Chapter 216 Nightmare Mission: Exploring the “Tomb of Qing Shidi”! 100% exploration required!



The wind blew the waves.



Ocean waves.

The coconut tree was swaying in the wind.

A sea crab was washed onto the beach by the waves.

When the waves receded, it walked sideways on the beach.

As I walked, I suddenly encountered a huge “obstacle”.

How dare you dominate your Uncle Crab’s way?

Humph, do you think I will make a detour?

The crab, who can’t turn, continued to move forward and climbed directly onto the “obstacle”…

Only halfway through, the “obstacle” suddenly bounced up!

At the same time, one hand grabbed the crab and smashed it directly.


It turns out that the overbearing “obstacle” in Crab’s eyes is indeed a person!


No one else, it is Yin Zhi!

At this moment, he only felt that the sun was extremely dazzling.

Fortunately, with the “Emperor Virus”, he has the resilience of Transcendent!

After 0.5 seconds, I got used to the brightness in front of me.


The eyes are normal.

However, Yin Zhi’s mind was still in an abnormal state of bewilderment.

“who am I?”

“where am I?”

“Where am I going?”

When the crashing waves hit, Yin Zhilin was turned into a chicken.

He immediately recalled what happened…

There was an accident!

Super big accident!

When “Beiming Mechanical Kun” and other forces are approaching “Penglai Island”.

Suddenly encountered extremely terrifying weather.

Strong wind!




The power of nature is terrifying!

At that moment, it was like the end of the world had come.

The whole world seemed to collapse.

To make matters worse, the Yuling could not be summoned! ?

You said that if it’s just a disaster, that’s all.

The powerful spiritual master has his own life-saving skills!

But Yu Ling couldn’t summon it…

Even if you have a life-saving skill, you can’t use it without Yuling!

There is even worse.

All those “Supreme Vehicles” were forcibly disbanded!

Even the “Beiming Mechanical Kun” of “Myth One Star” cannot be spared…

Without the vehicle, everyone fell into the vast ocean!

Yin Zhi is no exception.

In the huge waves and violent storms, he deeply realized the natural power of heaven and earth.

And after that…

Yin Zhi was hunted down by “mysterious forces”!

They drove a small underwater vehicle that they had never seen before, and they didn’t know where it emerged from.

When they came up, they shot nets at Yin Zhi.

But he took Yin Zhi as a fish to catch it!

At this time, Yin Zhi’s “Emperor Virus” once again exerted its magical effect.

Even in the water, he could see it clearly!

With his superb swimming skills.

He and the group of “mysterious forces” who arrested him had a thrilling contest.

That scene!

That process!

Absolutely comparable to “Holiday activities making a blockbuster”!

In the course of the fierce fight, Yin Zhi snatched a water download tool and brazenly launched a counterattack.

The result is naturally a perfect anti-kill!

He also left the last person, ready to capture them alive, and then forced to ask them the way…

But just when he was about to catch someone.

A tsunami hit it like a mountain!

Yin Zhi, who was as small as an ant in front of the seafood, was completely submerged…

When I wake up again.

The man was lying on the beach.

at this time!

Solved the “who am I” problem…

It’s about to figure out “where am I”.

Yin Zhi stood up and looked around blankly.

The blue sky and the sea are in front of me.

Can’t see the side at a glance.

Behind him is a huge mountain.

I couldn’t see the top of the mountain at a glance—a thick white cloud settled halfway up the mountain.

On the left and right are vast sandy beaches.

The sun was shining golden and dazzling.

“I am…”


“Is this the’Penglai Big Island’?”

Just in time, a sea breeze blew.

As soon as the wind blew, Yin Zhi, who was wet all over, felt cold.

It’s wet and sticky, so uncomfortable!

Yin Zhi simply took off all his clothes…

Anyway, there is no one around, so I can completely liberate and return to nature!

At this time, the wind blew again, and he only felt particularly cool and transparent.

Yin Zhi wrung out the water on the clothes and hung them on a random-growing coconut tree to dry.

Suddenly feel thirsty.

He climbed up a coconut tree and picked a few coconuts.

Cut it with a multi-function survival knife—this thing Yin Zhi carried near his body—and poured his head up.


The coconut fragrant is rich.

Sweet and thirst quenching.

When I drink it when I am thirsty, I just think it tastes great, it is simply delicious on earth!

After drinking the coconut milk, finish eating the coconut meat.

Yin Zhi wondered what happened so far…

Finally came to a conclusion: this is not right, very wrong!

He even has a feeling.

It seems this kind of “something wrong”…

It’s specifically aimed at him!

actually is not he feels good about himself.

In fact, as soon as we fell into the sea from “Beiming Machine Kun”, someone came to the door? !

that moment.

So many people fell into the sea!

The situation on the sea is so bad!

Why just happen to have a group of people find themselves while driving the water and downloading equipment?

Throwing a net to catch yourself as a fish? !

Everyone suspects that “this is aimed at oneself”, right?

However, when I think about it, I feel a little unlikely…

How big is the battle for this matter?

Three big countries are affected!

More than a dozen large-scale strengths!

Even the “Holy Court” is more involved!

Just to target yourself?

How can it be?

How can He De!

and also……

Now that the “Explorer Expedition” has discovered the tomb!

Why not tell everyone that the weather around “Penglai Island” is so bad.

All right!

Even if the weather is bad, everyone is out of luck.

They didn’t know that there would be such terrible and terrifying weather here.

Then why don’t they say that there is no way to summon Yuling in this area! ?

Since they have been here, it is impossible for them not to know.

If they said, everyone would definitely not use the “Supreme Vehicle”.

Not all fall into it.

Then there is only one possibility-they deliberately don’t say it!


“Regardless of whom…”

“Regardless of the purpose of the’behind the scenes’…”

“This is a pit—a big pit!”


My own body possesses the “Emperor Virus”.

Bone and bones can be resurrected!

Survivability is called a heaven-defying metamorphosis.

Otherwise I would have planted…

Thinking of the “Emperor Virus”, Yin Zhi’s heart moved.

“Death system!”

“I came to a new place again.”

“You can hand over the task directly.”

“Didi! The host is quite mature now, gratifying!”

Yin Zhi rolled his eyes: “I thank you!”

“Didi! Release the’Nightmare Mission’: Explore the’Tomb of the Qingshi Emperor’! 100% exploration required! Limited time 95 days!”

“Didi! Mission reward: Medicine for the old!”

“Didi! Mission penalty: life span is reduced to one month! Life will end after one month!”

Yin Zhi was dumbfounded.

“What did you say?”

“You you you… you say it again?”

“What’s in here?’Tomb of the Qingshi Emperor’?!”

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