Chapter 175 If you gather a billion, and beg me, I will save you!

A battle of earth-shaking, forced demolition and blasting…

It broke out in the very central area of ​​the city of “Watsonton”!

this moment.

For citizens located in this area, that is the end of the world!

The “new era” that Henry Harry yelled…

Before they had time to take a look, they were crushed in the “old century”.

Saibar Asa and Jerry Tang made all-out efforts to implement the “Holy Judgment”.

But he couldn’t kill the “Devilized” Henry Harry at all.

Instead, because of the fierce battle with him, many innocent citizens were affected.

In this regard, the two of them are helpless…

Soon, those “heroes and spirits” assembled!

“Mecha Man”!

“Captain Patriotic”!

“Dwarf Thor”!

“Black Elf”!

“Red strong man”!

“The Night Baron”!

Etc., etc.

They “Eight Immortals across the sea each show their magical powers”, using all their abilities.

Trying to eliminate the “Devilization” Henry Harry, and save the citizens in dire straits.


Henry Harry at this time is truly incredible!

To put it a bit exaggerated, perhaps it is really like a “god”.

Even if those “heroes and spirits” unite, they will be crushed and beaten by Henry Harry!


The number of “hero warriors” is decreasing.

A few really sacrificed.

But more often, they slipped away when they saw the bad situation…

Obviously, many people still think that “fate” is more important than being a “hero”!

In the end, there were only six “heroes” such as “Mecha Man”.

And they are the core members of the newly formed “Avengers League”!

Knowing that it’s invincible, but you have to hold on!

This spirit is also commendable…


The “Odin Merah Army” is dispatched!

They directly dispatched two forces, land and air.

In the air is a formation of fighter planes-fighter planes are all Yuling!

On the ground is the team of “step-tan coordination”-tanks are also Yuling!

The “military” is not without the fighter planes and tanks produced by the modern military industry.

But the “Guling Warrior” is undoubtedly the real elite!

The results of it?

Not even a minute after joining the battlefield, you will die and withdraw!

Any tank gun or heavy airborne machine gun could not kill Henry Harry at all.

At this time, Henry Harry could still release a powerful thought drive!

What fighters and tanks were crushed round by his thoughts!

it’s easy to see.

All need to ride, carry a kind of Yuling.

As long as the master rides and carries.

Then the Yuling can attack the target!

If it is attacked, it will be damaged or even scrapped!

This result made the citizens desperate and made the “military senior” angry.

As a result, the “military senior” immediately negotiated to move out weapons of mass destruction…

However, the dramatic and magical situation has already happened.

This battle took place in the central area of ​​”Watsonton”.

It has been broadcast live to a national audience!

Because the headquarters of many media spoilers in “Odin America” ​​is in this area!

How could they let go of such a hot “hot headline”!

They don’t care about other things-like triggering panic, these have nothing to do with them.

They just want to join in the fun, it’s not too much of a problem, they just want the ratings!

And because here is “freedom of press and speech,” the authorities simply cannot control these “media giants.”

Therefore, these things that are simply not suitable for the people are still placed in front of the people.

That horrible monster!

That burning building!

Those screaming people!

And the embarrassed appearance of the beaten heroes who were helpless!

All were seen clearly by the people all over the country.

Panic and anger are spreading across the “Oding Mela”!

“Who will tell me what kind of monster it is!”

“Is the door of The Underworld opened?!”

“Father! Help us! Please!”

“Lonte (head of state) why don’t those bastards eat shit!”

“Are those’heroes’ all rubbish?! Why not kill him!”

At this moment, thousands of households in the “Odin Merah Country” are sitting in front of the screen.

A thousand people, a thousand reactions.

Some are cursing.

Some are praying.

Some are silent.

Some are in fear.


Some people are very excited about the death and pain of others…

The world is so big, who is not there?

on site.

Six “heroes” gathered in the ruins of the street.

Not far away, the huge monster is wreaking havoc on the building—actually fighting against Saibar!

Until now, only Saibar was able to compete head-on.

“Mecha, what should we do? You must think of a way!”

“You ask me, how do I know?”

“Pray! Pray that ‘father’ can hear our prayers, and then perform miracles!”

“Sorry, I am a ‘Mother’, I believe in ‘mother’!”

“It doesn’t matter! It doesn’t matter! You know? You can even pray to the’Dragon God’! Pray to whoever works! While we are still alive!”

“Calm down, gentlemen! The situation is still at its worst! Haven’t you seen that the “Holy Court” is there?”

“Yes! As long as the people from the “Holy Court” are here…”

Just when these six people communicated in a nearly quarrelsome manner.

A loud “bang” broke out.

I saw a white figure shooting from the direction of the “Troll Man”.

It penetrated the corner of a building and shot into a position less than 20 meters away from the “Mecha Man”.

It is Saibar…




At this moment, they were silent.

Because the person who shot here is the “holy man” they hoped for!

For a while, a sense of despair and powerlessness filled their hearts.

Even the “holy court people” are like this, what can they do? !

It’s over.




“Look, see, who is this?”

“Isn’t this a’Mecha Man’? There is also a’Patriotic Captain’!”

“Are you going to have supper? But it seems that the supper shop should be closed.”

The six “heroes” turned their heads abruptly and saw a person approaching them whom they hated and hated.

It’s not Yinzhi, who is it?

Suddenly, the faces of the “heroes” became extremely ugly.

“Mecha Man” said: “True Dragon, we are not in the mood to talk nonsense with you. Please stay away.”

Yin Zhilu had a stubborn expression on his face.

“I just don’t!”

“Know? Guys, maybe you need my generous and unselfish help.”

“If you beg me, maybe I will provide some help to you poor little ones.”

“Mecha Man” said: “You?”

Although it is an electronically synthesized sound, there is still a strong disdain and unbelief.

The eyes of other heroes are also enough to explain everything-relying on you?

“for me!”

“You must be praying to your’father’?”

“Maybe I am the rescuer invited by your’father’?”

“It’s just that I don’t like selfless dedication.”

“If you gather one billion and beg me again, I will save you in accordance with humanitarian principles!”

“Even if you don’t believe me, why not try it? Maybe it works?”


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