Chapter 205 Haha! Let’s die together! We can be together forever if we die!

at this time……

Sun Liangwu’s room.

He is playing the 5V5 battle game “3000 Yuling”.

This game was developed and operated by a game company under his mother’s group.

Take “Yu Ling” as the control object, and compete in a square “Yu Ling Battlefield”.

The two sides competed with the enemy through the upper, middle and lower three lanes.

Kill the high ground and destroy the opponent’s “Prince Crystal” will be the winner!

Right now this game is extremely popular.


“Go! Your shit!”

“Push the Middle Road Tower! Kamikochi!”

“‘I’m your dad’ are you stupid?!”

“Grab the head of f*ck! Gan f*ck!”

“Believe it or not, Daddy has blocked you!”

The situation was great!

They are all pushed to the local heights.

It was because of that “I am your dad” that was finally “turned up against the wind” by the other party.

Seeing the word “failure” on the screen, Sun Liangwu went crazy.

He was so angry that he immediately called the person in charge of the department in charge of “3000 Yuling”.

“You gave me the title of the sand sculpture’I am your dad’!”

“Fight him for a hundred years!”

“If you don’t name him, I will seal you!”

After hanging up the communication, Sun Liang general lost the communicator.

One more game!

This round must be won!

Just as the matching picture was flashing on the screen, Sun Liangwu’s heart moved.

“Did I hear my mother scream just now…”

The soundproofing of the room is very good.

But his hearing is not bad.

In addition to being close to the stairs, I heard a very light “Ah” call.

I was frowning and thinking about it.

The screen shows that the match is successful.

Suddenly, Sun Liangwu left everything behind.

He wants to win!

He must win! !

If Yin Zhi is here.

You will find that the “Yu Ling” controlled by Sun Liangwu is the “Emperor Qingyan”!

This is one of the most difficult “Yu Ling” in “3000 Yu Ling”…

But Sun Liangwu, as the son of the “big boss”, is not easy to want?

Of course Yin Zhi is not here at the moment.

He was sitting next to Qin Aunt, sniffing the fragrance from her.

At the same time, I also listened to her to explain the sudden situation at the moment.

It’s also simple.

Wang Xinyi, who was held hostage by Wang Sheng, the former deputy security minister, asked to see Qin Qing.

He threatened that he would kill Wang Xinyi if he did not see Qin Qing.

It’s easy to say, but difficult to do.

“That Wang Sheng is from the former Sun family.”

“Of course I want to clean it up.”

“In recent years, he has made a lot of money by taking advantage of his position.”

“It’s because he has no credit and hard work. I didn’t pursue it. I just swept him out.”

“Unexpectedly, he would dare to do such a thing.”

Flames and cold light flashed in Qin Qing’s eyes.

Is it because my hands are too soft?

Yin Zhi smiled and comforted her.

“Don’t worry, Qin Aunt.”

“I don’t care about anything else, I’m good at fighting.”

“Wang Miss will be fine.”

Qin Qing let out an “um”, but his brows were still tightly locked.

She is a person of affection.

Wang Xinyi has been with her for many years, but she can’t help but die.

Even in the “Capital City”, there are no more roads.

Qin Qing’s special car was stuck at the speed limit all the way.

It took half an hour to reach the gate of “Jun Yuan Chunhe Building”.

The head of the security department has rushed over.

He personally opened the door to Qin Qing.

You can clearly see the cold sweat on his forehead.

“Mr. Qin, I’m sorry, our security work didn’t do a good job…”

Qin Qing didn’t even look at him, and walked straight forward with two long legs.

“I’ll talk about the others later.”

Yin Zhi followed Qin Qing, thinking about it.

“Tsk tusk, Qin Aunt is really powerful.”

“It deserves to be the second richest person in the’True Dragon Kingdom’.”

Yin Zhi is naturally not short of money in this life.

But in his previous life, he clinked poorly.

Working hard every day, I barely returned the “flower treasure”…

He couldn’t be clearer.

Money can bring infinite confidence and strength to people!

Sighing, he followed Qin Qing into the elevator and went straight to the rooftop of the “Jun Yuan Chunhe Building”.

Once on the rooftop, I heard an excited shout.

“Why haven’t you come yet?”

“Where is Qin Qing? Let her come and see me!”

“I will kill her if I don’t come again!”

Several security guards are comforting him.

Suddenly, “Mr Qin is here”, the Tiantai immediately fell silent.

Only the whistling night wind blowing.

This “Junyuan Chunhe Building” is 599 meters high.

It is the tallest building within a radius of one kilometer.

This height is very windy!

Qin Qing stepped forward.

“Wang Sheng.”

“You want to see me, I’m here.”

“Now you can release Xinyi?”

Wang Sheng is a very thin middle-aged man.

A look of excitement and madness at this moment.

“Qin Qing!”

“You are here! You are finally here!”

“I have been waiting for you for a long time!”

Qin Qing and Wang Sheng’s eyes met, and they were very disgusted in their hearts.

“Wang Sheng, please let Xinyi go.”

“If you let her go now.”

“I can assume that nothing happened.”

Wang Xinyi, who was kidnapped as a hostage, burst into tears like short-term pearls.

There was a butcher knife around his neck.

That is the “Bone Slaughtering Sword”, it is Wang Sheng’s Yuling!

As long as he wants, with his ability, Wang Xinyi can be separated from flesh and blood without death…

Wang Sheng didn’t seem to listen to Qin Qing’s words.

“Qin Qing, tell me why did you fire me!”

“I’m not from the Sun family at all!”

“I am yours, do you know?”

“I am your person!”

“Do you know why I stayed in’Ababa’?”

“I want to protect you!”

“Do you know how much I love you? All I think about is you!”

“But what about you? What did you do to me!”

“You fired me! You fired me?!”

“Twenty years! I have guarded you for twenty years!”

“Why are you so cruel?”

After hearing this, Yin Zhi rolled his eyes.

It’s a madman again!

However, it is understandable if the subject is Qin Qing.

If you can’t get her under normal circumstances, you can only take an abnormal path.

Yin Zhi quietly watched Qin Qing and Wang Sheng negotiate and negotiate.

Unfortunately, there is no way to talk about…

Wang Sheng yelled excitedly.

“come over!”

“You can’t come!”

“I will kill her! I count three times!”


Wang Xinyi exclaimed: “Mr Qin, don’t care about me.”

Immediately he was knocked out by Wang Sheng.


Qin Qing suddenly turned his head and glanced at Yin Zhi.

Chao Wang Sheng walked over despite the obstacles.

Yin Zhi’s heart trembled at the glance of her…

Wang Sheng laughed crazy “haha”.

Push Wang Xinyi away.

A rope flew out with lightning, and Qin Qing was tied up instantly.

That rope is just a weapon-like Yuling, “tethered by spider silk”!

Without a blink of an eye, Wang Sheng dragged Qin Qing down.

“Ha ha!”

“Die together!”

“We can be together forever if we die!!!”

Yin Zhi rushed past for the first time.

But it only caught a ball of air-just a little bit!

Yin Zhi leaned on the railing at the edge of the Temple of Heaven and looked down.

That Wang Sheng “haha” laughed loudly, opened his arms, and waited to hug Qin Qing!

At this moment, Qin Qing turned his head in the air and looked at Yin Zhi.

The moment they met each other’s eyes in the air, a burst of anger burst into Yin Zhi’s heart.

I saw him jump, and rushed down his head and feet…

“Let go of Qin Aunt! Don’t touch her with your dog’s paw!”

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