Chapter 182 Continue to die! Annihilation is here! Oding Mela! !




Several members of the “National Security Secret Service” were instantly brought down by Yin Zhi and Mu Pingting.

As for the sniper…

Several shots were fired, but all only hit the air.

Immediately, Yin Zhi took Mu Pingting and hid in the blind spot of the sniper.

On how to deal with snipers…

Yin Zhi has very rich experience.

This was all he had in exchange for a life in the “Dream Space”.

Immediately, Yin Zhi smiled and said to Mu Pingting, “Let’s play the big ticket”.

Then, his fingertips bloomed with white holy brilliance.

Mu Pingting was surprised.

Does he want to summon the “Emperor of Freedom Beacon”?


Otherwise, how could Yin Zhi’s fingertips bloom with white brilliance?

A huge summoning circle appeared in the air at the entrance of “Howard College”.

Immediately, “The Empress of Freedom Beacon” appeared!


Overlooking a large area of ​​human heads!

At this moment, the sea of ​​people in front of the school gate suddenly boiled.

“Lady Liberty! I beg you to remember it!”

“You are the patron saint of our’Odin Mela’!”

“The despicable’True Dragon Man’ snatched you away with despicable means!”

It’s really full of people, the sound is like a wave!

A ball of light shot down from the “Freedom Torch” and enveloped Yin Zhi and Mu Pingting.

The two fell on the crown of the “Emperor of Freedom Beacon”.

So high!

It’s not that Mu Pingting has never been to high places.

But this feeling now is completely different!

At this time, looking down from above, she knew how many people gathered at the school gate!

How much is it?

do not know!

Looking around, there are people heads wherever you can see!

Ten thousand?

Twenty thousand?

fifty thousand?

Or more?

Probably only the way of heaven!

Yin Zhi also took a real look, “Tsk Tsk” endlessly.

“This scale!”

“Even if the’Black Streak Virus’ comes, I’m afraid it won’t be infected, right?”


“Sure enough, “If you want to destroy it, you must first make it crazy”!”

Go crazy!

Just go crazy!

Yin Zhi thought.

Yuling skills, “Recitation of Freedom”, display it!


A voice spread instantly.

It seemed to fall from the sky, covering the entire audience.

So that everyone present can hear clearly.


It was noisy a second ago, as if it was going to break the sky.

There was a dead silence in the audience in this second.

This voice came from “The Empress of Freedom Beacon”…

But the content of the speech is what Yin Zhi wants to say.


Originally, “Free Recitation” was not used in this way.

It is to read the poems in the “Book of Freedom”.

However, Yin Zhi has his own words to say, so naturally he will not read the contents of the “Book of Freedom”.

At this moment, almost everyone focused their attention on the “Empress of the Freedom Beacon”.

All the shots are also focused on “The Empress of Freedom Beacon”.

In other words…

Didn’t it mean that the “black streak virus” broke out?


It really broke out!

But it is still in the early stage of the outbreak.

The true power of the “black streak virus” has not yet fully erupted.

No matter how this country is, it will not completely collapse overnight.

Order still exists.

In most places, people still do whatever they want, and do whatever they want.

For example, these people in front of them, they just want to regain the “Freedom Lighthouse Empress”!

“Look at what you are doing?”

“See what the people around you are doing?”

“Where am I?”

“Am I really flaunting the free, democratic, and civilized’Odin Mela’?”

“Is this what you call freedom, democracy, and civilization?”

This voice resounded through the clouds and ears, echoing among the steel jungle.

Naturally, it also came out from the TV series of thousands of households.

“What are you doing?”

“I know what you want to do!”

“You want to snatch the’Freedom Beacon Empress’ back, right?”

“You think that the’Empress of Freedom Beacon’ belongs to’Odin Mela’, right?”

“Do not!”

“She was extracted by me through the’Photon Harmony Resonance Method’!”

“Legal, reasonable, and compliant!”

“No stealing, no snatching, no cheating!”

“Then, why do you ‘Odin Mela’ take her away from me?”

“What kind of behavior is this?”

“This is a robber act! You are all robbers!”

All those who heard this were blushing.

Various clamours sounded.

However, how could their voices be more than the big mouth of “The Empress of the Lighthouse of Liberty”?

“Admit it!”

“You are just a bunch of bandits clamoring about freedom and democracy all day long!”

“You are thugs! Barbarians with degraded brains!”

“A group of older people with mental retardation!”

At this moment, the voice of the word “mentally retarded” is particularly loud.

Rumble, like thunder billowing.

“As a foreigner, what kind of’Odin Merah’ have I seen these days?”

“You don’t work, produce, or study!”

“You run to the streets to demonstrate every day!”

“They have guns in their hands! The guns are loaded with bullets! Kill anyone who wants to kill!”

“You don’t obey the government’s epidemic prevention policy, all of you are working against the government!”

“Six million people were infected, and millions died!”

“Which one of these things is done by a normal, brainy person?”

“But you did it all!”

“Freedom? Civilization? You are worthy too?!”

With these words, freedom set off another shout and clamor.

But what’s the use of letting them yell and break their throat?

Regarding their voices, they have tens of thousands of mouths, and they are no better than “The Empress of Freedom Beacon”!

“Just last night!”

“It’s me! Killed Devil!”

“It’s me! Saved the city!”

“It’s me! Saved the people in this city!”

“At that time, what was your’hero’ doing?”

“At that time, what were your army and police doing?”

“But! I didn’t hear even a thank you!”

“On the contrary! What I am waiting for today is a group of thugs! A group of robbers!”

“This is your “Odin Mela”?”

“This is your’Odin Merah Country’?”

At this moment, someone has already rolled their eyes angrily…

These words of Yin Zhi.

But they tore their gorgeous coats clean!

Then expose their ugliest side naked and bloody to the sun!

But is this over?

of course not!

The voice of “The Empress of Freedom Lighthouse” continued!

“I now know why I can draw out the “Goddess of Liberty”!”

“Because you no longer deserve her!”

“It’s her who spit on you’Oding Mela People’ and spit on you’Oding Mela Country’!”

“You can just die like this! You can continue to die!”

“Destruction is here!”

“Oding Meira!”

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