Chapter 167 After talking about the son, let’s talk about the daughter again!

Does Yin Zhi believe in “Pork Chen”?


Anyone who saw “Pork Chen” miserably hemoptysis and committed suicide by banging his head would believe him.

And more importantly…

Yin Zhi’s favor with this “Red Dragon Club” has long been negative!

He has a good memory.

I didn’t forget the brother of the “Red Dragon Society” that I met at the “Oding Mela History Museum” before.

And the phone call with his daddy!


He also learned that Henry Harry’s “Black Streak Virus” actually spread through the “Red Dragon Society” banned product sales channel.

What is a banned product?

It’s really my favorite of “Long Ye”.

He had focused on “Pork Chen” before, and he really didn’t notice Dongfang Weixi.

“Long Ye” walked down the stairs.

A disdainful smile on his face.

“Okay,’Pork Chen’.”

“Are you looking for a helper?”

“You can do it!”

“Pork Chen” really saved it.

At this moment, he is not afraid of “Long Ye” at all.

“Xiao Long, give Yuanyuan back to me!”


“I just burned you here!”

Xiao Long was taken aback, then “haha” laughed.

Point to “Pork Chen”.

“Good job.”

“Burn it, burn it.”

“You can burn it.”

“I want to see if you have this fate!”


what! !

Yin Zhi directly hit his leg with a stick, and directly smashed his leg to the end.

Step on Xiao Long’s head and step hard.

“Are you in charge here?”

“Don’t tell me where you are in charge.”

“Front row reminder: Don’t say a waste word!”

“Say a waste word, I will waste a finger of you!”

Xiao Long shouted in pain: “You are dead! You are dead!”

“Eight characters?”

“That’s eight fingers.”

“Too much trouble. Ten roots are all scrapped!”

The head of the baseball bat sticks with the finger.

Xiao Long fainted in pain…

Yin Zhi kicked Xiao Long and pointed his baseball bat at the pony on the ground.

“Say, who is the principal and where is the principal?”

The voice just fell…

“Friend, what do you mean?”

“I have something to say.”

“Everyone is a compatriot, why bother?”

Yin Zhi turned around.

I saw a tall and thin young man in a white formal dress walking downstairs.

Looking at the gentlemanly.

The combed hair was shiny.

The young man in white walked up to Yin Zhi.

When I look closely, my pupils shrink.

“It turned out that it was Mr. Yin who came here.”

“There is a long way to go.”

“It’s a sin, a sin!”

Yin Zhi put the baseball bat on his shoulder.

“Do you know me?”

“Then it will be easier.”

“Are you in charge here?”

The white-clothed youth said: “Mr. Yin looked at me highly. How can I be qualified to be in charge. I…”

Yin Zhi waved his hand and interrupted him.

“Then call the chief here.”

“Or, let me speak directly to your president.”

“I think I should have this qualification?”

The young man in white “ha ha” smiled.

“Mr. Yin came here, to show his respect, of course, the chairman of the congress should greet him personally.”

“It’s just that Chairman Wang is currently busy with the’Dragon Waving Tail’ festival, and he really cannot be cloned.”

“Please forgive me, Mr. Yin.”

Yin Zhi hummed.

“What if I have to see him?”

“Not only him, I want to see all the senior leaders of your’Hometown Association’.”

“You arrange it now. I’ll just wait here.”

“If you can’t see it, then don’t do this’Dragon’s Tail’ today.”

The young man in white frowned.

This surname is Yin, really arrogant!

The young man in white asked: “Mr. Yin, I don’t know what you have…”

Snapped! ! !

Yin Zhi slapped the face of the young man in white.

Well, it directly disrupted his hairstyle.

Yin Zhi asked, “Are there any questions?”

The fiery pain on his face made the face of the white-clothed youth instantly flushed.

The left half is naturally fanned red.

He took a deep breath, cupped fist cupped hands vigorously.


“Mr. Yin!”

“Wait a minute!”

The so-called “wait” is neither long nor short.

About half an hour later.

Nine men and women came to the lobby on the first floor of the “True Dragon Folks Association”.

Seeing people lying on the ground holding their legs and screaming, their faces were not pretty.

First, a sturdy white-haired old man with Kong Wu hugged Yin Zhi’s head with a cupped fist.

“Mr. Yin, disrespectful!”

“I don’t know where our’hometown association’ has offended you.”

“As for you to be cruel?”

Upon hearing this voice, Yin Zhi knew that this was the person who had been on the phone with him.


He is the president of the “Red Dragon Association” and “True Dragon Fellowship Association”?

Yin Zhi stood up, carrying a baseball bat.

“Chairman Wang, right?”

“I don’t know how your son is educated?”

“Did you let him realize it.”

“As a ‘True Dragon Man’, you must have backbone! You must have blood!”

The corners of Wang Wanfeng’s eyes twitched faintly.

“Mr. Lo Yin is worried.”

“The old man has already scolded him well.”

“Let him think behind closed doors at home.”

Yin Zhi nodded.

“That’s good!”

“I finished talking about my son.”

“Then let’s talk about our daughter again!”

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