Chapter 203 Do You Know Who I Am? Prick your ears to hear clearly!

It’s not just Qiu Azure Dragon who is dumbfounded…

Qiu Yaoyao’s three Big Brothers are also embarrassed, unbelievable!

For a time, the Qiu family’s men felt very annoyed in their hearts.

My daughter/Little Sister, we can beat and scold, why are you? !


Qiu Yaoyao was as cheap as a dog, begging that man to fight.

He had to pull the whole family together and be beaten by him! ?

Is she crazy?

Is her brain broken?

definitely is!

At this moment, Qiu Azure Dragon suddenly reacted violently.

“You can’t marry Qiu Yaoyao to Young Master Yang!”

“Once she went mad, the Yang family thought I would marry a madman to Young Master…”

“Then it’s over!”

“Why did daddy give birth to such a waste!”


Qiu Yaoyao crawled to the fainted high-value woman.

Then she dragged her to Yin Zhi, and looked at Yin Zhi like Xianbao—similar to a dog holding a bone to his owner.


“This is my mother!”

“Look at it! Isn’t my mother good-looking?”

“I tell you, my mother also likes to be beaten.”

“Every time my father beats her, she says she feels comfortable.”

“Mom is more meaty!”

“I will call you with my mother!”

“It must be fun!”

Looking at Qiu Yaoyao, whose eyes were glaring and expectant.

On the contrary, Yin Zhi felt a little uncomfortable.

It’s very miserable to have no father or mother.

But there are fathers and beasts, which seem to be worse in comparison…

Qiu Azure Dragon heard Qiu Yaoyao’s words, and immediately rushed to the top.

“Qiu Yaoyao are you crazy!?”

“You beast!”

“Why did I give birth to something like you—”

boom! ! !

Yin Zhi picked up a mahogany sofa and smashed it on Qiu Azure Dragon’s head.

With fierce force, the mahogany sofa that was hard as iron shattered directly.

Of course, this also reflects that Qiu Azure Dragon’s head is iron enough…

Yin Zhi stepped on Qiu Azure Dragon’s head.

“The beast father gave birth to a litter of beasts, is there a problem?”

“Isn’t this taken for granted?”

“You are not a human being yourself, what right do you have to say that others are beasts?”

While talking, stepped on with more strength.

It seems to squash his head!

“do you know?”

“I never kill people much.”

“But today, I really want to kill you!”

“I will give you ten seconds.”

“Give me a reason not to kill you.”

“If you can’t give it, you can say goodbye to the world.”

Qiu Azure Dragon suddenly shouted: “You can’t kill me! You can’t kill me!”

Yin Zhi curled his lips.

“This reason is not enough.”

“Now the countdown begins.”

“Ten, nine, eight…”

At this time, Qiu Yaoyao’s three half-brother Big Brothers also yelled.

All were nervous and panicked.

Under the leadership of the guy in the middle, the three of them knelt down and begged for mercy.

You can’t kneel down!

Don’t ask for it!

No matter what, I must save my father’s life first!

Qiu Azure Dragon is also scared.

He began to frantically search for various reasons.

“You killed me, the Qiu family won’t let you go!”

“I am Qiu Yaoyao’s father!”

“It’s illegal to kill!”

“Don’t kill me! I will give you Qiu Yaoyao!”

Yin Zhi read the countdown to “one” and sighed.

“The countdown is over.”

“It’s a pity that you failed to give me a reason not to kill you.”

“Any last words?”

“Say it quickly.”

Qiu Azure Dragon broke down and burst into tears, snot and tears, and urinated.

“Woo! Please don’t kill me!”

“I was wrong! I knew it was wrong! I shouldn’t hit Qiu Yaoyao!”

“I really know I was wrong! I don’t want to die!”

Yin Zhi’s eyes were cold and ferocious.

He lifted his foot and gathered his strength.

“Born to be a father!”

“It’s not as good as a beast!”

“What are you doing alive?”

After all, he stepped on it with one foot.

