Chapter 177 The sixth nine-star female emperor of the Holy Spirit, Yuling: Freedom Lighthouse!

Humanoid, giant Yuling, female emperor of Freedom Lighthouse.

Rarity: Holy Spirit Nine Stars

Overall score: 10

Growth level: 5

Intimacy: 3


The glory of freedom

Free light

Free recitation

Anthem of Freedom

This is what Yin Zhi used “Epic Crystal” to extract…

Holy Spirit Nine Stars?

It’s the nine stars of the Holy Spirit again!


Empress again!

“Freedom Lighthouse Empress” has become the sixth rare “Holy Spirit Nine Stars” “Female Emperor” Yuling possessed by Yin Zhi!

Regarding this…

Yin Zhi was overjoyed and entangled again.

I can’t train it!

I really can’t train it!

But when he felt near the “Empire State Building”.

After witnessing the “Trolling” Henry Harry…

He knew that he had accumulated nearly 20 million murderous hearts just now, and he couldn’t keep it.

“Dawei Tianlong Empress” is still not suitable to be taken out!

He felt that the “Dawei Tianlong Empress” had an even more incredible story.

Once exposed, the consequences are unpredictable.

Why does Yoon Zhi think so?


“Dawei Tianlong Empress” is divided into six parts, extracted from the six “Dragon Pearls”!

What kind of Yuling can be treated like this?

This gave Yin Zhi the feeling that it was more like the “Dawei Tianlong Empress” was imprisoned and sealed…

Think carefully!

Think carefully!

For the time being, the “Dawei Tianlong Empress” is still hidden.

It is not a last resort and will never show up.

Come this way!

How to clean up “Troll Man” Henry Harry?

You can only come up with “Freedom Lighthouse Empress”!

At this moment, Yin Zhi didn’t want to hide it.


Obviously there is such a powerful Yuling.

But he was worried about this and that, instead of showing it out.

Really boring……

It’s so boring!

As for how to explain after the “Liberty Beacon Empress” is revealed…

He has already thought about it.

Just push it to the “Photon Harmony Theory”!

I didn’t steal one, nor robbed it.

It is the “female emperor of the beacon of freedom” that resonates with the “photon harmony and resonance method”.

Can’t it? !

Does anyone have an opinion? !

Therefore, Yin Zhi used the “killing heart” accumulated these days to cultivate the “Freedom Lighthouse Empress”!

In this way, his “killing heart balance” has bottomed out again.

As for…

What kind of reaction will the “Odin Mela people” have when they see the “Empress of Freedom Beacon”?

Yin Zhi said, what is love and what is reaction!

“The Empress of Freedom Lighthouse” was not something I stole or robbed.

It’s what I “pulled” out!

is it not OK! ?


“The Empress of Freedom Beacon” was once the “national spirit” of “Odin Merah”.

Three hundred years ago.

The “Daughter of the Father of the Nation” relies on the “Goddess of the Lighthouse of Liberty/Empress”.

Only then defeated the invading powerful enemy and colonial armed forces.

Only then was it possible to establish the “Odin Merah State” known as freedom and democracy.

It can be said……

“The Empress of Freedom Beacon” is the pillar and symbol of the free spirit of “Odin Merah”!

Its meaning is equivalent to the “Qingyan Empress” to the “Qing Empire” more than two thousand years ago.

But so what?

What is this about me?

Now she was drawn out by me, and that was someone Yin’s!

It has nothing to do with you “Odin Merah”!


Yin Zhi had a bad taste in his heart!

I know that “The Empress of Freedom Beacon” is the foundation of “Odin Merah”!

I know that “The Empress of Freedom Beacon” is of great significance to your “Odin Merah”!

But I just want to show the “Empress of Freedom Beacon” to you and declare my ownership of her!

I’m so angry with you guys! ?

Not convinced?

Come and bite me!

Come kill me!

Give me all the “killing hearts”!

If you don’t contribute “killing heart” to me, how can I cultivate the “Empress of Freedom Beacon”?

at this time……

Under the gaze of countless people!

A beam of light shot from the torch in the left hand of the “Freedom Lighthouse Empress”.

Yin Zhi was shrouded in this light and floated.

It fell on the crown of the “Emperor of the Liberty Beacon”.

The “torch” of the “Empress of Freedom Lighthouse” just looked like fire.

It is actually a holy white light that resembles a flame!

At this moment.

“Trollman” Henry Harry naturally discovered the “Empress of the Liberty Beacon”.

He smashed and smashed, yelling up to the sky.

The violent power and thought power raged like a huge wave and a tsunami.

All the buildings within 30 to 40 meters were destroyed!

Naturally, Sebar Asa and Jerry Tang were also shocked, and their lives were unknown.

Roar! ! ! !

“Trollman” Henry Harry gaped his mouth and roared at the “Empress of the Liberty Beacon”.

The sound waves erupting from the mouth turned out to be round after round.

“Yin Zhi!”

“It’s you!?”

“Damn you!!”

With this roar…

“Didi! You got six million murder points from Henry Harry! Please check!”

Depend on!

How many?

Six million points! ?


This is too much!

Immediately, the “Troll Man” had a sharp claw, and a translucent sphere was formed above the palm of his palm.

Nianli limit compression ball!


Cut through!

Released a horrible aura that seemed to destroy the world.

“Go to hell!”

There was another roar!

The “Troll Man” shook his arms and threw the “Nianli Compression Ball” to Yin Zhi.

Where the “compression ball” passed, even the space was filled with crystal-colored ripples.

“Freedom Lighthouse Empress” on the crown.

Yin Zhi looked solemn.

He could clearly feel the deadly breath contained in that ball.

Immediately thought a move.

Yuling skills, “The Radiance of Freedom”, display it!

“The Goddess of Liberty” held up the “torch of liberty” in her hands.

The soft, holy white light lit up, shining everywhere.

For an instant, even the night sky seemed to be illuminated.

The “Nianli Limit Compression Ball” shot into the area illuminated by the white light, and immediately trembled violently.

Then shrink quickly!

But when it finally hits the chest of the “Liberty Beacon Empress”.

The power turned out to be so tight that the giant on the chest of the “Freedom Lighthouse Empress” swayed twice.

That huge shaking is unexpectedly eye-catching at this moment…

This is exactly the effect of “The Radiance of Freedom”, weakening the attack of psionic skills!

“Come and not be indecent!”

Yin Zhi murmured, his thoughts moved.

Use the Yuling skill “Freedom’s Irradiation”!

All the white light was focused into a beam of light and hit the “Troll Man” Henry Harry.


Ouch! ! !

The screams immediately rang through the ears of every audience at the scene and in front of the screen.

At this moment, everyone has only one thought…

“Freedom Lighthouse Empress”, so strong!

After irradiation that lasted at least five seconds.

“Troll Man” Henry Harry’s chest has more big holes running through it!


It is in the “Oding Mela people” looking forward to the “Liberty Beacon Goddess/Emperor” to display stronger and cooler skills.

When destroying the “Troll Man” in one fell swoop.

Let an unexpected scene happen for everyone…

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