Chapter 174 I made it! I am right! I successfully broke the shackles!

“Watsonton” Midtown.

Suddenly a dazzling white light lit up, illuminating the entire night sky.

For a time, the night turned out to be like day!

this moment.

Many people cast their sights on the past.

In that direction, it seems to be the rooftop of the “Empire State Building”?

The citizens wondered what happened…

But soon.

The white light that illuminated the night gradually dimmed, and finally went out.

Dark night, once again occupied this world!

“Empire State Building” rooftop.



“Ha ha!”

This sound was like a sound of laughter and a gasp.

And it was Henry Harry who made this sound…

“It deserves to be the’Holy Star Knight’.”

“Obviously so young.”

“But it has such a powerful strength.”

Henry Harry was very embarrassed at this time.

There are three very serious wounds on his body.

The whole person is leaning on the guardrail on the edge of the roof.

Even standing seemed to exhaust all his strength.

Saibar Asa holds a long sword that is completely condensed from holy and pure white light.

The high-altitude wind was very strong, but her waist-length hair and white skirt could not be blown.


“Do not!”

“Actually I am forty-nine years old. In two months, I will be fifty years old.”


Jerry Tang’s eyes widened when he heard this.

The cigar that was biting on his mouth fell to the ground.

Unbelievable was written on his face.


“Saibar, you turned out to be an aunt who is almost fifty years old?”

“Oh my God! Tell me you must be making a cold joke.”

Saibar Asa turned his head to look at him with a dazed expression.

“I never make a joke.”

“Not to mention cold jokes.”

“And, is age the focus of our attention now?”

Jerry Tang exclaimed “Father”.

“This is really enviable.”

“I want to be like you too.”

“A handful of age can keep the appearance of a young man.”

“Look at me, it’s just over thirty, and it looks like the middle-aged uncle.”

Saibar gave him a blank look, then turned to look at Henry Harry.

“Now, you should follow us obediently, right?”

Henry Harry smiled.

“who knows?”


“Maybe, I won’t?”

Sebar Arthur took a step towards Henry Harry.

Jerry Tang said: “Mother Saibal, be careful!”

He has actually called Saibar “auntie”…

Henry Harry suddenly laughed “haha”.

“Maybe, I will die.”

“But it is also possible that I will become the new century…”

“The only new god!”

After speaking, he flipped back and the whole person fell down!

I jumped off the building by myself! ?

Saibar rushed over, eager to jump.

Jerry Tang was quick with his eyes and grabbed her.

“Whoa whoa!”

“What are you going to do? Are you crazy?”

“Do you know how high it is from the ground?”

“Even if you fall from here, you will die!”

Saibar Asa left a sentence of “I won’t”, then bypassed Jerry and fell straight over the guardrail.

“This is crazy!”

After speaking, he went straight to the top of the stairs…

In midair.

Henry Harry was pulled by gravity and fell down quickly.

He took out a tube of injections, and his face became grim.

“Go to heaven!”

“Still down to The Underworld!”

“Let me see it!”


Laughing, Henry Harry pierced the needle into his own neck artery fiercely.

His crazy and excited voice echoed among the steel jungles of the city…

Like crazy!

Just when he was about to hit the ground and fell to pieces.

Sebar Asa grabbed his leg.

I don’t know what supernatural powers Saibar used.

In an instant, the falling momentum of the two men froze, and then they landed slowly.

“I caught you.”

Saibar said.

The result was a “haha” laugh by Henry Harry.


“Too late!”


The “haha” laugh suddenly changed into a “houhou” laugh.

The voice became thicker and muddier.

Not just sound!

His whole person has changed…

Just like blowing a balloon, the whole person began to swell up.

Such a weird change made Sebal stay away from him for the first time.

Although his face was dumbfounded, his brows were already frowned.

at the same time.

The surrounding citizens screamed.

“Gosh! Look!”

“what is that?”

“Father! What kind of monster is that…?”

“Monster! Run away!!!”

“Quick! Call the police!”

“What’s the use of the police? We must call the ‘hero’!”

Fear dispelled the surrounding crowd in an instant.

People screamed, shoved, and rushed.

I just hate having two legs, and quickly leave this ghost place.

However, there are also those who are brave and not afraid of death and quickly use the shooting equipment in their hands.


Of course it is to take pictures of what you see in front of you!

In other words…

What did they see?

A monster!

A humanoid monster that grows from small to large!

It’s as high as forty or fifty meters!

The whole body is covered with black horny carapace!

Although he is big, he has almost perfect proportions!

That piece of muscle covered by a horny carapace, just by looking at it, you know that it contains unimaginable terrifying power!

A pair of scimitar-like black horns on the top of the head, the horns thrust into the sky!

A horror, hideous, and tyrannical aura was released all over the body!

This makes him look like Devil coming out of The Underworld!

He just stood between the steel jungle.

Obviously choose any building around it that is taller than him.

But in the eyes of the frightened people, he is the tallest one at the moment!

“Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho!”

“I feel it now!”

“I feel it clearly!”


“This is power!”

“I succeeded! I was right! I successfully broke the shackles!”

“This feeling is really wonderful!”

“I have found a way to become stronger that truly belongs to mankind!”

“Today, I will become the new god!”

Henry Harry’s voice only spread and vibrated in the building.

One piece of glass in the surrounding buildings is counted as one piece, and all of them are broken.

One of the surrounding cars counted as one, and all of them gave off a harsh anti-theft explosion.

Those who heard the sound blocked Own’s ears and screamed in pain.

Right here…

Jerry Tang came to Saibar’s side, full of glass ballast.

“My father!”

“How could he become like this?”

“So what happened?”

Saibar looked up at Henry Harry who was laughing wildly.

Suddenly, Henry Harry seemed to be aware…

He lowered his head.

Two pairs of eyes, one big and one small, collided in the air at the time.

Private sparks splashed in the air.

“There is no need for a trial.”

“Let’s do the sacred judgment now!”

“In the name of the Holy See…”

“He must die tonight!”

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