Chapter 206 Take the Middle Road! Push down! Poke in! Go straight to the Yellow Dragon! Cool!

“Qin Qing!”

“Let’s fall together!”

“Mixed flesh and blood!”

“No one can separate us!”

“I am your person! You are my person too!”

“Are you happy? I’m so happy! I’m so excited!”

“I have been waiting for this day for twenty years!”

“Twenty years!”

Wang Sheng yelled and screamed, with a weird light in his eyes.

Very excited!

Very excited!

It’s so crazy!

But at this moment…

“You better go down by yourself!”

Yin Zhi appeared behind Wang Sheng with a “spatial flicker”.

The “Zhulong Sword” plunged into Wang Sheng’s head.

Go in from the left temple, and come out from the right temple.

Killed on the spot!

Wang Shengneng became the deputy head of the security department of a group such as “Jun Yuan Chunhe”.

Naturally, its strength should not be underestimated.

At least, his previous actions were so fast that even Yin Zhi did not respond in time.

Otherwise, Qin Aunt would not be tied by him and dragged off the building.

But at this moment, he was focused on Qin Qing, completely defenseless.

Is Yin Zhi’s strength worse?

Use “Space Flash” to appear without warning, and once it appears, it will be a fatal blow!

How did Wang Sheng react?

As soon as the master dies, the Yuling dissipates!

Yin Zhi pulled Wang Sheng out with a strong pull.

Immediately, he hugged Qin Qing.

Suddenly the nephrite is full of arms, and the scalp is numb.

The taste in it is wonderful…

Qin Qing stared into Yin Zhi’s eyes.

At this moment, it seems that there are all kinds of emotions intertwined.

“Silly boy!”

“Why do such a stupid thing?”

“Why are you so stupid?”

Yin Zhi’s heart moved, and he secretly said, “Qin Aunt thinks he will definitely die?”

After blinking, a mischievous smile flashed under his eyes.

He leaned to Qin Qing’s ear.

“Can die with Qin Aunt!”

“It’s worth it to die!”

At this moment, Yin Zhi obviously felt Qin Aunt’s body stiff.


He felt that he was being hugged tightly by Qin Aunt, as if he had exhausted all his strength.


Did the joke go too far?

Yin Zhi then bit her ear.

“Qin Aunt, we won’t die!”

“I haven’t lived enough yet.”

“Qin Aunt certainly didn’t live enough.”

“I haven’t enjoyed a good life yet, how can I be willing to die?”

“Look at me!”

“Walk in the Void”, show it!

In an instant, the fall of the two who had escaped into the void suddenly stopped.

The rules of the void are different from those of the real world.

The real world has gravitation, but the void is not.

Qin Qing also quickly noticed the strangeness, and looked around in amazement.

The surrounding scene seemed to be half covered by a layer of broken crystal glass.

Just about to speak, Yin Zhi covered his mouth.

Yin Zhi motioned her to hold her breath and stop talking.

There is no air in the void!

Immediately, Yin Zhi hugged Qin Qing in the position of a princess.

Qin Qing’s eyes widened and his face was shocked.

Yin Zhi smiled at her, climbed in large strides, and went straight to the rooftop.

His speed is fast enough!

In the blink of an eye, he rushed to the rooftop.

At this moment, a group of security guards outside can be seen in a mess.

Yin Zhi put Qin Qing down and walked out of the secret realm.

Qin Qing is very human.

She took two breaths of oxygen, and then coldly said clearly, “What are you panicking about?”

The panicked group of security guards were suddenly startled and turned their heads all together.

The head of the security department rushed over with a “swish”.

“Mr Qin, you… are you okay?”

Qin Qing opened his lips lightly.


“Zhao Hu, the rest will be left to you.”

“I think you should know how to do it.”

“Also, send Xinyi to the hospital and take good care of her.”

The Minister of Security was stunned, and immediately reacted.

“Mr Qin, I know what to do.”

They greeted people to put on Wang Xinyi and leave.

Suddenly, Yin Zhi and Qin Qing were the only ones left on the rooftop.

The high winds disturbed Qin Qing’s hair.

Yin Zhi said, “Qin Aunt, it’s all this point, let’s go back too.”

Qin Qing turned around, looking straight at Yin Zhi.

“Qin Aunt, what’s wrong?”

Yin Zhi said so, but he thought to himself: “Hey, what am I doing? Look at me and I will eat you!”

“You just said.”

“It’s worth to die with me…”

“Is it true or false?”

Yin Zhi said: “Of course it is true!”

Qin Qing frowned.


“Just because we have had two intersections that shouldn’t have happened?”

“How do you make me believe you?”

“Liangwu’s classmate…”

Depend on!

This window paper is punctured.

Moreover, this is a proposition!

Just play a love game, if the answer is wrong, it will be a “good ship ending”!

But who is Yunzhi?

“Qin Aunt, how about we play a game?”

Falling into the “arbitrary hole” below will fall from the “arbitrary hole” above.

Then fell into the “arbitrary hole” below. Then fall from the “arbitrary hole” above.

In this way, it is “infinite falling”!

No bird use, it’s just the gameplay just thought of…

“Qin Aunt, are you ready?”

Qin Qing was looking forward and nervous: “Well, ready… ready!”

“Then let’s—start!”

Ever since, the two fell infinitely between the two “arbitrary holes”.

Qin Qing shouted excitedly “Ahhhh”.

But gradually, she stopped barking.

Because her mouth was blocked…

High in the sky, two black shadows stuck together tightly.

A gust of wind blew and stole a piece of clothing, blowing it far, far away…

Qin family.

Sun Liangwu is still playing his “3000 Yuling Great Battle”

And it’s hitting the most critical moment.

“Hurry up!”

“Quickly push down the middle tower, push me down!”

“Walking in the middle!”

“Poke in! Go straight to the Yellow Dragon!”

When the word “Victory” appeared on the screen accompanied by fireworks.

Sun Liangwu jumped up excitedly and yelled a few words excitedly.

Then the whole person lay down on the bed.

“Finally won!”


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