Seeing that Qiu Azure Dragon’s head is about to be stomped into a popping watermelon…

Suddenly a figure jumped to Yin Zhi’s feet.

Click! !

There was a crack in the bone.

The figure was directly limp on the ground, like a puddle of mud.

The Qiu family man suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the man who blocked Qiu Azure Dragon’s lethal kick in disbelief.

No one else, it is Qiu Yaoyao!

Yin Zhi’s foot was centered on Qiu Yaoyao’s back, facing the position of the heart.

Qiu Yaoyao’s heart burst directly under the violent stepping on it.

Life was lost on the spot!

Who can think of it?

Finally saved the life of Qiu Azure Dragon, the beast father.

It turned out to be Qiu Yaoyao who was beaten by him since childhood?

Not to mention that the Qiu family man didn’t expect it.

Yin Zhi didn’t even think about it.

Yin Zhi was silent.

Some people look normal, but in fact they are not as beasts.

Some people look abnormal, but they are actually human!

Suddenly, a sickly crazy voice sounded…



“Okay, okay! I’m finally dead! I’m dead!”

“Be free when you die!”

“She shouldn’t have come into this world at all!”

“Quack quack!”

It was the beautiful woman who was stunned by Yin Zhi.

Qiu Yaoyao’s mother…

At this moment, her hair was disheveled, and there was blood on her face, like crazy.

Oh shit!

God, isn’t there a normal person in this family?

Yin Zhi cursed secretly.

She slapped Qiu Yaoyao’s mother with a slap.

Finally it was quiet again.

Opening Qiu Yaoyao’s body, Yin Zhi stepped on Qiu Azure Dragon’s head.

“Qiu Yaoyao died for you.”

“I don’t bother to do it again, I’m boring.”

“Capital sins are forgiven, but living sins are inevitable!”

After that, Yin Zhi stepped on Qiu Azure Dragon’s lumbar vertebrae.

Click it! !

Qiu Azure Dragon’s eyes widened and his mouth opened wide, but he didn’t call out.

It’s not that it doesn’t hurt, but the pain has exceeded the limit.

Then he fainted directly.

Yin Zhi’s kick is very delicate and particular.

Caused permanent damage to Qiu Azure Dragon’s spine.

There is a high probability that Qiu Azure Dragon will spend the second half of his life in a wheelchair.

Of course, if he can find a special and powerful “therapeutic Yuling” treatment, he is capable of it!

Immediately, Yin Zhi summoned the “Emperor in White”.

For what?

Give Qiu Yaoyao a “resurrection shot”!

Can she really make her die?

Once the needle is stuck, it will take effect in a few seconds.

“The Lady in White” is indeed the healing Yuling of the “Nine Stars of the Holy Spirit”!

Just when Qiu Yaoyao was stunned…

Yin Zhi pointed to her.

“You! I’ve paid back the rubbish.”

“From now on, your life is mine!”


After speaking, he turned his head to look at the three young people.

“Do you know who I am?”

“Pick up your ears to hear clearly! Remember!”

He pointed his thumb to his chest.

“I am Yin Zhi!”

“The lord of the “Emperor Qingyan”! The lord of the “Goddess/Emperor of the Lighthouse of Liberty”!”

“Except for the’Holy See’, the only master in the world who has two’Holy Spirit Nine Stars’ Yuling!”

“Want revenge?”

“Playing brightly, playing yin, I will accompany you at any time!”

After all, Yin Zhi summoned the “Empress Empress”.

The door of “Void Secret Realm” opened.

Yin Zhihu made a face.

“Go in! It’s numb!”

Qiu Yaoyao has already reacted at this time…

“Yes, master!”

She doesn’t walk if she has legs, but crawls.


She got up and rushed to own mother.

For what?

He even carried the person up and rushed towards the “Void Secret Realm”.

“Master, my mother and I will call you together!”

Listening to Qiu Yaoyao’s words, Yin Zhi was stunned…

“Damn, buy one get one free?”

“I didn’t open a mental hospital!”

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