Chapter 213 This is… The rhythm of the gathering of heroes, the dance of dragons and snakes, and the chaos!

Yin Zhi, completed the assessment with the first place!

Obviously it is the last departure.

In the end, he broke through layers of institutions and arrived at the main tomb.

This really dropped the glasses of many people.

Some people even wonder if Yin Zhi knew the correct route in advance.

When the “Qualification Assessment” is over…

Yin Zhi jumped out of the “capsule cabin”.



“Just ask who of you is better than me?!”

He is so ostentatious, it’s not that he screams.

But he really has a sense of accomplishment at the moment!

I want to move the left hand and the right hand.

I want to move my legs forward but move backwards.

So, if you want to act normally…

When you step on your left leg, you have to think about the right leg so that the left leg can step out.

When you want to move forward, you have to think about going backward so that you can move forward.

It’s easier said than done, but how difficult it is to do! ?

But Yin Zhi only took ten minutes!

Ten minutes later, he mastered the reverse control of the body.

Moving forward and backward, waving his arms, everything is extremely smooth.

But it is obviously not enough to control the body smoothly.

It has to be able to pass through a series of institutions.

Habits of action developed in twenty years!

It can’t be completely reversed in just ten minutes.

During the period, Yin Zhi also made some mistakes.

Fortunately, these mistakes did not cause serious consequences.

After making several mistakes, he was able to deal with those tricky organs with ease.

During the assessment process, Yin Zhi mumbled in his heart.

This test is too difficult, right?

Who figured it out?

What a talent!

Now he has passed the “Qualification Assessment” with the first place.

Yin Zhi’s achievements are undoubtedly full!

At this time, he didn’t know that he was the only one who had this weird situation.

I thought other people were the same as him.

If he knew it was Dongfang Weixi who had pitted him secretly.

I don’t know what to think…

A few steps away.

Zhao Haolong was seven points happy and three points unhappy.

Huanxi, naturally because Yin Zhi has completely entered the set!

Unhappy, but it’s because own’s results are actually the bottom!

But soon this unhappiness was forgotten by him.

“Yin Zhi, Yin Zhi!”

“You can be proud of yourself!”

“You will cry soon!”

“Hey Hey!”

A triumphant smile crawled on his cheeks involuntarily.

Zhao Haolong quickly turned around and left in a big step…

“As expected of the squad leader!”

“I really admire you so much!”

“My admiration for you is like that surging river, endless!”

Xu Jiujiu ran to Yin Zhi again to show his presence.

Exaggerated expressions coupled with exaggerated movements are extremely happy.

She also participated in this “qualification assessment”.

The results are not bad, ranking fifth!

Yin Zhi reached out and turned his hairstyle into a chicken coop.

“Only what you said this time, the monitor is very useful.”

“Ha ha!”

Xu Jiujiu’s eyes sparkled.

At this time, Mu Pingting also came over.

“Congratulations, Yin Zhi.”

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “Haha, the same joy, the same joy!”

After all, he waved his hand with great pride.

“Happy today!”

“Go, go to’Juxianlou’ for a meal!”

Xu Jiujiu Lian said, “Okay, okay.”

So the three of them went straight to the “Juxian Tower”!

Then during the meal, Yin Zhi finally realized that he was the only one who had that strange situation.

Is there a bug?

That’s really unlucky for myself!

If it wasn’t for being strong enough, I would have been planted this time.

But think about it again.

Even bugs can’t help me, I really am amazing!

More to be happy!

After a meal.


“I didn’t bring any money today.”

“Why don’t you settle the bill?”

“Next time I will have a bigger meal!”

Xu Jiujiu’s eyes widened, looking at Yin Zhi dumbly…

With that expression, Mu Pingting almost couldn’t help but laugh.

Fortunately, she has received professional training, even if she is funny, she will never laugh.

When leaving the “Juxian Tower”, Xu Jiujiu walked at the back.

The words “depressed” were almost written on her face.

I ate more than three million for a meal, so distressed!

Three million four hundred and fifty thousand!

It’s enough for me to buy a house in a third-tier city Damn it!

After leaving the “Juxian Building”, the three walked and talked.

Yin Zhi noticed that Mu Pingting made a face toward herself, and immediately understood.

“Nine-nine, you go back for lunch first.”

“I will talk to you, Big Sis, about adult topics.”

“You are too young to listen.”

Xu Jiujiu’s eyes stared: “Sir, where am I young?”

Yin Zhi said: “You only have to understand this yourself. It hurts to say it. Go go.”




Throwing a sentence of “go and go, just a little bit”, Xu Jiujiu left angrily.

When she walks away…

Yin Zhi smiled.

“Even if you know what she pretended.”

“But she is a little cute like that.”

“Give me the desire to continue playing with her.”

Mu Pingting pursed her lips and smiled.

“If she knew you would have seen her identity.”

“I don’t know if it will explode.”

“Yin Zhi, I suddenly felt a little sympathetic to her.”

Can you be sympathetic?

Follow Yin Zhi to the “Wanlong Ruins”.

Then went to “Odin Mela”.

Now I have to follow to the “Nanhua Mountain Ancient Tomb”.

Just to find a chance to assassinate Yin Zhi…

However, Yin Zhi already knew that she was a killer, so I am afraid it would be difficult to have this opportunity again.

Yin Zhi “hehe” smiled.

“Why do you sympathize with her.”

“Who sympathizes with those who were killed by her?”

“At least she is alive and well.”

“Don’t talk about her.”

“Do you have something to tell me?”

Mu Pingting nodded.

“This time the’tomb excavation’ will probably be very lively.”

Yin Zhi asked: “How do you say?”

“Although the adventure team who discovered the tomb tried to keep it secret, it still leaked the wind.”

“Many forces now want to get a share of the pie!”

“Even the national archaeological team is preparing.”

Yin Zhi smiled, “Even the national team is on the court?”

Mu Pingting said: “It’s not just our country’s national team. There are also the national teams of’Zhaohan’ and’Taihe’.”

Yin Zhi was surprised: “The news leaked so badly?”

Mu Pingting solemnly let out a “um”.

“As long as there is a heart, there is no impermeable wall in the world.”

“‘Qing Dynasty Ancient Tomb’, or a noble tomb, is very tempting.”

Why do “Zhaohan Island Country” and “Taihe Island Country” also send their respective national teams?

Because “Nanhua Mountain” is not in the sea area of ​​”True Dragon Kingdom”!

It is located on a large island called “Penglai”.

And this “Penglai Big Island” happens to be located in the high sea area between “True Dragon Country”, “Zhaohan Island Country” and “Taihe Island Country”!

I don’t know…

Now that you know that they are on the high seas again, is there any reason for “Zhaohan” and “Taihe”?

Then, Mu Pingting said solemnly: “More than…”

“More than that?”

“What’s the meaning?”

Mu Pingting stopped and looked at Yin Zhi.

“According to the news discovered by’Hulong Mountain Villa’.”

“This time the’Holy Court’ will also send out’Holy Moon Knights’ from the’Holy Weapon Province’!”

Yin Zhi was really surprised now.

“I go!”

“‘Holy Court’ even came in with a kick?”

This is……

The rhythm of the gathering of heroes, the dance of dragons and snakes, and the chaos!

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