Chapter 181 New clues about mother! Do you want to go to “Dongrekyo University”?

Find the right person!

“I don’t remember what the teacher looks like.”

“Whenever the teacher is not in front of me, I can’t remember her look.”

“Twelve years have passed, and I don’t even remember it.”

When Yin Zhi heard Elizabeth say these words.

He knew he had found the right person.

Elizabeth described this feature.

It happened to be exactly the same as Zhao Fengming’s description of his mother’s characteristics.

Unless by coincidence, there happens to be another person with the same characteristics-Yin Zhi thinks this probability should be very low.

Otherwise, the teacher of Elizabeth, Henry, and Dongfang Weixi is the mother of own!

Twelve years ago?

Twelve years ago, I was eight years old!

If Elizabeth and their teacher were really their own mother…

Then she would rather teach in “Haward” here.

I don’t want to go to the “Holy Skull City” to see myself.

why is that?

Maybe there is a secret here that he doesn’t know.

But Yin Zhi still feels uncomfortable!

What is the reason for a mother not to meet her own son?

Even every time he asks about his father, his father always considers him!

He is curious!

Also want to know!


“Is this the real name? Or is it a fake name?”

When Yin Zhi continued to ask some more detailed questions.

Elizabeth replied, “I really don’t know anymore. I have already told you what I know.”

It seemed that she really didn’t know.

And Yin Zhi didn’t want to toss anymore.

After leaving the “Void Secret Realm”.

Yin Zhi looked at Elizabeth and gave her a serious hug.

Is it my mother’s student…

Give me a good look.

“Let’s get together and relax!”

“This time, if there is no accident, I won’t see you again.”

“Although the time spent with you is short, the way of getting along with you is not normal…”

“But I am still very happy in the process of getting along.”

“It doesn’t matter if you will remember me. But I will remember you.”

“Goodbye, Elizabeth!”

After speaking, Yin Zhi patted her on the back and left the dormitory.

Elizabeth turned around, just to see Yin Zhi disappearing from the back, she was in a daze…

Immediately, Yin Zhi went to find the principal of “Haward College”.

That is, the middle-aged man in a wheelchair with a bald head who has only seen one side.

Although, the risk of going to see him is high.

After all, this guy is a legend of “Odin Mela”…

In terms of strength and status, it is about the same as Confucius and Mencius in the “True Dragon Kingdom”!

But in order to continue to look for clues to his mother.

Yin Zhi can only bite the bullet and send it forward…

In the end, he did not see the “wheelchair principal”.

The assistant to the principal told him that “Mr. Aix” had been invited to the “Holy Court” to attend a meeting.

As for when will you come back?

About three months!

Three months?

What meeting can last so long?

Then I’m still waiting for a fart!

There is no choice but to find candidates.


Professor Estein who invented the “Photon Harmony Theory”!

According to Elizabeth, “Angelie” and Professor Estan have been in closer contact.

He might know where “Angelie” went after leaving “Haward”.

Professor Estan is here!

Yin Zhi communicated with him.

Professor Estan already knows that the “Freedom Beacon Empress” has been drawn.

Yin Zhi also took credit for his “Photon Harmony Theory”.

Professor Estein was very happy after listening, and asked Yin Zhi in detail about the process of “resonance”.

Yin Zhi naturally moved out the rhetoric he had prepared long ago and fooled the past.

With this communication foundation, Yin Zhi asked Professor Estan about “Angelie”…

“Taihe Island Country?”

“She left’Haward’ and went to’Taihe Island Country’?”

Professor Estan nodded and shook his head again.

“She just mentioned that she was going there to take a look.”

“At that time, a scholar from the’Tongrekyo University’ of the’Taihe Island Country’ put forward a very interesting theory.”

“She said she would go to learn and learn.”

“As for whether she will go there, I don’t know.”

“You ask me where she went, and I can only answer you that way.”

I have already asked what I have thought of, and Professor Estan has already answered.

Yin Zhi stood up and left.

Walking on the campus of “Haward”.

Yin Zhi frowned.

“Taihe Island Country…”

“Torekyo University…”

“Am I going to go there again?”

Unless I don’t want to find a mother!

Unless I don’t want to find the real culprit who killed my father!

Otherwise, you really have to take a trip…

Just thinking about it, suddenly a call came.

“Yin Zhi!”

“I found you!”

“Quick, quick! Teacher Dongfang asked us to rush to the Embassy immediately!”

It’s Mu Pingting!

Yin Zhi naturally knew why he rushed to the “Embassy.”

No nonsense, he immediately said “Let’s go”.

As a result, when he approached the gate of “Haward” school, he heard a loud shout.

“The Goddess of Liberty Beacon belongs to Odin Mela!”

“The Goddess of Liberty Beacon belongs to Odin Mela!”

“The Goddess of Liberty Beacon belongs to Odin Mela!”

Upon hearing this, Yin Zhi probably guessed what was going on.


When I came to the school gate, I saw a crowd of people outside.

Everyone shouted “The Goddess of Liberty Beacon belongs to Odin Mela”.

The purpose of these people couldn’t be more obvious.

“Hey guy!”

“Is this scene very familiar?”

“It’s the same picture again!”

Jonathan greeted Yin Zhi.

Yin Zhi shrugged and spread his hands.

“I found that’Odin Mela’ really has a lot of idlers.”

“Don’t they have to work or make money?”

Jonathan “haha” smiled.

“Don’t you know that advanced consumption is popular here?”

“Spend tomorrow’s money today. Spend Houtian’s money tomorrow.”

“As for whether we can make money in the future, this is not something we have to consider today.”

Just a few jokes.

Jonathan saw that Yin Zhi and others were leaving.

They advised them to stay in school.

Otherwise, you might be torn apart by angry crowds when you go out.

“It’s ok!”

“I can do it!”

As a result, Yin Zhi and Mu Pingting walked out of the school gate.

He was surrounded by a few men in black and sunglasses.

“We are from the’National Security Secret Service’!”

“Mr. Yin Zhi, please come with me.”

“There are some issues we need to ask you for further understanding.”

Mu Pingting was about to speak, Yin Zhi stopped her.

“What if I don’t go?”

Upon hearing this, the man in black and sunglasses sank.

“Then we will take coercive measures against you.”

“You have been locked by our sniper at this moment.”

“So please don’t act rashly.”

“I’m doing this for your own good!”

Yin Zhi raised two middle fingers towards him.

“Fuck off!”

“And say hello to your father and mother for me!”

“Apologize to them again by the way. Do you know why?”

“Because I am going to beat their son into a pig head soon!”

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