Chapter 166 You are lucky to meet me today! I’ll take care of this! Damn it!

Forefoot, Yin Zhi left…

On the back foot, a girl in a holy white dress walked out of the void.

A pair of sapphire-like eyes shone magnificently.

It is the “Holy Star Knight” Saibar Asa!

She stood pretty in the middle of Henry Harry’s office.

He glanced around in a blank expression.

Immediately, her fingers flicked in the air.

But there is no light.

Then, a chubby, bloated alarm clock suddenly jumped out.

“Tick! Hello, little master!”

“Tick! What can I do for you?”

This alarm clock has eyes, nose and mouth.

The overall image looks very cartoonish.

Saibar Asa squatted down and looked at the fat alarm clock.

“Tick tick tick.”

“I need you to rewind the time in this room.”

“is it okay?”

“Tick Alarm Clock” jumped around in a circle.

“Tick! Of course there is no problem.”

“Tick! Leave it to me, little master.”

Tool system, time-type Yuling, “tick alarm clock”, rarity “Holy Spirit One Star”, overall score 9.0!

The “Retrospect in Time” of the Yu Ling skill, cast it!

In an instant, the time in this room began to run backwards.

Soon, three people appeared in front of Sebar Asa out of thin air.

It’s him?

Saibar recognized Yin Zhi at a glance.


He ran ahead of me again.

A trace of dissatisfaction flashed across Sebar Asa’s dumb face.

Immediately, she stared closely at Elizabeth’s lips.

“Prohibited goods sales…Red Dragon…Genesis…Key…”

“Boss… dragon head… red dragon… find… him…”

She is reading lips.

And since time is going backwards, she also read the reverse lip language.

“Retrospect in time” can only go back to the image, without any sound.

Suddenly, the surrounding images disappeared.

“Tick! Huhu, little master, I’m so tired!”

“Tick! I have no energy to’tick’!”

“Tick Alarm Clock” collapsed on the ground.

The whole deflated ball, panting, tongue sticking out of his mouth.

Saibar Asa picked it up.

There was no dull expression on his face, but a look of guilt and gratitude.

“Thank you, tick.”

“Let’s take a good rest.”

After dismissing the “Tick Alarm Clock”, Sebar Asa became dumbfounded again.

“Key Genesis Red Dragon Prohibited Sales…”

“He is looking for the red dragon leader…”

After chanting these two sentences lightly, she shook her head, puzzled.

Go back and ask Jerry Tang!

He might know something…

That night.

“Watsonton” city.

“True Dragon Street” mouth!

Tonight, the “True Dragon Street” is decorated with lights and red lanterns.

The so-called “True Dragon Street” is actually a neighborhood where the “True Dragons” who work in the “Oding Mela Country” Life gather together.

Basically every city in the “Oding Meira Country” has a “True Dragon Street”.

The familiar smell of firecrackers and the sound of gongs and drums came from the street.

Yin Zhi at the corner of the street said, “Is there a special holiday today?”

Dongfang Weixi glanced at Yin Zhi.

“You are a fake’True Dragon Man’, right?

“I don’t even know’Dragon’s tail’!”

Yin Zhi was taken aback.

“Dragon’s tail”?


I remembered!

On February 2nd, “The Dragon Raises Its Head”.

Double Eleven, “Dragon’s Tail”!

This is an important festival to welcome the end of the year.

Yin Zhi said, “I know, but I haven’t celebrated this festival in’Holy Skull City’ for a long time. If you don’t tell me, I forgot it.”

“It’s true that big cities in China rarely experience’dragon’s tail’.”

“It is true that foreign’true dragon people’ attach great importance to these customs and festivals.”

In the words, Dongfang Weixi let out a faint sigh.

Yin Zhi patted her waist.

“Let’s go!”

“Don’t stop Henry quickly.”

“Maybe today’s’Dragon Waving Tail’ will become’Seven and a half months’.”

“July and a half” is the day to commemorate the dead.

Why memorialize the dead?

Because the deceased is dead.

Yin Zhi’s words seem to be nonsense, but they are actually very appropriate…

The two stepped into the “True Dragon Street” and soon disappeared from the crowd.

After half an hour.

The two saw the sign of the “True Dragon Folks Association”.

The “True Dragon Association” is also the headquarters of the “Red Dragon Association”!

Most people don’t know this!

But Elizabeth knew.

As soon as the two of them walked past, one of them flew out…

If Yinzhi and Yinzhi took the first two steps, they would be hit.

“Long Ye!”

“Long Ye!”

The man got up and knelt on the ground.

Kowtowing while walking.

“I beg you! I kowtow to you!”

“Give Yuanyuan back to me!”

“She’s only thirteen years old!”

“I’m the only one of her relatives, please be kind to her!”

This voice listened to immense sadness and despair.

He was about to kneel and climb up the gate of the “True Dragon Folks Association”.

As a result, he kicked his head with one foot, and kicked him a few more times.

“Pork Chen!”

“Chen Yuanyuan was selected as the’Dragon Girl’ that was a blessing for you and her.”

“I tell you, you don’t know good or bad.”

“Noisy again, believe it or not, I’ve destroyed you?”


The man spit, and took a few younger brothers into the “True Dragon Fellowship Association”.

boom! !

The heavy solid wood door closed tightly.

The “Pork Chen” rushed over and slapped the door vigorously.

In desperation.

He even said, “If you don’t return Yuanyuan to me, I’ll hit him to death.”

Dongfang Weixi walked over and asked him what happened.

“Pork Chen” is now willing to go.

When someone asked what was going on, he would say everything-incoherent.

“Every year’Dragon Swinging Tail’ draws’Dragon Girl’ to offer sacrifices to the Dragon God!”

“It’s not like that! It’s not!”

“‘Dragon Girl’ is played for rich foreigners!”

“I don’t want money! I want my daughter, I want my Yuanyuan!”

“The police simply don’t care! I can’t help it! I really can’t help it!”

“Yuanyuan is only thirteen years old! I don’t want to live anymore!”

“Oh my God! Open your eyes, God!”

Shouting, coughing, coughing up blood…

The lively sound of gongs and drums directly overwhelmed his desperate cry.

Even if someone sees it, they are all “nothing to do with oneself”, just take a look and leave.

Dongfang Weixi’s face was already cold.

“What you said is true?”

“Pork Chen” can’t communicate normally now.

He couldn’t listen to Dongfang Weixi’s words at all.

With a shout, he directly slammed into the door of the “True Dragon Folks Association”.

Thanks to Yin Zhi’s quick eyes and quick hands, he grabbed him.

“let me go!”

“You let me go!”

“Let me die!”

“I do not want to live!”

Snapped! !

Yin Zhi slapped the face of “Pork Chen”.

“Pork Chen” was instantly quiet.

Yin Zhi’s shout poured into his ears.

“Calm down yet?”

“You are a hundred dead! Where is your daughter?”

“Look at you so good! What else are you afraid of if you are not afraid of death?”

“If I were you, I would find a barrel of oil and order this place.”

“You have a fart here when you die!”

“You are lucky to meet me today! I’ll take care of this! Damn it!”

After all, Yin Zhi flew straight out.

With a loud “boom”, the solid wood door of the “True Dragon Folk Association” was knocked down directly…

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