Chapter 176 Father! Did you even abandon “Odin Mela”…

“Don’t believe him!”

“Yes! We can’t believe him! He is the incarnation of Devil!”

“True Dragon, we don’t need your help! Please leave!”

Of the six “heroes and spirits”, three of them all expressed their disbelief in Yin Zhi for the first time.

No more help from Yin Zhi!

“Mecha Man”, “Patriotic Captain”, “Dark Elf”, and “Night Baron” were silent.

Just in time!

A roar came from a distance.

It was followed by a loud bang!

“Trollman” Henry Harry broke a building much taller than him with a fist.

The building leaned directly and fell towards the ground…

This is Henry Harry fighting Jerry Tang!

Saibar Asa has been cured by the “healing Yuling” Holy Light priest.

She jumped out of the pit.

After looking at “Mecha Man”, Yin Zhi and others, he rushed towards “Troll Man” Henry Harry.

Yin Zhi’s laughter sounded in the ears of “Captain Patriotic” and others…

“That’s right. I’m the incarnation of Devil!”

“So what is that guy?”

“It’s not too much to say that he is’Devil’, right?”

“If you don’t destroy him, how many people will you die?”

“How many buildings will be demolished by him?”

“I just offered a price of one billion yuan, plus a request. Is it difficult to do it?”

“Aren’t you’heroes’?”

“In your eyes, money and face are more important than the lives of your compatriots?”

“Captain Patriotic” has spoken!

“Do you really have a way to kill him?”

Yin Zhi replied “Of course!”

“Otherwise, what am I doing here?”

“There is no supper here!”

Can you not mention supper?

Who is still in the mood for supper now!

“Mecha Man” was annoyed…

“Captain Patriotic” showed firmness, he turned his head to look at the others.


“no solution anymore!”

“Perhaps we can only try to believe him.”

“Mecha Man” snorted.

“I do not have money.”

“Don’t talk about a billion, I can’t even get a million.”

“As’heroes’, we have to pay back and beg others to save the city.”

“This is really ironic!”

“Black Elf” said “Enough”!

She summoned own “Space Yuling”, took out a dark card and threw it to Yin Zhi.

“You can take him to the’Man Ray Brothers Bank’ to withdraw one billion yuan!”

“This is……”

Yin Zhi flicked the “black card” in his hand.

“I know I know, this is a ‘black card’.”

“I have one exactly the same.”

“But my number is before yours.”

“Then, I laughed at the billion.”

“Next, you have to line up and make a formal request to me.”

“Then you just need to watch me perform.”

The hot-tempered “Dwarf Thor” said angrily: “This is impossible…”

“Sol, just do what he says.”

“This is for the city and its citizens.”

“We have no choice.”

The voice of “Captain Patriotic” was filled with helplessness.

“Dwarf Thor” scolded “Fak” fiercely!

Then, six “heroes and spirits” reluctantly stood in a row in front of Yin Zhi…

This scene.

However, it was caught by the position of a “media giant”.

There is no doubt that this picture has been broadcast to thousands of households.

“Dad! “Captain Patriotic” what are they doing?”

“Baby, I don’t know. Let me keep watching.”

“It’s the ‘Incarnation of Devil’!”

“Those’heroes’ are actually bending towards him!?”

“What’s wrong with their brains?!”

“Shame! They are the shame of’Odin Mela’!”

“Fragrant greetings” from thousands of households.

“Captain Patriotic” they naturally couldn’t hear.

A second, they initiated a request to Yin Zhi with a rather humble and sincere attitude.

A second later, Yin Zhi put a thunder in their ears…

“Know? Guys!”

“I have to tell you a secret!”

“That is, even if you don’t give money or ask me, I will kill the monster!”

“But your money and requests really make me happier.”

Then, a pair of angry eyes looked at Yin Zhi!

That look, can’t wait to kill!

“Didi! You got 600,000 killers from an unknown object, please check!”

“Didi! You got half a million kills from an unknown object, please check!”

“Didi! You got 400,000 murderous intentions from an unknown object, please check!”



Six consecutive “didi” sounded, bringing a total of 2.6 million “killing hearts” to Yin Zhi.


Yin Zhi laughed three times.

“I haven’t forgotten that you killed me once.”

“I didn’t kill you, you should be grateful.”

“This is just a small amount of interest I charge, understand?”

“Okay, I’m going to work next time!”

“You go and move to a stool and get some supper by the way.”

“Just enjoy my performance while eating!”

“Let me tell you, what is real power!”

After that, he strode towards Henry Harry the “Trollman”.

“Dwarf Thor” gritted his teeth.

“Why do I suddenly want him to be killed by that Devil so much.”

“Mecha Man” said “the same as I thought”.


They saw Yin Zhi raising his hand high, his fingertips blooming with holy white light!

The white light seemed to have some magic power.

It made them feel different in an instant.

this moment.

Not just them.

The thousands of households in “Oding Meila” also saw the white light blooming at Yin Zhi’s fingertips through the live broadcast.

They watched Yin Zhi slide his finger.

This is obviously drawing a summoning circle.

But why didn’t I see the summoning circle?

This doubt, as the lens on the screen turns, there will be an answer!


Because a huge summoning circle blooming with holy white light caught everyone’s eyes.

Then, a new question arose…

With such a large summoning circle, what kind of Yuling did he summon?

And this doubt, the quick answer—the answer, is in front of everyone!

A giantess who everyone knows from the “Odin Mela” descended from the circle…

She wears a crown on her head.

She has a flawless face.

She has bright eyes that seem to dispel the night.

She is holding a torch in her left hand.

She is holding a book in her right hand.

She was barefoot and dressed in a white holy robe.

is her?

is her!

Lady Liberty/Empress!

“Daughter of Odin Mela”-the goddess of the father’s daughter!

this moment……

All the “Odin Mela people” in front of the screen were shocked and stunned.

The next moment…

All the “Odin Mela people” in front of the screen burst into flames.

“Father! What did I see?”

“The Goddess of Liberty! It’s the real Goddess of Liberty!”

“Three hundred years! The goddess of the Lighthouse of Liberty has been resonated again!”

“Why?! Why on earth is this!?”

“Who will tell me why the lighthouse goddess of Liberty in’Odin Mela’ will be resonated by a’True Dragon Man’!”


“Green Palace” Head of State’s Office.

“Odin Mela” head of state Rand Edwards slumped in a chair.

A blond hair was drooping on his head.


“Don’t even you abandon’Odin Mela’…”

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