Chapter 188 But this is… too big, big, big, big, right? !

What is the emperor?

Control everything!

Loot everything!

The name “Emperor” perfectly explains the characteristics of “Emperor Virus”!

After injecting the “Emperor Virus”.

Yin Zhi gained two abilities…

First: be able to consciously control everything in the body!

Second: It can directly swallow most of the energy-including Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi!

Did you find it?

Can directly swallow the world Spiritual Qi!

The “finding system” would not tell Yin Zhi.

This “Emperor Virus”…

It is extracted from the million-fold concentration of the “Key of Genesis” solution developed by Henry Harry, and optimized and improved!

As for where did the “million-fold concentration virus stock” come from?

It was when Yin Zhi was at war with the “trolled” Henry Harry.

It was secretly extracted and secretly extracted!

This is why the “Emperor Virus” needs to be collected 24 hours later.

Because the “Death-seeking System” completed the refinement of the “Key of Genesis” within this period of time!

Of course, in fact, strictly speaking, it’s not even twenty-four hours…

Only now that the optimization and improvement of the virus has been completed.

And Yin Zhi, the host, happened to be in a danger that was difficult to overcome.

The very “humane” “death-finding system” brought out the “death-finding virus” in advance.

The reason why Yin Zhi came back from death.

Even the crushed body was broken into pieces, and the human form was still reunited.

It is because he consciously controlled the self-healing function of body cells…

As long as a thought comes out, the cells of the whole body can receive instructions.

Then, they acted like loyal fighters obeying the emperor.

In this way, Yin Zhi died and resurrected twice in a row!

“Then let me try.”

“See if you can be killed!”

Stop talking!

A tornado waved out as he spoke.

As soon as this tornado appeared, Yin Zhi was already locked inside.

Immediately, the tornado began to shrink!

There was a sharp whistling in my ears.

This sound is like sharp blades quickly cutting and slashing the air!

Yin Zhi felt a little hairy in his heart.

He wanted to use the “Space Blink” skill to flash out.

As a result, “Space Flashing” actually failed?

Do not!

A worse situation emerged.

The “symbiosis chain” is cut off!

He has lost contact with all the “female emperors” Yuling!

Yin Zhi, who is no longer rookie, immediately figured out the reasons.

“This wind is not an ordinary wind!”

“It also has spatial attributes!”

“The inside and outside of the tornado has been divided into two spaces!”

Watching the smaller and smaller tornadoes, Yin Zhi rolled his eyes.

“Fuck by mom!”

With a shout, Yin Zhi sprinted directly.

Good guys!

He hit the inner wall of the tornado by himself.

It instantly turned into a pile of blood…

By the way, Yin Zhizhen is not so afraid of death?

I’m really not afraid!

Isn’t it just death?

He didn’t know how many times he died in “Dream Space”.

Wasn’t Death real that time?

Now that you are used to it, it becomes natural!

After the tornado disappeared, there was only a blood mist left in the same place…

“The boring game is over.”

“let’s go!”

The maker of “Tornado” grumbled.

He was about to leave, only to hear another person’s voice.

“No, it’s not over yet.”


The maker of the “Tornado” turned his head to look, suddenly frowned.


The blood mist in the air condensed quickly? !

After another ten seconds, Yin Zhi, who was not wearing an inch, stood in front of everyone.


“Have you seen it?”

“I said it! You can’t kill me at all!”

Just when Yin Zhi was proud…

The words of a young man dressed like a doctor shocked his heart.


“Then let me try and destroy you from the cellular level…”

“Can you still be resurrected.”

“If I can, then I am reluctant to kill you.”

This Yuling is a scalpel!

The reason why Yoon Zhi was stunned…

It was because he didn’t know if his own cells were completely destroyed.

Can I die and be resurrected! ?


It really can’t!

The “emperor virus” is magical, and heaven-defying is heaven-defying.

But it is not invincible and uncontrollable.

In the final analysis, Yin Zhi’s resurrection depends on cells.

If the cells are destroyed, he can come back to life as a fart!


Just when the guy holding the “scalpel” was about to use his skills.

The face of the person who hovered in the air suddenly changed.

Next second…

“What do you want to do to my students?!”

“What do you want to do to my students?!”

“What do you want to do to my students?!”

A voice is like thunder falling from the sky, shaking the whole world, buzzing and rumbling non-stop.

Another second…

An indescribable figure fell from the sky and fell to the ground.

Rumble! !

The earth quake directly broke out an earthquake far exceeding ten second-level!

The ground is broken!

Strips of thick or thin, deep or shallow cracks extend…

Even some fissures turned out to be hot red.

God, did this crack directly into the magma layer? !

Yin Zhi couldn’t stand still, lying on the ground dumbfounded.

The spirits seemed to be shaken out of the body by the violently trembling earth.

Looking at the behemoth in front of him, Yin Zhi slowly raised his neck.

However, until the back of the head is parallel to the ground…

He still did not see the top of the “behemoth” in front of him!


What is the “monster” that appeared in front of him?

One leg!

A mechanical leg!

A huge, huge leg!

How thick is it?

It can’t be seen visually!

The pestle not far away is like a wall that cannot be seen at both ends…

how long?

It can’t be seen visually either!

Looking up, you can’t see the top at all!

and many more……

Why is it only one leg?

Soon he has the answer!

There is actually another metal leg.

It’s just that it’s far, far away.

Looking far away with Yin Zhi’s eyesight.

Can only see a very hazy, fuzzy outline? !

“Oh My God!”

“What the hell is that?”

“Wait! Wait… the voice just now…”

First rank carefully, it seems a bit like the voice of the principal Confucius and Mencius?

No… isn’t it!

Then, he thought of the Yuling of Confucius and Mencius.

What is it?

According to legend, it is the “Mechanical Giant” of the “Holy Spirit Nine Stars”!

In an instant, Yin Zhi was frightened.

“Is it impossible…”

“This is the legendary’Mechanical Giant’?”

“But this too…”

“It’s too big, big, big, right?!”

“Freedom Lighthouse Empress”, forty-five meters high!

“Dawei Tianlong Empress”, ninety-five meters high!

What about the “mechanical giant” in front of you?

How many hundred meters?

How many kilometers?

Even… 10,000 meters? !

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