Chapter 211 Don’t worry! This “game”, he will definitely jump in by himself!

The second day.

The sun is shining and the wind is beautiful.


Yin Zhichu stretched out at the door of his home.

Then he twisted and twisted with his hips akimbo.

Following him, he hammered the back eye again.

Although there is no physical discomfort at all.

But psychologically I still feel a little overworked…

“Thanks to the’Emperor Virus’ being powerful enough!”

“Otherwise, I had to get an injection again last night.”

Although “doing things” seems to be fine with injections.

But it always feels weird…

Every injection into the body seems to be saying “you can’t do it” or “you can’t do it”.

Dignified a man!

Who can stand this?

Now there is no need to rely on injections. The combat effectiveness is long-lasting and refreshing both physically and mentally!

Especially, defeated a person who was unbeatable before…


There was a sound of opening the door.

As soon as Yin Zhi turned his head, he saw Dongfang Weixi.

Dongfang Weixi, who is dressed as a teacher, is called a heroic, sassy and moving.

The eyes of the two collided in the air.

A joke.

An irritation was caught in panic.

Dongfang Weixi opened his long legs and left without closing the door.

Yin Zhi hurriedly closed the door for her and ran after him.

“Teacher Dongfang.”

“Dongfang Xixi?”


Dongfang glared at him before turning around.

The dark and bright eyes contained raging anger.


Yin Zhi touched his nose, smiled sorrowfully, and muttered in his heart.

“She used to beat me.”

“It was I who beat her yesterday, and she called ‘no’.”

“It must be a bad taste of defeat.”

What happened yesterday?

Naturally, something inconvenient to describe in detail…

That kind of “unfolding” is something Yin Zhi never expected.

Who could have imagined that the cold “Eastern Teacher” would be so proactive!

This made him think that some people’s “fallacy” still has some truth.

For example: the colder the outside, the hotter the inside!

Another example: Thirty is like a wolf, and forty is like a tiger!

Anyway, according to his experience.

These two “conclusions” are very accurate when they are put on “Teacher Dongfang”.

Dongfang Weixi continued to move forward.

“Forget about what happened yesterday!”

“I will beat you once you mention it.”

“I didn’t joking with you.”

Yin Zhi quickly expressed his opinion.

“Forgot to forget.”

“Nothing happened last night.”

“Just four people have dinner together.”

Blinking his eyes, he leaned close to Dongfang Weixi.

“Teacher Dongfang, when will you come to my house for dinner next time?”

Dongfang Weixi stopped and stared at him with his lips pressed.

Yin Zhi suddenly looked wronged.

“Teacher Dongfang, don’t look at me with such a look.”

“I’m talking about eating, I didn’t mean anything else.”

“Where did you want to go?”

Dongfang Weixi let out a sneer.

Yin Zhi was also enough, no longer skinned, and shifted the topic to business.

“Teacher Dongfang, I patronized yesterday…”

“Then what, have dinner…”

“Did you remember anything about my mother?”

Dongfang Weixi was another “hum.”

“Thank you, you can still think of your mother.”

“If the teacher knows her son is your virtue.”

“What do you think she would think.”

Yin Zhi “hahaha” smiled straightly.

If that “Angelie” is really my mother…

That’s pretty amazing!

Her son actually took care of her students.

On the other hand, her students took care of her son.

After pondering, can it be amazing?

Dongfang Weixi no longer looked at Yin Zhi, his eyes were straight at the road.

“After all, twelve years have passed.”

“I didn’t recall too many things either.”

“Teacher, she taught us Yuling theory.”

“It seems to have been studying the meaning of Yuling’s existence.”

“In addition, she likes to study ancient tombs, ruins, antiques and the like.”

“She made me feel more like an archaeologist.”

After speaking, she said nothing.

Yin Zhi wondered, “That’s it?”

Dongfang Weixi’s eyes flashed and said, “That’s it…”

Yin Zhi asked: “Did she ever mention that she has a child?”

Dongfang Weixi shook his head: “No.”

Yin Zhi suddenly felt uncomfortable…

But think about it, it seems that a teacher does not need to own children in front of his students, right?

Dongfang Weixi’s words suddenly took a sharp turn.

“There was a meeting in school yesterday.”

“A folk adventurous group discovered an ancient tomb in’South China Mountain’.”

“According to them, the scale of the tomb is very large.”

“It is preliminarily speculated that it should be the tomb of a certain nobleman in the’Qing Empire’.”

“They invited us’Sacred Heart University’ to participate in the excavation together.”

“The school decided to organize a group of students to go.”


Nanhua Mountain?

Yin Zhi’s heart moved after hearing this.

Speaking of…

Didn’t you snatch an antique knife from Zhao Haolong last time?

There is a mention of “Nanhua Mountain” in the note inside!

“In the Nanhua Mountains, stay in the fairyland of dragons.”

“On the clear spring stone, a knife can kill immortals.”

It’s these sixteen words!

The last four of these sixteen characters directly point to another Divine Armament weapon of the “Emperor Qingyan”…

Slaughter the fairy knife!

What a coincidence?

Or is there such a coincidence?

Yin Zhi hurriedly said, “Teacher Dongfang, add me and add me! I want to go!”

“Have you forgotten the rules of’Sacred Heart University’?”

“All opportunities must be seized by competition!”

“If you want to go, pass the assessment first before you go!”

Yin Zhi was immediately full of confidence.

“Teacher Dongfang, I really didn’t blow it.”

“With my current strength, I can’t pass the assessment.”

“Assessment is redundant for me.”

Dongfang Weixi “hum” smiled.


“Then I will wait and see.”

“I hope you won’t slap your own face by then.”

While talking, the two came to a fork in the road.

Dongfang Weixi did not say hello, so he walked on the left.

Yin Zhi yelled, “Teacher Dongfang remembers to come to my house for dinner at night, it will be more delicious if there are more people.”

Just ran away and disappeared.

Dongfang Weixi gritted his teeth and angrily cursed “this stinky boy”.

But then he became annoyed.

“Dongfang Weixi, Dongfang Weixi…”

“what’s wrong with you?”

“Why can’t you help it?”

“Next time! Be sure to hold back next time!”

After class this morning, Zhuang Mo also talked about the “Nanhua Mountain Ancient Tomb”.

Yin Zhi knew about it a long time ago, so he wasn’t surprised at all.

“As always, this time the opportunity to participate is also obtained through assessment.”

“Everyone knows that in order to guard against theft, some ancient tombs have various agencies.”

“So it’s not enough to have strength, you need to have enough wisdom.”

“This time the assessment is conducted in the’virtual world’!”

“Relevant personnel are constructing a large-scale’virtual tomb’ by referring to some known ancient tomb institutions.”

“Those who pass the customs smoothly will be eligible to go to the’Nanhua Mountain Ancient Tomb’.”

After Zhuang Mo finished speaking, Yin Zhi raised the question of own.

“Teacher! I have a problem!”

“If we find the treasure in the ancient tomb, who should it belong to?”

“If it belongs to someone else, it doesn’t matter if you don’t go.”

at the same time……

“Sacred Heart City”, a private and high-end clubhouse.

“Why don’t you just let out the wind and say that the’Xianxian Dao’ is in the’Nanhua Tomb’?”

This is a question asked by Ji Min.

The person being asked replied: “Don’t think of him as a fool! If you mention the ‘slaughtering sword’, he will definitely doubt it!”

The answerer is Zhao Haolong!

“Don’t worry! This’game’, he will definitely jump in by himself!”

“He is the kind of person who will move forward when he encounters something good!”

“I have seen him through!”

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