Chapter 187 I understand! You can’t kill me! You say this is not irritating?

The so-called “Odin Merah”…

Said Chiguoguo a little bit.

It is a joint-stock company disguised as a country!

The so-called “head of state” is essentially the “manager” of this company.

It is the “Board of Directors” that really owns and controls this “national company”!

At this moment, the fifteen people in a circle around Yin Zhi are the “directors” of the “board of directors.”


It is the oligarch that controls the fifteen most important industries in the “Odin America”!

Under normal circumstances, they will not show up.

In the “Odin Merah”, there are very few things that need to be dealt with directly by them.

But now, it is a “special situation”!

“The Empress of Freedom Beacon”…

She is the origin of the free spirit of “Odin Mela”.

It is also the foundation of stability for “Odin Mela”.

Although they sneered at the so-called “freedom”.

But “the name of freedom” is really an excellent means of ruling the foolish.

Therefore, these fifteen oligarchs all appeared together.

They must ensure that the “Empress of Freedom Beacon” belongs to “Odin Mela”!

Otherwise, the “Odin Mela” who loses the “symbol of freedom” will lose control…


These oligarchs who have never known the “civil suffering” are high above the top.

I’m afraid I didn’t even dream of it.

Whether or not “Odin Mela” has lost the “Freedom Lighthouse Empress”.

“Odin Mela” is already on the verge of losing control…

Even, it has “jumped horizontally” on the verge of extinction!

I do not know now.

But I will know soon!

at this time……

They looked at Yin Zhichao pointing their middle finger, but they only thought it was very funny.

It was like seeing an ant provoking them.


“Make a wise choice.”

“You are still very young now.”

“You have a bright future!”

“It doesn’t matter if you have the’Emperor Qingyan’, even if you lose the’Goddess of the Lighthouse of Liberty’.”

It was a skinny old man with a hump back.

Yin Zhi smiled “ooh”.

Is this going to sing red face?

Yin Zhi shook his head without thinking about it.


“You die this heart early!”

“What belongs to me, even if I die, I will never give it to others!”

He was deliberately bringing to “dead”…

These people are all top powerhouses!

How strong is it?

Yin Zhi couldn’t even imagine it!

Therefore, as long as they can inspire their “killing intent”, they will definitely get a lot of “killing intent”.

Then you can unlock more “Supreme Skills”.

This seems to be the only way to survive…

as predicted!

Someone who looked very young spoke up.

“Do you want to die?”

Yin Zhi smiled “hehe”.

“Yes, I do want to die!”

“Do you want to kill me?”

“Come on then!”

“But I won’t sit still.”

“I will fight to the end until Death!”

He uses “Odin Merah”, so the emphasis and sentence patterns are a bit strange…

Then, what did Yin Zhi feel?



laugh at?


The fifteen people in mid-air seemed like gods.

They make no secret of their own emotions.

Even, I don’t know how they did it.

Their emotions actually made Yin Zhiqing clearly perceive them.

“That’s a shame.”

A freckled girl who looked like a girl sighed.

“In this case, we can only kill you.”

“The “Goddess of Liberty Lighthouse” is alive and must live in “Odin Mela”.”

“Death must also die in’Oding Mela’!”


This tone…

Take a look!

This look…

The smell of “what I said is the most reasonable saying” and “what I said is the oracle” rushed over my face.

There is a sour stench of sub-capitalism and powerism!

Yin Zhi just smiled “hehe”.

But my heart was “tsk”.

Why hasn’t this been murdered?

Am I not even qualified to give them a murderous heart in their hearts?

Just at this time……

In the distance, twenty cars came straight here.

But when they are about three hundred meters away from here.

I don’t know who did it.

Suddenly a large swath of thorny vines grew out of the ground.

These thorny vines tightly entangled twenty cars.

However, the people who did it seemed to have scruples, and did not kill…

Can you not hesitate?

That is the “True Dragon Kingdom Mission” after all!

“True Dragon Kingdom” also has real powerhouses!

The “No. 1 Real Dragon”, who saw the head and missed the tail, has disappeared for twenty years…

Let alone this!

It is enough to say that Confucius and Mencius, “the second strongest in the real dragon kingdom,” is enough to be daunting.


Although very reluctant, these oligarchs still “stay a line.”

Yin Zhi glanced at the distance and curled his lips.


“Hundred thousand fire is in a hurry!”

“If you don’t give me any more support, I’m really going to die this time!”

“You just asked me to die, didn’t you really want me to die, did you?”



He has “Phoenix Nirvana” and “Phoenix Three Nirvana”.

And “give yourself a rejuvenation shot”!

These are all skills that can make him dead and resurrected.

But so what?

Once the number of resurrection runs out, isn’t it still going to die?

“Didi! Of course this system does not want the host to die!”

“Didi! The host’s “Emperor Virus” has not yet been received!”


“The Emperor Virus”?

“The Death Hunting System” mentioned the “Emperor Virus” at this time…

Is it possible that this “emperor virus” can save our lives?

Yin Zhi immediately urged.


“Get it! Give it to me!”

“Didi! The’Emperor Virus’ received successfully! It has been injected into the host’s body by itself!”

In a moment, Yin Zhi felt a puff of cold liquid burrow into his own blood vessel.

But at this moment…

“Then you go to die.”

The smelly woman who appeared first said so.

The wings of the “twelve-winged archangel” flicked.

Lines of white lightsabers pierced into Yin Zhi’s body, piercing directly!

The head, heart, body, and limbs are all blood holes.

So easy and simple?

Yes, it’s that easy and simple!

In front of them, Yin Zhi was really weak as an ant.


The unthinkable happened.

The blood hole in Yin Zhi healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Restored in the blink of an eye!

Yin Zhi sat up, looking around blankly.

What happened?

Why am I sitting?

He did this, but it made the people in mid-air frown.

The freckled girl smiled and said, “I’ll do it.”

In the next second, a thick thorny vine rose from Yin Zhi’s feet.

In an instant, Yin Zhi was entangled and shredded.

Flesh and blood!

Spray all over!

The thorn vines then retracted into the ground.

The freckled girl smiled and said, “Look, be like this!”

In the next second, her smile froze.

The flesh and blood of shattered bones are actually condensed? !

But within ten seconds of effort, a living Yin Zhi was lying on the ground.

It’s just that there’s no fig leaf…

“Ha ha!”

Yin Zhi suddenly laughed and stood up.

“I see!”

“You can’t kill me! You can’t kill me!”

“You say this is not annoying?”


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