Chapter 202: This Is My Daughter? Is she crazy? She is crazy!




Yin Zhi gave the fierce middle-aged man a slap in the face.

After putting him down, he picked up the ashtray and threw it on his head.

The ashtray shattered into a piece of glass slag.

The fierce middle-aged’s forehead also spattered with blood.

Followed by Yin Zhi and stepped on his knee again.

Click it-

This is not the sound of broken bones.

It’s the sound of joint dislocation.

When the fierce middle-aged man opens his mouth and screams.

Yin Zhi stepped on his neck and stepped back on his scream.


“You call the police!”

“Fight with him!”

The other three young people reacted with a clear division of labor in an instant.

Call the police?

Hey, you guys know the police too!

“Who dares to move…”

“I’ll kill him!”


As soon as Yin Zhi spoke these words, the three young men immediately froze.

Not stiff!

Because their daddy was stepped on by Yin Zhi…

“Who on earth are you?”

“do you know……”

Yin Zhi’s lazy and impatient voice came from his mouth.

“To shut up!”

“I don’t want to listen to your nonsense.”

“Now I have the final say. Understood?”

The six eyes of the three young men were bigger than a cow.

“now it’s right.”

After speaking, Yin Zhi stepped on the fierce middle-aged man’s brain one by one.

A few steps down, he also stepped his head into the wooden floor.

“Didi! You got 300,000 murderous intent from an unknown object, please check!”

“Didi! You got 400,000 murderous intentions from an unknown object, please check!”

“Didi! You got 200,000 murderous intentions from an unknown object, please check!”

Seeing their father being treated like this, they hated, angry and nervous.

“Stop! Stop!”

“You stop…”

“I have something to say!”

Yin Zhi tilted his head and looked at them with a very scary expression.

“What did I just say?”

“To shut up!”

“Whoever talks nonsense, I will scrap him.”

“If my hands and feet are not wasteful enough, I will break his neck!”

The three young men hurriedly closed their mouths.

But the eyes are as big as they can be.

Yin Zhi pulled out the fierce middle-aged man’s head from under the wooden floor.

“Come on, talk about your feelings.”

“How does it feel to be beaten?”


The fierce middle-aged man had bloodshot eyes—the one who was beaten looked at Yin Zhi spitefully.


“you die……”

“It’s… it’s…”

Yin Zhi smiled “hehe”.

“You look pretty cool.”

“You let’s continue.”

“This time I will let you experience what it’s like to walk the bird before the ghost gate!”

Yin Zhi is too experienced in how to make people jump around in the line of life and death…

One minute passed.

Two minutes passed.

Five minutes passed.

The three young people, and Qiu Yaoyao, just watched.

The former has to be seen.

Qiu Yaoyao watched with gusto, and even chuckled sickly.


“no, do not want!”

“Spare! Forgive me!”

“I don’t want to die, please…”

The fierce middle-aged man who didn’t rush to pee finally no longer fierce, his face was full of fear of Death.

Yin Zhi curled his lips.

“I’m very disappointed in you.”

“Can’t hold on for ten minutes.”

“You are simply the shame of’hit The Mortal Realm’.”

Stepping on the fierce middle-aged man, Yin Zhi randomly pointed at a young man.


“Come and tell me what is going on.”

“Why hit people?”

The young man bit on the matte, and bitterly told the whole story.

After Yin Zhi finished listening, he rolled his eyes.

It’s that bit of trouble with the big family again…

The summary is: Qiu Yaoyao’s father wants to use her as a marriage tool, and if she does not agree, Qiu’s father intends to fight until she agrees!

Immediately, Yin Zhi pointed to the next young man.


“You come to introduce me.”

“I really want to hear how awesome your Qiu family is.”

After listening to the introduction, Yin Zhi nodded.

“It’s really awesome!”

It turns out that this generation of Patriarch of the Qiu family is the “True Dragon Ship King”!

That is Qiu Yaoyao’s grandfather.


Ding Xing is a big family member, and so is the so-called blood relationship!

Qiu Yaoyao’s father, Qiu Azure Dragon, was expelled from the core of the Qiu family because of previous mistakes, and he is in a state of being reprimanded.

However, even so, Qiu Azure Dragon is still very wealthy-you can see where they live.

But Qiu Azure Dragon is not reconciled to continue to be excluded from the core of the Qiu family.

He tried every means to be able to return to the core of the Qiu family.

Now, after a lot of painstaking efforts, it is about to succeed…

The target of this marriage is the children of senior officials who specialize in shipping administration and shipping!

As long as this marriage is facilitated, Qiu Azure Dragon will have the capital and qualifications to return to the core of the Qiu family.

Because of this, how could Qiu Azure Dragon give up?

This was the opportunity he had obtained before his dreams, and had worked so hard, how could he fail? !

Qiu Yaoyao’s resolute opposition completely angered him.

The angry Qiu Azure Dragon killed Qiu Yaoyao, his biological daughter.

This marriage cannot be done, and if you die, you will die!

It was daddy who gave birth to it. If you don’t listen to daddy, what would such a daughter keep? ?



“I understand it all!”

Yin Zhi nodded.

“I’m in charge of this matter.”

“Stop this marriage!”

“Unless Qiu Yaoyao agrees.”

“Otherwise, whoever forces her, I will clean him up.”

“Do you understand?”

Qiu Yaoyao’s father Qiu Azure Dragon yelled excitedly.

“No! No way!”

“This is my family’s business.”

“Why do you manage my family’s affairs!”

Yin Zhi frowned.

“Oh oh?”

“Can’t it?”

“Qiu Yaoyao, come here!”


Qiu Yaoyao crawled to Yin Zhi’s feet like a dog.

She looked at Yin Zhi with blinding eyes.

“Master, are you going to hit me?”

“It’s been a long time since you hit me?”

“Everyone misses you so much!”

Seeing this scene in the eyes of other Qiu family members, their complexion suddenly became embarrassed.

Yin Zhi rolled his eyes.

“Not in the mood today. Another day.”

“I ask you.”

“This person, you want him to die, or you want him to live.”

Upon hearing this, the Qiu family suddenly felt chills…

Qiu Yaoyao rubbed Yin Zhi’s trouser legs with her cheek.

“Master, I want him to live!”

“If he is alive, he can be beaten by the master with me!”

“Master, our family will let you fight!”

“And my mother! And my brother!”

“Isn’t it exciting? Slightly!”

Qiu Azure Dragon’s eyes widened.

Looking at Qiu Yaoyao’s appearance.

He suddenly discovered that the daughter he had raised for more than ten years was so strange…

This is my daughter?

Is she crazy?

Is she crazy? !

And he obviously didn’t realize that at this moment, the “madman” and “madness” in his eyes were created by who…

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