Chapter 207 Isn’t it the Big sis of our “chicken” classmate!

The next day.

The sky is at sunrise, and there are thousands of morning clouds.

Sun Liangwu didn’t dare to sleep late.

After getting up, I hurriedly cleaned up and went out and went downstairs at seven o’clock.

When I got downstairs, I saw my mother walking out of the kitchen with breakfast in her hand.

“Wake up?”

“Come and have breakfast.”

“Your Uncle Li (driver) is already waiting outside.”

“After breakfast, he will send you and Azhi to school.”

Sun Liangwu’s heart moved.


Mom, hasn’t it been one night?

Why has the title changed!



“Mom, what’s wrong with your throat?”

“How dumb it sounds?”

“Also, your face seems to be a little red too…”

Qin Qing’s heart trembled.

She blinked, wondering what to say.

Sun Liangwu asked, “Did you catch a cold?”



I have a cold!

Qin Qing coughed twice.

“I didn’t cover up the quilt last night, probably because of a cold.”

“Mom is okay, just take some medicine later.”

“The weather is getting colder, so you have to be careful not to catch a cold.”

“Hurry up, the omelette won’t taste good when it’s cold.”

Sun Liangwu smiled confidently.

“Mom, don’t worry.”

“You forgot that I am a’Golden Guardian’, and I am in good health.”

He took a bite of the fried egg and suddenly saw something…

“Mom, why are you missing one earring?”



Wasn’t it taken by the stinky boy as a memorial again.

Qin Qing touched the empty left ear, pretending to be surprised.

“Really gone…”

“It should have fallen somewhere.”

“I’ll take a picture when I look back.”

Sun Liangwu nodded, and suddenly realized that he was missing…

“Mom, where is Yin Zhi?”

Say Yin Zhi, Yin Zhi is here!

Sun Liangwu saw Yin Zhi walk out of the kitchen with a bowl of hot noodles in his hand.

Yin Zhi said: “Are you looking for me? What are you doing?”

Sun Liang Martial Dao: “No…nothing, I thought you weren’t awake yet.”

“I woke up long ago.”

“I woke up before dawn and practiced in the morning.”

“Early chickens have worms to eat, understand?”

“Like you sleep until now, the money in the sky is lost, but others have picked it up.”

Qin Qing suddenly “coughed cough” twice before glaring at Yin Zhi without a trace.

“Well, you two stop talking.”

“Hurry up and eat breakfast.”

“There are still a few Steamed buns in the pot, I’ll get them.”

Sun Liangwu didn’t dare to attack Yin Zhi, he only dared to mumble a few words in his heart.

“Also eat the’early chickens have worms’ to eat!”

“I think it’s ‘early worms are eaten by chickens’.”

“Pick up money? It’s even more funny.”

“My family is so rich, do I still need to pick it up?”

Soon, Qin Qing brought the Steamed bun.

The three ate breakfast together.

At around 7:40, Qin Qing sent Yin Zhi and Sun Liangwu into the car.

As a result, the car did not go out ten meters, Yin Zhi asked the driver to stop.

“I left something.”

“Wait for me a few minutes.”

Abandoning these words, Yin Zhi pushed the door and got out of the car.

Sun Liangwu watched Yin Zhi ran into his house and mumbled “lost things.”

As soon as Yin Zhi entered the door, he saw Qin Qing clearing the table.

The scene of the second richest woman in “True Dragon Kingdom” is such a virtuous scene that few men in the whole world are lucky enough to see.

Qin Qing looked at him in surprise: “Why are you back again?”

Yin Zhi answered her with actions…

Qin Qing’s face changed.

“No way, no way!”

“Don’t think you can be foolish when you are young.”

“Be temperate!”

“And Liangwu is outside, what if he comes in?”

“What face do I have to face him?”

Is this a problem?

All is not a problem!

Sacrifice the “Matrix Box”, and then just work hard…

Sun Liangwu waited in the car for a few minutes.

A bad premonition suddenly jumped out of his heart, and his face suddenly changed.

“No way?”

“No! Impossible!”

“Even if it’s him… Mom…”

Sun Liangwu’s face suddenly flushed.

He immediately jumped out of the car and was about to rush into the house.

In the end, I saw Yin Zhi walking out of the house without taking a few steps.

In an instant, Sun Liangwu retracted into the car, his heart beating.

When Yin Zhi got on the car, Sun Liangwu glanced at him and asked, “What did you leave behind?”

“The underwear that I changed yesterday.”

“It’s so bad that I remembered it.”

“If your mother saw it while cleaning the room, wouldn’t it be embarrassing?”

Sun Liangwu said “Oh”.

He took a look at the time and felt relieved in his heart.

“Impossible, impossible.”

“It’s less than three minutes.”

“If it’s… too fast, right?”

“It must be that I think too much… it must be!”

The dark car gradually moved out of the community…

at this time.

Qin family.

Qin Qing was lying on the bed feebly, with the communicator on the side turned on and hands-free.

“Xiao Fei (another secretary), I feel a little uncomfortable today, so I won’t go to the company.”

“You are business as usual. Today’s itinerary will help me push it away.”

“that’s all……”

When she hung up the newsletter, she cursed, “A little bastard is like a cow.”

After the quilt was rolled up, he fell asleep in a short while.

Her face is content and serene…

Yin Zhi said tired and tired, neither tired nor tired.

Anyway, nothing happened, a few hours’ drive, then go back to sleep all the way.

Unexpectedly, he was ambushed halfway!

Thanks to Qin Qing, this car is a specially customized bulletproof car with presidential protection. It is durable!

This gave Yin Zhi plenty of time to summon Yu Ling.

Needless to say about the process of meeting…

With his current strength, wouldn’t it be easy to clean up some “young people”?

Soon, those who ambushed him were lined up.

Yin Zhi grabbed a newly bought baseball bat and dangled in front of them.

The baseball laps in circles in his hands.

This is a tool weapon type Yuling baseball bat, “heavy artillery striker”.

The rarity is “Golden Three Stars”.

It was bought by Yin Zhi at the “Equipment Store” of “Sacred Heart University”!

There is no need to worry about damage to the Yuling weapon.

At most, it is broken up.

Can be summoned again after a while.

“Say it!”

“Who asked you to kill me.”

“There are many people who want me to die.”

“Don’t tell me, I don’t know who to settle the account.”

“Not to mention, I will use this’heavy artillery striker’ to break your bones.”

“Except for the head!”

“At that time, although you will not die, it will be more painful than death.”

Yin Zhi waited for a while, everyone spoke.

“You can’t cry if you don’t see the coffin?”

“Then… let’s start with you!”

not far away.

Inside the car.

Sun Liangwu watched Yin Zhi hit it with sticks one by one.

Although the car was soundproof, he felt that he could hear their screams.

Such treatment… he has also experienced it.

Thinking of the past, Sun Liangwu hurriedly shook his head, throwing the unbearable memory out of his head.


“It’s all gone…”

“As long as I don’t fight him, he shouldn’t hit me again.”

An hour later, Yin Zhi got into the car.

The car restarted.

Yin Zhi took Sun Liangwu’s shoulders.

“Liangwu, guess who it is.”

“I guess… can’t guess…”

Yin Zhi smiled “hehe”.

“Isn’t it the Big sis of our little chicken classmate!”

“To be honest, I’m a little disappointed…”

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