Chapter 179 “Odin Mela” The most chaotic and darkest period of great change has come!


“I can not make it……”

“I feel like I’m going to die…”

A bed in a hospital.

A pale patient cried out in pain.

On his face, there are very obvious dark lines.

The doctor and nurse hurried over.

After a quick check, they screamed.


“Fever 113 degrees (exotic temperature unit, equivalent to 45 degrees)?!”

“How can this be?”

“At this temperature, he should have died long ago.”

At this time.

Another nurse hurried over.

“Doctor, it’s not good!”

“The patient’s temperature in bed 44 continues to rise.”

“It has reached 120 degrees!”

damn it!

Who will tell me what the hell is going on?

The doctor instinctively felt that the person infected with “black streaked disease” in front of him was very dangerous.

But professional ethics makes it necessary to treat patients.

He leaned forward and approached the patient.


“Tom, can you hear me?”

“Tell me how you feel now, okay?”

The person infected with “black streak” wants to talk.

But he couldn’t say it, just his mouth was moving, as if he was saying something.

The doctor put his ear to his mouth.





The doctor was taken aback.

In the next second, a terrifying scene happened…

The infected person suddenly opened his eyes.

With a roar, he stood up and threw down the doctor.

The big mouth bit down against the doctor’s neck.


The scarlet liquid spurts out!

Ahhhhhhh! ! !

Screams of pain and fear instantly flooded the ward.

The two nurses were terrified.

They almost instinctively turned and ran.

She screamed with the power to scream out her throat.

“Call the police! Call the police!”

“The patient is crazy!”


Suddenly a roar of a beast came from the ward next to it!

At the same time, a person with black lines on his body jumped out.

One of the nurses was knocked to the ground.

What awaited her was a mouthful of saliva.


“Help! Help me!”


The other nurse stared blankly at her being thrown over and bitten at the same time for two seconds.

Suddenly, she heard screams of horror not far away, piercing and deafening.

Someone rushed out of the ward.

A mad patient followed.

The stunned nurse reacted and turned around and ran away.




She took off all her high heels and ran all the way.

I heard all kinds of screams along the way.

Maybe she ran fast, or maybe she was lucky enough to run out of the hospital all the way.

She stood blankly on the road outside the hospital.

A car in front suddenly crashed into the wall of a nearby building.


Directly exploded, the flames skyrocketed!

In the pupils of this nurse, a horrible scene has been reflected…

Someone in the procession is biting a living person!

Crazy roar.

Screams of pain.

Crying desperately.

All kinds of sounds are mixed together to form a movement of The Underworld.

Tears flowed from the nurse’s eyes as if the floodgate was opened.


Why is this happening?

Please tell me, what happened?


This nurse seems to feel…

She slowly turned around and saw a stranger standing two meters away.

Under the fire, the black streaks on his pale skin were clearly visible.

The saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Those eyes were so terrifying, like a wolf who had been hungry for a long time.

The nurse seemed to understand something.

“Do not……”

“do not want……”



The man threw the nurse down and bit down.

what! ! !

A scream of bitterness, sharpness, pain, and despair came out of the nurse’s throat.

At this time, in her eyes, the night is a huge mouth of a beast, who wants to swallow her completely…

Is everything that happened inside and outside this hospital an exception?

Not really!


In the various cities of the “Odin Merah”.

Bull York City!


Potodon City!

Loshan Chicken City!

Similar things happened one after another.

Those infected with the “black streak virus” have gone crazy and mad!

They are not just grumpy, they start to attack other uninfected people and eat them!

Even if the bitten uninfected person escapes by chance, he will soon become an infected person and continue to attack other uninfected persons.

This is simply a terrible plague!

The police, national guards, and soldiers of the “Odin Merah” responded quickly.

They drove explosion-proof vehicles and rushed to the streets with weapons, doing what they should do.

And those “free Odin Mela people” who were born and raised are not easy to provoke and delicious…

They have guns in their hands!

Especially recently because of “Oding Mela” the domestic excitement.

Many people bought guns and stockpiled bullets for self-defense.

Just use it now!

Face those crazy people who want to eat own.

The “free Odin Mela people” decisively took out their guns and shot them-their “proficiency” was enough for this!

Ever since…

After various screams, gunshots resounded through the streets and alleys of various cities.

Even the sky over the entire “Odin Merah Country”!

As for all of this, Yin Zhi, who had been sleeping all night, didn’t know it at all.

The next day.

Yin Zhiyou, who woke up naturally, brushed his teeth and washed his face.

By the way, I took a cold shower.

Immediately, he entered the “secret realm space” and began to make breakfast.

Soon, breakfast for three people was ready.

Noodles and fried eggs, standard “True Dragon Country” breakfast.

Yin Zhi took a seat and picked up his chopsticks.

“Hurry up, don’t say I abused you!”

“Today is your luck. Few people in the world can eat my breakfast.”

“You can leave after this meal.”

This is to Elizabeth Anna.

“Teacher Dongfang, you can eat too.”

“The noodles don’t taste good when they are lumpy.”

“I prefer spicy food, so you will just take it if it doesn’t suit your taste.”

Dongfang Weixi glanced at Yin Zhi, did not speak, and ate silently.

Elizabeth did not move the chopsticks-she could not use chopsticks.

Yin Zhi naturally didn’t know.

“Don’t eat it?”

“Don’t eat it!”

“If you don’t eat, I will eat.”

He took the face in front of Elizabeth away.

Dongfang Weixi pushed the noodles back to Elizabeth, and went to the kitchen to get a fork.

Elizabeth glanced at Dongfang Weixi, but the latter did not look at her.

Then he ate quietly.

Yin Zhi rolled his eyes.

“You said that you don’t know how to use chopsticks.”

“If you don’t tell me how do I know you can’t use it?”

“Thankfully I have a fork here. Otherwise, you can only use your hands.”

When it comes to “not talking about gentleman’s demeanor”, Yin Zhi can’t help it!

after breakfast.

Elizabeth spoke suddenly…

“You leave the’Odin Merah Country’ as soon as possible!”

“The real’black streak virus’ has completely spread.”

“The next’Odin Mela’ will enter the most chaotic and darkest period of great change.”

“If you don’t leave, you won’t be able to leave!”

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