“If I have this speed, I won’t be killed by a spike last time.”

The moment the blood man rushed to the two of them, he was frozen into an ice sculpture.

Yin Zhidao: “Did he have a’rabies’ attack?”

Dongfang Weixi said: “Let’s go, look around here, maybe there will be an answer.”

Immediately, the two explored in this underground facility.

However, this place seems to have become a bloody purgatory!

The blood was everywhere, and the rich blood was particularly choking.

The dilapidated corpses looked like they had been bitten by wild animals, scattered everywhere.

But it was actually bitten by the blood man who had the “rabies” attack!

After searching for a big circle, and almost running through the entire underground facility, I finally saw a normal living person.




“Stop him! Stop him! He is the devil! He must be stopped!”

After saying this, the woman in a white coat had a “rabies” attack and was frozen into an ice sculpture…

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