Chapter 184 Unlock! Unlock! Unlock the tenth level ultimate skill for me!

What does it feel like to be bombarded indiscriminately by a modern army?


Quite exciting!


Very sour!

Ye Feng, Yin Zhi, and Dongfang Weixi became the three main output forces of the “True Dragon Fang”.

Dongfang Weixi defended the caravan with ice.

The ice shield created by the “Queen of Winter”, even the tanks are not bad.

Ye Feng is responsible for assistance and interference.

His “Goddess of Chishui” and “Queen of Winter” complement each other.

After all, ice is formed by condensation of water.

With water, still worry about ice?

Yin Zhi became the main output!

At this time, obviously there is nothing more suitable for the battle than “Emperor Qingyan”!

In terms of comprehensive combat effectiveness, the other five “female emperors” are not as good as her.


The “Dragon Empress of Dawei” and “The Empress of Freedom Lighthouse” do not have any sense of existence?


“Comprehensive combat capability” includes enduring combat capability!

Obviously, those two “huge” Yulings are unqualified in the “enduring combat power”…

Alright alright!

It’s not that their “stamina” is substandard.

It’s that Yin Zhi’s “stamina” as the master is not good!


Right now, the “Emperor Qingyan” is Yin Zhi’s main force Yuling.

Everything else is auxiliary!

With the assistance of “Machine Empress” and “White Dress Empress”.

Yin Zhi rushed into the enemy line single-handedly.

Qingyan·Qinglian Fire Rain!

Qingyan·qingyan burns endlessly!

Qingyan·Three Thousand Burning Wind and Surge!

Qingyan·Blue Flame Burns Clouds Flames into the Sky!

Qingyan·Sword Skill·Dragon Nine Tribulations Sword!

A variety of Yuling skills are displayed!

At this moment.

This situation, this scene, this place.

The blazing green flames once again ignited on the mainland island of “Odin Mela”.


Compared to the huge “Odin Mela Continent”.

How Xiong Lie was the Qingyan that Yin Zhi released now.

It can only be regarded as a spark!

However, no matter how small the flame is, it is also a fire!

With the sparks of today, do you know that there will not be a prairie fire in the future?


“Odin Merah Soldier” is not a wine bag or rice bag after all.

They are professional soldiers after all!

There is no shortage of blood and fierceness of soldiers.

More equipped with the spirit and consciousness to defend the family and defend the country and work hard for the country!

The blazing green flame…

The raging flood…

The freezing ice…

None of these can make them cowardly.

On the contrary, they have a tendency to become more courageous in the war.


“For’Odin Mela’!”

“Hold on! Support will be here soon!”

“Fire! Fire!”

The fighting spirit and tenacity they showed.

Even as an enemy, Yin Zhi couldn’t help but admire secretly.

Then whoever behaves more tenaciously, he will concentrate on “firepower” to destroy him!

Now is the time of life and death.

Yin Zhi wouldn’t be so stupid that he would kill for that point.

So, all he played was dead hands!

Waving “Zhulong”…

Unleashing “Green Flame”…

It is impossible to count how many people were killed.



Ye Feng’s loud shout came.

It turned out that the convoy had broken the interception ahead of the road!

Right now, they are still in the city…

This shows that in order to regain or eliminate the “Freedom Lighthouse Empress”.

“Odin Mela” has completely let go of his hands and feet.

Be ruthless and don’t even let it go, and go to war directly in the city!

God knows how many innocents have been hit by this war?

Yin Zhi directly appeared next to Ye Feng with a “spatial flicker”.

“Haha, it’s really lively now!”

“But what happens next?”

“How do we return home?”

Ye Feng waved his hand, and a large drop of water shot out.

Obviously it is a drop of water, but it is as powerful as a bullet, shooting a large area of ​​enemies.

“Ha ha!”

“Leave a suspense!”

“You’ll know when you get to the’target place’.”

“But the premise is that we can reach the’target place’!”

Yin Zhi secretly breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Ye Feng’s answer.

According to him, the “True Dragon Kingdom” must be arranged again.

“rest assured!”

“We must be there!”

“Who dares to stop us, it burned!”

Soon, a new wave of interception power appeared again.

It’s just that the scale and number of people this time are not as good as before.

However, above the obstacles, they have worked hard.

This time both Ye Feng and Yin Zhi spent more time with Spirit Power on the obstacles of reason.

And the next interception method is similar.

Yin Zhi used “quantum calculus” and immediately understood.

“They are slowing down our progress!”

“At the same time, we consume our spirit and spirit and Spiritual Qi.”

“They must be preparing for a larger scale force!”

Facts have proved that Yin Zhi was not wrong in his analysis.

The convoy broke through the last interception obstacle on the outskirts of “Watsonton”.

After that, it took about twenty kilometers…


A loud thunderous noise came from a distance.

Then, the howling sound of indistinguishable direction fell from the sky.

Boom! ! !

Twenty meters away to the left of the convoy.

A big hole suddenly exploded!

Scattered sand and gravel splashed on the car body, and the heat swept across.

Ye Feng laughed “haha”.


“Those guys really look down on us!”

“Even the cannon is on!”

His mouth is smiling, but his brows are frowning tightly.

The shot just now was used to measure…

The first shot missed.

I’m afraid the second and third shots will not miss.


“Boom boom boom” rang loudly.

Even Yin Zhi laughed “haha”.

“give it to me!”

“I can do it!”

Karma Law predicts, launch!

In an instant, the “future” is at hand!

Then what?

“Empress Empress” casts “Any Hole”!

The flying shells fell to other places, exploding a big hole.

Operate this set.

“Empress Empress” yelled, “My dear, people are getting more and more empty.”

After all, opening multiple “arbitrary holes” at the same time is indeed a waste of void power.

In response, Yin Zhihao waved angrily.

“Let’s go back and make you full!”

When he rushed out of a jungle, there was a gentle plain and hilly area in front of him.

far away!

The mountains and plains are full of “Odin Merah soldiers”…

The Marines laid a floor, armed to their teeth!

Long lines of tanks lined up!

Long lines of cannons lined up!

The rapid-fire guns lined up!

The rocket launchers lined up!

There are swarms of armed helicopters in the sky!

The voice came.

It turned out that there were four fighter jets passing by under the clear sky.

The jet-black fighter is like a swooping Falcon.

Deal with a “corps convoy” with only twenty vehicles.

So many people and so many modern weapons were dispatched?

What is platoon noodles!

This is called pai noodles!

“Ha ha!”

“Honour! What an honour!”

“Our old friends really value us!”

Ye Feng “haha” burst into laughter.

At this moment, Yin Zhi only felt a surge of blood rushing to his forehead.

Like a volcanic eruption, it burst out from the Tianling Cap!

“Ha ha!”

“Here you keep it yourself!”

“Over there, leave it to me!!”

After all, Yin Zhi jumped out of the car.

Horses on a single bridge greet the thousands of horses on the line of heaven and earth at the end of the line of sight…



“Unlock the tenth level ultimate skill for me!!”

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