Chapter 178 This is the “Goddess of the Lighthouse of Liberty”? No, this is “free street shrew”!

“The Empress of the Freedom Lighthouse” actually picked up the white robe!

The robe was raised to the half of the thigh.

Two very white, very long thighs were exposed.

I have to say, it is necessary to focus on it!

Those two really long legs are really tempting…

Zhijiao people have unlimited reveries of a little bit more regional scenery.

Then, she rushed towards the “Troll Man” in great strides!

What is she going to do?

This is the doubt in almost everyone’s mind.

But what happened next left everyone stunned…

But see!

The “Empress of Freedom Lighthouse” lifted the “Freedom Torch” high above her head.

Immediately, he smashed the head of the “Troll Man” fiercely!




Smashed three times in a row.

Fast and fierce!

The “Troll Man” was smashed backwards step by step, and his stature was a little shaky.

follow closely!

“Freedom Lighthouse Empress” lost the “Freedom Torch”.

Raise the “Declaration of Freedom” with both hands-that is the book.

Then hit the head of the “Troll Man”!




Smashed three times in a row!

The same is fast and fierce.

It’s not over yet!

There is a fourth time!

“The Empress of Freedom Beacon” jumped up and smashed the “Declaration of Freedom” that was over the top.

There was a dull loud “bang”.

The force of terror created a powerful shock wave that radiated to the surroundings.

“Troll Man” Henry Harry was hit on the head seven times and fell directly to the ground.


An even more jaw-dropping scene happened…

“The Empress of Freedom Lighthouse” even raised her big white feet.

Kick fiercely on the “Troll Man”!

one time!

Two clicks!

Three times!

In front of the screens of thousands of households.

The “Odin Merah” widened his eyes and opened his mouth, and lost his voice.


Is this the fighting method of the “Freedom Beacon Empress”?

This is simply…

Is it just a fight with a street bitch? !

“Dad, is the “Statue of Liberty” like this?”

“No, no, kid! Don’t watch! It’s late, go to bed.”

“Profanity! This is blasphemy! Damn it’s’True Dragon Man’!”

“How dare he control the’Lady Liberty’ like this?! He should be kicked into The Underworld!”

“No! This is not true! “The Lady Liberty” shouldn’t be like this!”

“Sinner! He deserves to be judged! Uh…hurry up, give me my’heart Ning’, hurry up!”

“Jack! Where are you going? What are you doing with the shotgun?”

“Go away, Rose! I’m going to smash the head of the’True Dragon Man’! He has defiled the’Lady Liberty’!”


Yin Zhi’s special handling of the “female emperor of the beacon of freedom”.

It completely angered the “Odin Merah people”.

Oh my god!

“The Goddess of the Lighthouse of Liberty” actually hit people with her “torch of liberty”?

Use her “Declaration of Freedom” to hit people?

Stepping on someone with her foot? I really want to be the one stepped on–ahem, this is of course the abnormal thinking of a very small number of people.

This is blasphemy!

This is defilement!

This is a trampling on “Odin Mela”!

Can you bear it?

Can’t bear it!

In an instant, the first thing that free “Odin Mela people” think of is to take to the streets to demonstrate and protest!


now it is night?

Well, let’s wait until dawn!

But some people don’t care if you are day or night.

They rushed to the streets.

While shouting loudly to sanction Yin Zhi, they rushed towards the location of the local administrative agency.

They feel that the government must stand up at this time!

The head of the “Lonte Government”, Rand Edwards, has not yet reacted.

But Arthur Jordan, who was running for the next head of state, called a press conference immediately.

He just said a word!

“If you choose me to be the head of state!”

“The one named Yin Zhi definitely don’t want to leave’Odin Mela’ alive!”

At this moment, God knows how many people decided to vote for Arthur Jordan…

at the same time.

A consensus emerged in the hearts of almost everyone.

What is it?

Must take back the “Goddess of Liberty Lighthouse”!

Yin Zhi had no idea about this.

But if he perceives his own “killing balance”.

You will find that it is rising steadily, so fast!

Ahhhhh! !

“Trollman” Henry Harry roared loudly.

Yin Zhi shouted “Ah f*ck”.

Immediately controlling the “Empress of Freedom Beacon” picked up a piece of building debris next to him, and slammed it on Henry Harry’s head.

The wreckage of the building was instantly shattered into slag!

“System! Is it enough?”

“Should you kill him?”

“A murderous contribution of six million at one time!”

“I am willing to kill, are you willing?”

“Didi! Enough is enough! You just have to defeat him and the task is complete!”

“Then what are you waiting for? Don’t you hurry up and send out rewards!”

“Didi! Don’t worry, the host, the reward ‘Emperor Virus’ will be distributed in twenty-four hours!”



In the past, rewards were issued immediately!

Forget it.

Twenty-four hours is twenty-four hours.

It’s not twenty-four years, we can afford it!

But at this moment…

“Trollman” Henry Harry’s body suddenly bulged and swelled.

Embracing the legs of the “Freedom Lighthouse Empress”.


“Die together!”

“Together with flesh and blood and life to welcome the arrival of the new era!”

Yin Zhi suddenly felt bad.

He immediately disbanded the “Emperor of Freedom Beacon”.

And quickly summoned the “Empress Empress”.

At the moment Henry Harry blew himself up, Yin Zhi got into the “Void Secret Realm”.


Yin Zhi sat down on the ground.

He only felt that his whole body was weak and weak, and the Spiritual Qi in his body was almost exhausted.

“I was hollowed out by the’Empress of the Liberty Beacon’.”

“These’huge’ Yulings are really hard to satisfy.”

“You have to keep getting stronger!”

Yin Zhi took a few breaths and rested for a while.

Immediately he asked the “Empress Empress” to open a “window” to let him see the situation outside.

As soon as the “window” opened, his eyes stared.

There was a huge and dark sinkhole outside!

Good guy, it’s more than a hundred meters in diameter!

Isn’t it too big?

Where did this sinkhole come from?

Wouldn’t it be Henry Harry who blew up after he blew up?

Yin Zhi was only half right!

It exploded first, and then the body fluids after the explosion corroded the ground and corroded out!

Even the ground can corrode, and its corrosive power can be imagined.

It’s because Yin Zhi has the “Empress Empress”, otherwise it’s dangerous!

“I don’t want to kill you.”

“Well, you blow yourself up.”

“Why is this?”

Yin Zhi still feels distressed when such a fat “pig” is gone.

After resting for a while, Yin Zhi left the “Void Secret Realm”.

In an instant, he used the “Walk in the Void” skill and quietly left from the Void Realm.

This is exactly: the matter is gone, and you will hide your name and name!

He didn’t know that all this was just the beginning.

After tonight, the “Odin Merah” will undergo earth-shaking changes…

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