Chapter 214 Ping Ting, you also know my style, I don’t work for nothing!

The “Holy Court” has a “sacred instrument province”…

The responsibilities and work of the “Sacred Artifact Province” can be summed up in a word: Recycling antiques!

Of course, it is not an ordinary antique.

It’s a special antiquities with strange effects!

Like the “Zhulong Sword” in Yin Zhi’s hand.

If it is discovered by the “sacred instrument province” first.

Needless to say, that is definitely not Yin Zhi’s share!

In Yin Zhi’s view, the work of the “Sacred Artifact Province”…

To put it nicely is “recovering special ancient relics”.

To put it harshly, isn’t it just “searching for treasures from all over the world”!

And that “Holy Moon Knight” is naturally a dog leg under the hands of “Holy Weapon Province” to run errands!

Follow the “Holy Court” style of doing things.

Not to mention that “Penglai Island and Nanhua Mountain” are in the open sea.

Even if it is in the territory of “True Dragon Kingdom” or other countries.

The “Sacred Vessel Province” will naturally be mixed…

According to them:

The ancient relics are dangerous!

“Holy Court” has the responsibility to recycle it and store it properly!

So as not to cause bad consequences!

Listen, it’s pretty high-sounding.

Yin Zhi went through the “Sacred Artifact Province” in his mind.

He raised his own doubts to Mu Pingting.

“Ping Ting, since you are also going, will’Hulong Mountain Villa’ also take action?”

Unexpectedly, Mu Pingting shook her head.


“It’s the opposite of what you said.”

“This time there will be no action in the’Hulong Mountain Villa’.”

Yin Zhi is strange.

Mu Pingting immediately answered questions for Yin Zhi.

“The core purpose and duty of’Hulong Mountain Villa’ is to guard!”

“Other things will not be mixed up.”

“After discussion this time, high-level officials have found no factors that are obviously unfavorable to the’True Dragon Kingdom’.”

“So I decided not to act.”

“Don’t look at the size of’Hulong Mountain Villa’, but in fact it is still seriously understaffed.”

With that, Mu Pingting’s tone was quite emotional.

How can there be quiet years in this world?

Always clamoring that the years are quiet and should be dragged out for a fight…

It’s just someone carrying a heavy load!

How many conspiracies against the “True Dragon Kingdom” are there overtly and secretly?

These are what the “Hulong Mountain Villa” must do its best to deal with!

Especially now!

The “Black Streak Virus” broke out in the “Odin Merah”, and the international situation is changing.

“Hulong Mountain Villa” dare not slacken the slightest!

After listening to Mu Pingting’s words, Yin Zhi was even more puzzled…

“Then you tell me these are?”

Mu Pingting smiled apologetically at Yin Zhi.

“Although the’Nanhua Mountain Ancient Tomb’ has no obvious disadvantages to the’True Dragon Kingdom’.”

“But if you don’t care about it at all, it won’t work.”

“Especially our country will send an authoritative archaeological team.”

“Although those archeological teams are also protected by strong men sent by the military.”

“But if you are not afraid of ten thousand, you are afraid of it in case.”

“So… here I hope you are within your power.”

“Provide some help to our archaeological team.”

Yin Zhi was stunned.

That’s it!

Mu Pingting became more embarrassed.

“and also……”

“If you find important cultural relics and antiques, try your best not to let other forces take them away.”

Yin Zhi smiled.

Is this asking me to be a bodyguard and errands?

After touching his chin, he nodded after thinking about it.

“I can promise half.”

Mu Pingting was taken aback.

Promise half?

What does it mean to promise half?

Yin Zhi smiled and explained to Mu Pingting.

“The so-called “half”…”

“I just don’t help the archaeological team deliberately.”

“But if I met, I would definitely not leave it alone.”


He stroked his chin.

“Pingting, you also know my style.”

“We are old friends. I’m not going to sell you off.”

“You know I don’t work in vain!”

Mu Pingting’s nose frowned slightly.

“But I have no money…”

After that, I added one more sentence.

“‘Hulong Mountain Villa’ doesn’t have much money either.”

Looking at her, Yin Zhi smiled “haha”.

She couldn’t help it, she stretched out her hand and squeezed her slightly puckered nose.

“Who said you want your money?”

“Besides, I’m not short of money.”

“Haha, to tell you, I have money.”

“I don’t even know how much money I have.”

“I can help you. But you also have to help me.”

What does Yin Zhi need “Hulong Mountain Villa” to help him?

Help him find the truth about his father Death!

Help him find his mother’s whereabouts!

This kind of thinking actually started when I was in contact with Ye Feng.

It’s just that he certainly won’t bring it up easily.

Wouldn’t it be more appropriate to just wait for the “Hulong Mountain Villa” to beg for own, and to propose it along the way?

When Yin Zhi pinched his nose, Mu Pingting’s cheeks were slightly red.

“How can I be a girl too?”

“How can you do this?”

Muttered in his heart, he asked, “What do you want us to help you with?”

Yin Zhi smiled and waved.

“You Dao means no merit and no reward.”

“Don’t talk about this yet.”

“When I really do some credit, let’s talk about it.”

After that, Yin Zhi and Mu Pingting chatted for a while, and the two separated.

After Yin Zhi left, Mu Pingting called Captain Own a communication.

Reported the situation so and so, so and so.

When she hung up the communication, she took a long sigh, still feeling sad between her eyebrows…

“True Dragon Kingdom” archaeological team!

“Zhaohan Island Country” Archaeological Team!

“Taihe Island Country” Archaeological Team!

“Holy Court and Sacred Artifact Province”!

“Sacred Heart Academy”!

“Elite Academy”!

Etc., etc.

A large number of forces and groups move forward like sharks smelling a fishy smell.

What will it be like then?

“I just hope everything goes well!”

Today is exactly the weekend.

Yin Zhi was expecting Qin Aunt to invite him to dinner again…

But not!

Qin Aunt seems to be entangled in something important now, and he can’t get rid of it at all.

This time I went to “Penglai Island Nanhua Mountain”, but I don’t know how long it will take to return.

how to say?

Really a little bit reluctant.

Suddenly, Yin Zhi’s heart tightened!

“By the way… Am I too attached to Qin Aunt?”

“It feels a bit wrong.”

“This shouldn’t be…”

Thinking about it, Yin Zhi suddenly thought of a possibility… hurriedly shook his head up.

“no no!”

“Impossible, impossible!”

“I am absolutely not! I am absolutely not! I just greet her body! That’s all!”

“Don’t think too much!”

Go home.

As soon as the door opened, the two maids, one large, one small, one mature and one tender, greeted him behind the door.

Yin Zhi is a little used to this.

Or even enjoy it?

However, he still decided to find a powerful psychiatrist to treat Qiu Yaoyao when he was free…

This is not always the answer.

Immediately, Yin Zhi told Qiu Yaoyao mother and daughter that he was leaving for a while.

Qiu Yaoyao immediately said that he would follow along.

Yin Zhi waved his hand and waved to her, “I’m not going to travel, why do I take you there? Stay here to watch the house and wait for me to come back! That’s it!”

Qiu Yaoyao’s mouth flattened.

Ye Yunxi’s eyes flickered, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

Five days later, “Beiming Mechanical Kun” deep space, swinging its huge mechanical tail, went straight to the east…

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