Chapter 210: No! I can’t just forget it! I can’t get along without beating him!

Zhao and Ji Tongliu, what will happen?

Yin Zhi didn’t know.

But there is a game right now, but it makes his brain hurt…

What bureau?

The game between Qiu Yaoyao and her mother Ye Yunxi!

Ye Yunhee is still normal overall.

She is not a qualified, normal mother-no, she is a terrible mother, a mother in vain!

But at least it was a normal person.

But Qiu Yaoyao…

Yin Zhi really didn’t want to care about her.

But we snatched it from Qiu’s house, and we couldn’t ignore her.


I can’t control it at all!

Secondly, she dragged a big oil bottle!

Yin Zhi wanted to kick Ye Yun Hee, a woman who had become a mother in vain.

But Qiu Yaoyao didn’t let Yin Zhijiang Ye Yunxi dare to go, so she guarded and stopped her.

I don’t know if Qiu Yaoyao hates her mother or loves her mother.

But Yin Zhi suspects that both hate and love are deformed!

Anyway, Yin Zhi doesn’t understand her.

It’s enough to care about Qiu Yaoyao.

Also need to manage a “big oil bottle”…

It’s weird that Yin Zhi Naoren doesn’t hurt!

this day.

Class is over.

Qiu Yaoyao followed Yin Zhi all the way back to Yin Zhi’s home.

She didn’t know what happy things she thought of, she was jumping and smiling all the way.

She has been in Yinzhi’s house since she came back before the fight.

If it weren’t for Yin Zhi to drink her words, she wouldn’t even want to go to class.

Since Qiu Yaoyao Lai entered Yin Zhi’s house, Yin Zhi has lived like a master.

You don’t need to cook the meal yourself.

You don’t need to wash the clothes yourself.

Everything is done properly for daily chores.

Yin Zhi was helpless and enjoying the days when he opened his mouth with food and stretched his hands with clothes…

Helpless, he really hadn’t thought of using Qiu Yaoyao as a servant.

Enjoy, why do you still have to say?

It can be said that for Qiu Yaoyao, Yin Zhi’s heart is really complicated to the extreme.

Come to the door of the house.

Qiu Yaoyao stopped Yin Zhi suddenly.

“Master, wait here for a while!”

“Wait a while before going in.”

“I want to surprise you.”

Yin Zhi glared at her.

“How many times have I said it.”

“Don’t call my master outside.”

Although we don’t mind if others think of me as a lunatic or crazy.

But I don’t want others to treat us as a pervert! ?

Qiu Yaoyao smiled and said, “I see, master”, and then pushed the door into the house first.

He closed the door and bolted it tightly, as if he was afraid of Yin Zhi peeking.


Don’t give me a fright, I’ll thank God!

What the hell is going on?

Wait and wait.

He was a little impatient while waiting.

never mind!

Don’t wait!

As he was about to enter the door, he suddenly saw Dongfang Weixi coming from a distance.

Yin Zhi immediately turned around, and rushed over.


“Teacher Dongfang, you have become more beautiful again without seeing you in one day.”

Dongfang Weixi is used to Yin Zhi’s rogue.

She still has a cold face all day long.

The movement of a long leg increases, and the speed follows Ascension.

Obviously, he wanted to enter the house early and get rid of the annoying guy Yin Zhi.

Yin Zhi has long been accustomed to Dongfang Weixi’s attitude towards own.



Dongfang Weixi immediately stopped and looked at Yin Zhi steadily.

Yin Zhi smiled “hehe”.

“Teacher Dongfang, don’t be so serious.”

“Obviously there is such a beautiful face.”

“Why be stern all day. How nice to smile.”

Dongfang Weixi said coldly, “You are annoying, do you know?”


“I bother you because you are Dongfang teacher.”

“I don’t care if I change someone else!”

Dongfang Weixi said, “Then do I still want to thank you?”

“Hey, that’s not necessary.”

“Just smile at me.”

“Come on, smile.”

Dongfang Weixi said, “You are so boring.”

After speaking, she continued to step on her long legs.

I don’t know if she has noticed that her tone is obviously not so cold…

Yin Zhi continued to pester her.

“By the way, Teacher Dongfang.”

“About my mother.”

“Do you remember anything?”

Dongfang Weixi stopped at her door.

Just about to speak, suddenly the sound of “supporting” the door opened from the side.

Qiu Yaoyao poked her head out, looking left and right.

Seeing Yin Zhi, she immediately jumped out.

“Dear Master!”

“Welcome home!”

Looking at Qiu Yaoyao’s appearance at this time, Yin Zhi was dumbfounded.

Turned out to be…

A black and white maid outfit? !


Yin Zhi had never seen this before, and he was stunned for a while.

Suddenly, a chill came from the side!

Who can it be if it’s not from Dongfang Weixi?

He shivered coldly, and goose bumps appeared on his body.


Dongfang Weixi glanced at Yin Zhi.

That glance was full of contempt, disgust, disgust, irritation…

“You are disgusting! Stay away from me!”

After speaking, Dongfang Weixi, who was air-conditioned all over, pushed the door into the house.


The door is closed quite powerfully.

The dust on the eaves was shaken off.

Yin Zhi stared at the closed door blankly.

Immediately, an evil fire burst out of my heart.

He glared at Qiu Yaoyao.

If you don’t come early or late, you come at this critical juncture!

Qiu Yaoyao bounced around on the spot and said with a smile: “Master, are you surprised?”

Yin Zhi annoyed: “Surprise? Surprise your sister!”

This is just great.

In the eyes of Teacher Dongfang, I must have become a pervert.

What is this called?

He stared at Qiu Yaoyao: “Go in!”

Qiu Yaoyao lifted Yin Zhi’s hand without skin and face, “Master, there are even bigger surprises!”

and also? !

“Fuck your mother’s surprise!”

“Don’t give me some messy moths!”

“Have you heard!?”

Qiu Yaoyao didn’t care about Yin Zhi who scolded her sternly, giggling, and bounced to pull him in the door.

With a sound of “support”, the door closed, two worlds inside and outside…

Yin Zhi’s neighbor’s house.

Dongfang Weixi sat in a chair.

The chest rises and falls.

“This damn brat!”

Angrily and cursing, she suddenly took the scene.

“Really ridiculous! Why should I be angry here alone?”


“I can’t just forget it!”

“I can’t do it without beating him!”

“Whoever makes me unhappy, I will make him even more unhappy!”

She didn’t know what was wrong with herself.

Anyway, it’s unhappy!

Originally, apart from Angeli’s matter, she had another “business” thing she wanted to tell Yin Zhi…

As a result, Qiu Yaoyao made her angry.

Everything is forgotten.

Do what you want!

She stopped walking through the main entrance and went straight to Yin Zhi’s house.

As soon as I landed, I heard a voice…

“Master, is this Qiu Yaoyao version of the secret rice bowl good?”

“Come on, try this again. This is the top salmon sushi from Taihe.”

“I’ll feed it to you, open your mouth!”

Is this… eating?

Huh, what about eating? !

I’ll beat you up first, and I’m eating up your meal. It just happened that my old lady had a meeting for a whole day, with an empty stomach!

Thinking about this, she strode towards the main house…

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