Chapter 220: Didi! You got 1.5 million killers from Yin Tianxiong, please check!

“Didi! You got 80,000 points of murder from Yi Tianxing, please check!”

Only 80,000 points?


Losing face is thrown in front of the “Taihe Ren”!

It turned out to be so “killing”?

What a shame!

They directly gave me eighty or nine hundred thousand.

It’s more than ten times worse, okay? !

When was your “Yi Nan Shen” so weak?

“What do you want to say?”

“Want to die, don’t you?”

“If I want to die, I will fulfill you!”

To be honest, only 80,000 points are “killing heart”, and it doesn’t hurt to kill.

The large-caliber pistol pointed at Yi Tianxing’s head.

boom! !

A crater exploded in his ears.

“I know!”

“I know!”

“Don’t kill me!”

Yi Tianxing immediately begged for mercy.

He was not a tough guy at the beginning.

It still isn’t.

Yin Zhi murmured “Boss” and kicked him hard.

“stand up!”

“Use your ancestors’ ability to dig people’s ancestral graves for wicked business.”

“Find me where the Nanhuashan ancient tomb is!”

“You only have three days.”

“Can’t find it in three days?”

“I promise that the next bullet will not hit the wrong side.”

What can Yi Tianxing do?

He could only endure the humiliation and pain, and got up.

Yin Zhi urged him to go, but he looked at Murong Rong.

At this time, Murong Rong still looks lonely…

“Can you… bring Murong?”

Yin Zhi kicked him and laughed.

“You’Yi Nan God’ also kneels and licks others.”

“Everyone didn’t speak, you just wanted to take her with you.”

“Are you cheap?”

“Go! No!”

Murong Rong was really anxious now.

On this desert island, even if she has some strength, how can she live alone?


“You can’t leave me!”

Yin Zhi let out a cry.

“Why not?”

“I am about to leave you!”

Murong Rong hurriedly shouted: “I know one of your secrets!”

Know my secret?

My secrets are gone, which one do you know?

Yin Zhi didn’t bother to care about her.

Just listen to Murong Rong’s voice coming from behind…

“The stone ball you stole from me last time!”

“I already know what it is!”

“You won’t take me…”

boom! !

A crater exploded at Murong Rong’s feet.

She was so frightened that she screamed “Ah”.

“If I kill you now.”

“Do you think you are still alive to reveal my secrets?”

Murong Rong was stunned.


How can he do this?

Anyway, I am also a beauty!

How could he do this to me?

When the desert island was killed, he would rather bring a man than me as a beauty? !

Is he a man?

In Murong Rong’s opinion…

Beautiful women deserve special treatment!

Men should obey and take care of beautiful women!

Isn’t this just a matter of course! ?

The disobedient man just owes it to clean up.

It’s time to clean up, clean up until you are obedient!

Like that “Bing Wang Hongye”…

Not or obedient at first?

Wasn’t she still obedient?

Now this Yin Zhi is also ill-conditioned, even worse than the original Hong Ye!


“I apologize to you.”

“I saved you, but you threatened me?”

“Is this a human job?”

“Apologize, numb!”

Murong Rong blushed, and reluctantly said “I’m sorry”.

Immediately screamed.

“My dad is Jack Ma! He is the richest man in the’True Dragon Kingdom’!”

“My mother is Murong Yun! I am the deputy mayor of Sacred Heart City!”

“You take me!”

“I can give you a lot of money after I go back!”

“Whatever you want to do in the future, I can help you!”


I don’t believe you are not moved!

As a result, Yin Zhi’s answer almost made her vomit blood…

“I want your mother, can you help?”

“Why are you dumb?”

“Don’t say anything you can’t do.”

“Return your dad is Jack Ma.”

“Qin Qing, who has a little less money than your dad, is still my woman!”


He gave Yi Tianxing a push.

“What are you doing with pestle?”


Yi Tianxing also felt incredible about what Yin Zhi did.

What does his mind think?

Murong Rong is such a good resource, why not make good use of it?

If you use it well, you don’t have to struggle for a lifetime!

At that time, even a little bit of struggle…

You can reach a height that others can’t reach for a few lifetimes!

Does his Yin Zhi have a pit in his head?

Doesn’t he know such a simple truth! ?




In Murong Rong’s shout, Yin Zhi disappeared into the jungle with Yi Tianxing…

Seeing that there is no one around, only oneself is alone.

Murong Rong was completely flustered!

“You bastard!”


“I hate you! I hate you so much!”

“You wait for me!!”

After screaming twice, Murong Rong retreated to the root of the tree.

She hunched her knees and cried bitterly.

This scene happened to be seen by a bird on a branch…

If you look closely, you will find something is wrong with the bird’s eyes.

Not like real eyes.

It is not real eyes!

Birds are not real birds either!

the other side……

In front of a huge screen!

A group of people quietly looked at the screen.

Everything that would happen to Yin Zhi was in sight.

At the head and at the core is a burly middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

His appearance is similar to Zhao Haolong by five or six points.

There is nothing else worth talking about…

It’s what he wears!

He is impressively dressed in a shining, golden dragon robe! ?

A dragon head in the chest, lifelike, that is called a domineering incomparable!

This is the contemporary Patriarch of the “Zhao Family”, Zhao Junlin!

At the same time, he is also Zhao Haolong’s father…


Zhao Haolong, who was standing next to Zhao Junlin, quickly took a step forward, bending over and lowering his head to cupped hands.


Within the “Zhao Family”, they are a court of their own!

Needless to say, Zhao Junlin is the “emperor” of this imperial court.

And he, Zhao Haolong, is the “prince” of this imperial court!

Yin Zhi jokingly called him “Prince Zhao”, which was really not a joke in the Zhao family.

Zhao Junlin said: “Did you hear it just now?”

Zhao Haolong said: “Father, my son heard it.”


“Take that woman down.”

“If you take her down, you won’t have to worry about money anymore in the future.”

“That woman” naturally refers to Murong Rong!

What does “upset” mean?

It is to restore the army and claim the emperor!

Zhao Haolong said: “Yes, Father! My son will do his best to live up to his trust!”

“Well, go ahead.”

“Yes! Erchen retire!”

After two steps back, Zhao Haolong took a big step and left, already happy in his heart.

“Ha ha!”

“Yin Zhi, Yin Zhi!”

“Since you don’t want that woman, then I’m not welcome!”

“I really have to thank you!”

Zhao Junlin said again: “Yin Aiqing…”

Standing alone, he bent over in front of Zhao Junlin’s cupped hands and bowed his head.

“You can’t wait to get revenge, right?”

“Then go!”

“But remember, I want to live.”

“After finishing the’business’, his life will be yours!”

The man suppressed the excited and trembling voice: “According to the purpose! Thank the Lord for your grace!”

Who is this person?

It’s Yin Zhi’s Uncle, Yin Tianxiong!

“Yin Zhi!”

“Yin Zhi!”

“Your death date is here! Hahahaha!”

at the same time……

In the jungle.

Yin Zhi stopped suddenly!

“Didi! You got 1.5 million killers from Yin Tianxiong, please check!”

Hearing this prompt, he was dumbfounded.


Yin Tianxiong?

Wasn’t he burned to death?

The system is definitely not wrong.

Then there is only one possibility…

Yin Tianxiong is not dead!

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