Chapter 185 Let you have a taste of the power of “Green Flame Breaks Dawn and Drifts into the Eight Desolation and Six Combinations”!

Where does Yin Zhi’s confidence come from?

It is precisely from the murderous intentions earned by his two waves of “sao operation”…

In a wave, it was the “Emperor of Freedom Beacon” that was revealed last night!

In a wave, it was this morning that yelled “Oding Meira”!

How many are there in total?

Nearly 200 million points!

Yes, the unit is “100 million”!

Two hundred million points short of three million!

When Yin Zhi saw Own’s “killing heart balance”.

For a moment, I thought I was wrong.

I counted back and forth several times.

It was finally confirmed-yes, 197 million!

At that moment, he almost fainted happily.

In the next second, his first thought was to unlock the “Guild Skills” presumptuously.

He wants to unlock all the skills that he wanted to unlock but weren’t enough to kill.

But immediately, a second thought came to Yin Zhi’s heart.

“Don’t worry.”

“Keep it there, just in case.”

“What skills are needed at that time, what skills will be unlocked!”

“It won’t be unlocked now, but when a certain skill is needed in the future, it won’t be unlocked.”

Then, these “killing points” stayed like this…

at the moment!

Looking at the “Giant of Odin Mela” in front of the mountains and plains.

Yin Zhi only felt that blood was on his head!

All the blood in the body seems to be boiling!

Every cell seems to be shouting.

“Fuck him!”

“Give them a billion points!”

“Let them re-experience the fear their ancestors experienced!”

What fear?

The fear of being ravaged by the “green flames breaking dawn and all the wastes and six harmony”!


Yin Zhi has ignored it.

He wants to unlock the ultimate skill of the “Emperor Qingyan”!

What ultimate skill?

Qingyan breaks the dawn and sways all the wasteland and Liuhe!

Even if you spend all the “killing minds”, you will not hesitate!

“Killing Heart” is gone, I will earn again.

Now I want to be cool.

No one can stop me!

It takes 100 million kills to unlock “Qingyan Breaking Dawn and Drifting in Eight Wastes and Six Combinations”.

But it also has prerequisite skills!

So, when Yin Zhi finally unlocked this ultimate skill.

Unsurprisingly, the “killing heart balance” bottomed out again.

There are more than nine million left!

However, what is different from the past is…

This time Yin Zhi didn’t feel any distress at all.

On the contrary, it was extremely excited and cheerful!

He only felt a force, bursting out of his body like a volcanic eruption.

Instantly filled every cell and every drop of blood in his body!

It’s so up!

I really want to jet it out…

“bring it on!”

“Come on, come on!”

“Let you have a taste of the power of’Green Flame Breaks Dawn, Drifting Full of Eight Wilds and Six Combinations’!”

“Each of you has a share! Large amount! Enough management!”

What are you waiting for?

What are you waiting for? !

“The green flames break the dawn and sway all the wastes and six harmony”, let me show it!

this moment!

Zhan Qing Lieyan vigorously emerged from Yin Zhi.

Expansion more than twenty meters!

In an instant, the vegetation within a radius of several hundred meters turned into nothingness.

Next second!

The Qingyan that swelled more than 20 meters shrank instantly.

Condensed into a cyan light group about five meters in diameter.

The cyan light filled the space between heaven and earth.

In an instant, even the brilliance of the sun to the west was suppressed by the blue light.

Immediately, the cyan light group enveloping Yin Zhi rose to the sky.

It’s like a cannonball shot into the sky!

At this moment, the light of the sun in the west dimmed even more.

The whole world is plated with a layer of azure blue.

That cyan light group is like a cyan sun!

Just at this moment…




The roar resounded through the wilderness.

Soldiers are soldiers after all!

He was not stunned by the sight in front of him.

On the contrary, the “Odin Merah Army” has already responded.

The barrels roared!

One after another cannonballs roar!

A rocket launch!

As for the fighter that flew from the sky, the airborne heavy machine gun had already ejected orange bullet chains.

In an instant, thousands of war drums seemed to be sounded between heaven and earth!

“True Dragon Kingdom” is naturally not slow to react.

Twenty cars quickly coiled up like shooting.

“The Goddess of Chishui” displayed the “Vortex Water Dragon”.

The turbulent current envelops the entire fleet!

The “Queen of Winter” displayed “A Thousand Miles of Frozen”.

The “Vortex Water Dragon” freezes into indestructible ice!

At the same time, the biting cold air diffused and spread to the surroundings!

The bullet fired by the fighter hit the hard ice, only to knock out a mark.

Immediately, a shell fell on the ice and exploded with a “boom”, unexpectedly exploding a gap!

Following that, the rocket ejected.

It was frozen by the bitter cold air and fell to the ground.

Although it exploded, it was no longer a threat.

And this is just the beginning!

The rain of cannonballs, bullets, and rockets hit the hard ice.

The flames and smoke from the explosion almost covered the entire tower-shaped ice.

Can the hard ice created by “Thousand Miles of Ice” withstand the indiscriminate bombardment of artillery fire?

Nobody has no bottom!

Where’s Yoonji?

His goal is so striking at the moment!

Naturally, it has also received key care.

It’s just that those shells, bullets and all kinds of bullets…

As soon as he approached him, the terrifying heat released by Qingyan melted directly!

Even the smoke and flames of the explosion were completely burned by Qingyan.

Immediately, the “cyan sun” in mid-air fell!

Straight down towards the “Odin Merah Army” army formation.

In an instant, the “Spirits” in the “Odin Merah Army” shot!

They are doing their best to eliminate the “blue sun” in mid-air.

However, to no avail!

Even the skills of “Space-type Yuling”.

Because of the interference of the “Empress Empress”, she couldn’t display it.

On the use of space.

Which “space-type Yuling” is better than “empty female emperor”?

“Stop him for me!”


“I don’t care what method you use!”

“Immediately! Now! Now! Stop him for me!”

The commander in the “Odin Merah Army” roared hysterically…


No one can stop Yin Zhi.


The “cyan sun” fell on the “Odin Merah Army”.

In an instant.

It is really like the sun falling from the sky.

The cyan flame spreads and surges around in the state of magma.

Its momentum is like a scourge!

Everything that was touched by the cyan magma instantly turned into nothingness.

No matter if you are flesh and blood, or steel.

After the cyan magma rushed past, it turned into a raging fire.

The swaying flame head raised a full three feet high, instantly turning into a sea of ​​flames.


No matter how strong the will of those “Odin Merah soldiers” is as steel.

The discipline of any “Odin Merah soldier” is as strong as steel.

After witnessing the scene of Qingyan raging with his own eyes.

Their fighting spirit was instantly burned by Qing Yan.

“The Fire of The Underworld!”

“Father, that’s… that’s the fire of The Underworld!”

“Saintan is here!”

“Run! Run!”


At this moment, an army with modern weapons was completely disintegrated…

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