Chapter 165 Henry, what on earth are you thinking? What are you doing? !

Looking at the ice sculpture in front of me…

Yin Zhi was speechless.

“Hey, Big Sister!”

“You have to talk about the key points, don’t you understand?”

“Do you think that making a movie is deliberately disgusting!”

“Just say stop him, but don’t say how to stop him, where to stop him.”

“How do you let us stop him?”

Except for complaining, he didn’t know what to say.

Dongfang just turned around and left.

“Let’s go!”

“Look carefully again.”

“Maybe there will be clues.”

At this time, she has clearly realized the seriousness of the matter!

till this moment.

Everyone I saw, whether they were alive or dead, had black lines on their bodies.

There is no doubt that they are infected with the “black streak virus.”

And their symptoms are more severe than those of ordinary infected people.

People who are generally infected have a high fever, cough, and vomiting, coupled with high spirits, and tend to be violent.

But the infected person in this place is just like the “rabies” attack, biting people when they see it!

If the infected person outside is the same as the infected person here…


You know, the total number of infections has reached 60 million!

More than 60 million people go crazy and bite when they see someone?

It is also extremely contagious, and is also infected with the “black streak virus” when being bitten?

This is simply the end of the human world!


What are you thinking?

What are you doing? !

After that, the two went through some exploration and search.

Finally, they came to Henry Harry’s office.

Why do you know that it is Henry Harry’s office?

On the desk is a group photo of Henry Harry and Dongfang Weixi…

Yin Zhi is holding the photo frame.

“He really loves you too much.”

“Look, put the photos you took with you where you can see when you lift your eyes.”

Dongfang Weixi’s face was icy.

“Can you die without saying a few words?”

“Hurry up and find clues!”

While talking, he ran through boxes and cabinets.

Yin Zhi curled his lips.

Then, he removed the photo.

Cut off the half of Dongfang Weixi with scissors.


Putting the half of Dongfang Weixi’s photo in his pocket, Yin Zhi began to look for clues.




Dongfang Weixi frowned, “How come there are no clues?”

Yin Zhi was about to speak.

Suddenly he made a “hush” action to Dongfang Weixi.

He bit Dongfang Weixi’s ear and whispered.

“somebody is coming!”

“It’s Elizabeth.”

“When you attract her attention, I will give her an injection!”

After that, Yin Zhi quickly replaced the “Machine Empress” with the “Empty Empress” and the “White Empress”.

At the same time, he used the “Walking in the Void” skill to hide in the “Void Realm.”

The “spatial gap” of “Machine Empress” cannot be moved anymore.

The “Walking in the Void” of “Empress Empress” can move freely.

Sit down!

Of course, this is mainly “specializing in the art industry.”

The omnipotence of the “Machine Empress” is incomparable to the “Empty Empress”.

Dongfang Weixi obeyed Yin Zhi’s words and hid behind the wine rack.

Soon, the door of the office opened.

Elizabeth hurried in with her blonde hair.

Her imperial spirit, “The Underworld Three-Headed Dog” followed her closely.



“Where are you?”

Dongfang Weixi walked out of the wine rack.

“he’s not here.”

Elizabeth turned abruptly, a pair of bosses with emerald eyes.

“How will you be here?!”

Suddenly, she sensed something and turned around sharply.

A needle pierced her body…

She saw the face that made her hate penetrates the bone again.


Then, she just felt that the power of the whole body was going crazy.

At the same time, “The Underworld Three-Headed Dog” was also disbanded because of Elizabeth’s mental dissolution.

Elizabeth wanted to cry and was helpless.

Yin Zhi picked her up when she was about to fall and put it on the chair.

Dongfang Weixi spoke first.

“Henry is not here.”

“When we came here, it became The Underworld.”

“Obviously, it was Henry who turned this place into The Underworld!”

“Tell me, where can I find him now!”

“We must stop his crazy plan!”

Elizabeth looked at Dongfang Weixi contemptuously.


“Do not!”

“I would call it ‘great’!”

“Dongfang Weixi, you don’t know anything.”

“Henry is doing something truly great!”

great? !

Dongfang Weixi’s cheeks flushed with excitement.

“The development of the’black streak virus’ has caused more than 60 million infections.”

“Millions of people Death!”

“Endangering the safety of human lives in the entire world!”

“You said this is a great thing?”

Elizabeth’s eyes were firm.

“Pain and crisis are the driving force of human evolution!”

“Maybe some people will give their lives for it now.”

“But in the future, people will remember and thank Henry Harry!”

“Henry Harry, will personally create a new era!”

Dongfang Weixi wanted to speak, but Yin Zhi interrupted her.

“It’s all right, Teacher Dongfang, let me do it.”

Yin Zhi looked at Elizabeth.

Elizabeth hummed and turned her head.

“It seems that Henry Harry’s plan is already in its final stage.”

“Tell me what he is going to do next.”

“It’s not for me, it’s for Henry Harry.”

Elizabeth snorted coldly.

Yin Zhi smiled.

“As far as I know, the’Blackstripe Virus’ can allow humans to directly absorb Spiritual Qi from heaven and earth-you call it psychic energy.”

“The reason why those infected are energetic and violent.”

“It’s because they have absorbed mixed psionic energy, but at the same time they can’t digest and control it correctly.”

“am I right?”

Elizabeth continued to snort disdainfully.

“So, the’Holy Court’ will never allow him to succeed.”

“In fact, I was invited by the’Holy Tribunal’ to drink tea yesterday.”

“So do you think Henry Harry has the ability to fight against the “Holy Court”?”

“If you let him fall into the hands of’Holy Court’, guess what his fate will be.”

Elizabeth pursed her lips and frowned slightly.

“Even if you have confidence in him, it’s useless.”

“‘Holy Court’ has stood the world for thousands of years!”

“If even a Henry Harry can’t be right, it would be ridiculous.”

“So, that dog… the only way for that guy to survive is for us to find him first.”

It’s so risky, almost uttering the three words “dog day”.

Elizabeth said: “Let you find him first, and he will die in your hands!”

Yin Zhi shook his head.

“No, no, no!”

“I won’t kill him. What did I kill him for?”

“I never like to kill.”

“My purpose is very simple, to prevent him from continuing to harm the world.”

Elizabeth stubbornly exclaimed: “He is doing a great thing!”

“Then you have to live first, don’t you?”

“In addition, if I guessed correctly, you have been followed by the’Holy Court’.”

“I believe they will come soon.”

“In their hands, some of them have a way to pry your mouth open.”

“If you don’t tell me, I’ll bring you here.”

A panic flashed in Elizabeth’s eyes…

After a while, Elizabeth saw that Yin Zhi and the two were really going to leave, and she immediately shouted “No.”

“He is not here, so he should go to the leader of the’Red Dragon Club’.”

“‘The Key of Genesis’ needs to use the sales channels of the’Red Dragon’ forbidden goods to spread!”


Was it involved with the “Red Dragon Club”? !

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