Chapter 217 I am a member of the “True Dragon Kingdom”, I can fight, but you can’t fight! Hey rolling ball!

What is the “Tomb of Qingshi Emperor”?

The mausoleum of Zhao Zheng, the first emperor of the “Blue Empire”!

For more than two thousand years, how many people can’t find Zhao Zheng’s tomb?

The location of the “Tomb of Qingshi Emperor” was even elected as the “Ten Unsolved Mysteries”!

Never thought…

The “Tomb of Qingshi Emperor” is here! ?

and many more!

Wait a minute!

“In the Nanhua Mountains, stay in the fairyland of dragons.”

“On the clear spring stone, a knife can kill immortals.”

These sixteen words popped out in Yin Zhi’s mind.


In “South China Mountain” there is the “Tomb of Qing Dynasty Nobles”!

in this case……

The “Qing Dynasty Tomb” discovered by the “Explorer Expedition” here.

Isn’t it the “Tomb of Qingshi Emperor”?

And the other weapon of the “Emperor Qingyan”, the “Slaying Immortal Knife”, is in the “Tomb of Qingshidi”!

That’s it!

Yin Zhi hurriedly asked questions.

“System, tell me!”

“Where is Zhao Zheng’s grave?”

“Didi! It’s on this island! The host needs to find it by himself! I wish you success!”

After that, the “finding system” is silent…

Yin Zhi rolled his eyes.

Immediately, he focused his attention on this task.

It turned out to be a mission of “Nightmare” difficulty!

Well, imagine the punishment after failure…

Life expectancy has been drastically reduced by one month!

The end of life means that the “emperor virus” can’t save own life?

This is really a nightmare!

But the reward for this task is also attractive enough.

It turned out to be an “old medicine” eh!

With this medicine, is it possible to live forever and live forever?

As a short-lived ghost in the previous life!

In this life, Yin Zhi naturally desires to live longer.

There are so many beautiful things in this world…


Great view!


No enjoyment in the previous life, regretting the death of illness.

This life can finally be enjoyed, of course, I hope I can enjoy it for as long as possible!

In order to stay alive, the task of “Exploring the Tomb of the Qingshi Emperor” must be completed!

To explore the “Tomb of the Qingshi Emperor”, you must first find it, right?

But the problem is…

My eyes are black now, how can I find it?

At this time, it would be nice if I had some knowledge about Feng Shui and the points of gold.

Maybe you can find it from Feng Shui’s perspective.

“I still haven’t prepared enough!”

With a sigh, Yin Zhi didn’t bother to wait for the clothes to dry.

He bought a complete set of camouflage combat uniforms directly in the “System Mall”!

After that, he bought an assault rifle and a powerful pistol with a big barrel.

They are all the ones with silencers!

With the “system mall” as the backing, he doesn’t worry about the lack of materials and weapons at all.

He tried it before.

There is no Yuling summoned here at all!

The summoning circle can be drawn, but there will be no Yuling coming out of it.

Without Yu Ling, he would feel more at ease with a hot weapon in his hand.


“let’s move!”

“Anyway, act first!”

With a burst of energy, Yin Zhi stepped into the jungle.

Then go all the way, overcoming obstacles, needless to say.

It’s just that from time to time there will be some kind of wild beast roar from a distance…




Just listen to the sound and you know it’s not easy to mess with.

I don’t know what kind of beast it is.

while walking.

Unknowingly the sun is slanting west…

Yin Zhi stopped suddenly.

He heard a little movement.

“It’s a human voice…”

Yin Zhi walked in the direction where the human voice came without thinking about it.

After a while, he heard the proud voice of hip-hop.

My heart couldn’t help but move.

“This is… Taihe language?”

That’s right, it’s Taihe language!

Thanks to the information provided by Mu Pingting.

He knew that people from the “Zhaohan Island Country” and the “Taihe Island Country” would participate this time.

In order not to suffer from language losses.

He learned “Zhaohan Language” and “Taihe Language” in “Dream Space”.

Now I can’t speak fluently in these two languages, but at least it’s okay to communicate!

Yin Zhi continued to move closer.

“We kindly wanted to help you, but you actually doubted us?”

“Damn it! This is too rude! Unforgivable!”

“Do we look like bad guys? You hurt our feelings, don’t you know?”

“Don’t say it, don’t say it! They don’t understand it anyway.”

“‘True Dragon Man’ only learns’American Language’, and doesn’t learn the’Taihe Language’ that I waited for. How despised is this?”

“That is to say! We rubbed them on the ground more than a hundred years ago!”

“Just like now, hahaha!”

Yin Zhi used a gun to poke away the vegetation that blocked the view, and poke in secret.

Suddenly raised his brows…


It turned out to be an acquaintance.

But who is it?

It is Yi Tianxing and who is coming… Murong Rong!

Yes, that’s the name!


Murong Rong in memory is a pretty black and straight girl.

But now it looks quite embarrassed.

The standard and marked black straight, long and messy, only slightly better than the chicken coop.

All the clothes were dirty and crumpled.

She was all alone under a tree, looking a little lonely.

As for Yi Tianxing…

He is even worse!

At this moment, a young man in a black school uniform was stepping on his head.

He is struggling with all his strength.

The hands and feet move together, it looks like a tortoise is crawling.

But the feet of the young man in school uniform are as heavy as a mountain.

No matter how Yi Tianxing struggled, his efforts were in vain.

“Tsk tut!”

“God Yi Nan, God Yi Nan.”

“You have today too?”

“Where have all the prestige and skill of the past gone?”

What was Yin Zhi’s first thought at this time?

Of course, I quickly took out the camera and filmed this scene.

When I went back, I pressed the heads of the brain-dead fans of the “Skywalker Support Group”.

Let them see how embarrassed the male god in their minds is.

One time is not enough!

Let them watch it once a day…no, three times!

Don’t let them sleep until you finish it!

Haha, I am so “kind”.

Do what you want, well done!

Yin Zhi immediately bought a camera in the “System Mall”.

Good focus, just start shooting!

“let me go!”

“let me go!”

In the camera, “Yi Nan Shen” roared loudly.

The youth in school uniforms really let him go.

Immediately, the angry Yi Tianxing launched an attack on him.


Where is the strength gap!

Yi Tianxing was directly beaten by a young man in school uniform, and soon he was trampled down.

“Weak! Weak!”

“You are too weak!”

“So weak you, what face is there to live in the world?”

“If I were you, I would cut my stomach and kill myself in minutes.”

“Born to be human, you should say sorry to this world!”

“Have you heard clearly? Useless wood!”

There are five “Taihe people” in total.

Young people in school uniforms are stubbornly abused.

The other four surrounded Murong Rong.

At this time, one of the shortest but strongest boys suddenly walked towards Murong Rong.

“Beautiful Miss…”

“This island is very dangerous.”

“But don’t worry, we will protect you.”

“With our’Ling Basket Extreme Fire Group’, no one can hurt you.”

“Because we are all good people!”

“Ha ha!”

The other three people also echoed.

Looking at Murong Rong, their eyes burst with gazes that men understand.

But at this moment…

“That’s it!”

“Nothing to do with you here!”

“I’m from the’True Dragon Kingdom’, I can fight, but you can’t.”

“Similarly, I don’t need your protection from the people of the’True Dragon Kingdom’.”

“You can roll the ball smoothly!”

The one who followed the sound was Yin Zhi, who was wearing camouflage and holding a firearm…

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