Chapter 209 Combine the strength of our two families, Zhao and Ji, and set him a big game!

“never mind……”

“never mind……”

“Sister, I will take you home!”

“Let’s go home!”

When Ji Dong heard this, instead of being happy, he was extremely excited.

“No, no, no!”

“Sister, I can’t go!”

“I can’t go!”

“No! Oh!”

Ji Dong wept mournfully, and told the secret that made Ji Min almost explode on the spot.

It turns out that Yin Zhi has no evidence at all!

That’s all lied to their siblings!

However, can he leave without evidence of Ji Dong’s extortion?

If you know it before, of course you can!

But now I know…


Under the instruction of Yin Zhi, under the execution of “dog legs” such as Sun Liangwu and Bai Yun Tian.

Ji Dong was frustrated.

A lot of videos were also taken at the same time!

Once Ji Dong leaves, these videos will be streamed online.

At that time, Ji Dong will be famous all over the country-notorious, stigma!

Ji Dong is famous, and the Ji family will be famous too!

The same will not be a good reputation.


Use relationship to delete posts and videos?


Fighting relations, “non-governmental relations” have been fighting for “official relations”?

The “Guishi Class” group of people, the relationship of the Yun Tian family alone is enough!

The “five-thousand-year inheritance family” of the Ji family is better called “the hidden family”.

What’s bad?



Gou chant!

In the dark, they may have energy that is unimaginable for ordinary people.

Can it be on the bright side?

They can be scared!

Of course, the Ji family didn’t think they were counseling.

This is called “well versed in the way of survival”!

Instead of being ashamed, they are proud and proud of it!

“Five thousand years of dynasties have changed, and the situation has changed!”

“Wei Ji’s family is handed down from one line to another, immovable like a mountain!”

This is the core source of their pride.

And Ji Dong…

It is precisely under the trouble of this kind of psychology that these contemporary powerful children of Bai Yun Tian are extremely contemptuous!

Only then did the stupid things that were idiotic and brain-dead in the eyes of bystanders.

Not to mention, originally he really succeeded!

Relying on the inherited “Holy Spirit Nine Stars” Yuling, Bai Yun Tian and others were crushed to death by him.

However, he met Yin Zhi…

Now, Ji Dong has truly experienced the energy of these contemporary powerful children of Bai Yun Tian!

I realized how stupid and ridiculous my previous behavior was.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine for him in this world.

These days, countless tears late at night, Ji Dong would slap himself a few times.

A few times he even had the heart to die…

When is the head of such a tragic day?

at this time.

After listening to Ji Dong’s description.

“Crazy Demon” Ji Min’s head was almost bombarded by the boiling blood of anger.

The whole head is red and red!

“This bastard!”


“Damn! He deserves to die!”

“I will kill him now!”

“I want to break his body into pieces!”

At this moment, she didn’t care about anything.

There is only one thought in my mind: kill Yin Zhi, save Little Brother!

“You can’t kill him.”

Suddenly a voice came in.

Ji Dong shook his head fiercely, and his eyes were sharp as swords!

Who is the comer?

Zhao Haolong is too!

“It’s you?”

Ji Min knows Zhao Haolong!

Of course, it’s just cognition.

The top ten hidden families of the “True Dragon Kingdom”-Yang Hou Ji Gou Zhu, Long Jiang Niu Zhao Ma!

“Ji Family” is one of them.

The “Zhao Family” is also one of them.

The ten major families are also inextricably linked to each other.

Or hostile.

Or cooperation.

It is not surprising that Ji Min knows Zhao Haolong.

“You said I can’t kill that bastard?”


“He has the’Holy Spirit Nine Stars’ Yuling, and I have it too!”

“You said I can’t kill him?”

“Holy Spirit Nine Stars” Yuling is indeed extremely rare!

But the “Ji family” is a family with “five thousand years of inheritance”.

It is reasonable to have a few “Holy Spirit Nine Stars” Yuling.

By comparison.

The “Zhao Family” is much shaky.

Although the inheritance time is only half of the “Ji Family”, there is not even a “Holy Spirit Nine Stars”!

Otherwise, why would you keep staring at Yin Zhi’s “Emperor Qingyan”?

Zhao Haolong smiled, looking very gracious and generous.

“Hehe, “Holy Spirit Nine Stars” Yuling?”

“Don’t you know?”

“Yin Zhi, he has two’Holy Spirit Nine Stars’ Yuling!”

Ji Min said: “Of course I know. But he is forbidden to summon the “Goddess of Liberty” for five years.”


Zhao Haolong burst into laughter suddenly, his demeanor disappeared instantly.

Ji Min coldly said, “What are you laughing at?”

Zhao Haolong stopped smiling for a moment.

“I laugh that you don’t know him too much.”

“That guy…”

“He is a lunatic at all!”


“The more you threaten him, the more he will fight against you!”

“The more you want him to die, the happier he will be!”

The more he said, the redder Zhao Haolong’s face became.

This excited red.

It is also angry red.

It is even more hateful and sickly red!

“Death, can’t threaten him at all!”

“On the contrary, if you didn’t kill him, you fell into his hands…”

“He will use all means to humiliate you!”

“Torture you!”

“Destroy you!”

As he said, Zhao Haolong’s face gradually became distorted.

“But he just won’t kill you!”

“He will make you unable to survive, and he will make you unable to survive!”

“He will make you less like a person, and a ghost less like a ghost!”

“He will become your eternal nightmare!”

Looking at Zhao Haolong in front of him, Ji Min had a thought…

“He’s crazy!”

Zhao Haolong seemed to know what Ji Min was thinking.

“Do you think I’m crazy?”

“Haha! Ha! Yes, I’m crazy!”

“I can’t wait to eat the meat madly and drink his blood!”

“But I am sober now!”

“If you don’t want to be like me, don’t act on him yourself!”

He put up a finger hard, very hard!

“a chance!”

“You only have one time!”

“Unsuccessful once, you will become like me!”

“Especially you are still a beautiful woman, maybe you will be worse than me!”


Ji Min said coldly, “What do you want to say?”

Zhao Haolong opened his arms, most embracing.

“Let’s work together!”

“You want to kill him alone, it’s just wishful thinking.”

“With the strength of our two families, Zhao and Ji, we will set him a big game!”

“Then one hit kills!”

“Only in this way can he be killed!”

“Get rid of him, your Little Brother can be completely liberated!”

“Otherwise, he will be completely destroyed by Yin Zhi in his entire life!”

“People are not like people, and ghosts are not like ghosts!”

Ji Min is about to refuse…

vomit! !

Ji Dong vomited again.

Suddenly the sour smell filled the room.

Seeing Little Brother’s nose and tears…

At this moment, Ji Min suddenly changed his mind.


“I’m cooperating with you!”


Zhao Haolong slapped his hands and rubbed his hands.

“Wise choice!”

“Very very very wise choice!”

“I have already thought about this ‘game’!”

“Let’s go, let’s find a safe place to do a good sum total!”

“This time, as long as you do it properly, you can definitely kill him!”

“Kill him!”

“Ha ha ha ha!”

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