Chapter 221 What about the fierce beast half a million years ago? Master, I still beaten up!

Be good!

You are playing tricks with me to death?

Not only alive.

Even stronger without a sound!

In one year of work, he has become so much stronger.

Actually gave me 1.5 million “killing hearts” at once? !

This is really amazing.


What a surprise too!

This “pig” is really fattened.

Not in vain!

“It seems he has some adventure.”

“Now that I am stronger, I want to take revenge on me again.”

“What a pity, what a pity, I’m on’Penglai Island’ now.”

“Otherwise, I can play with you.”

Yin Zhi didn’t know at this time.

Own’s whereabouts has been controlled by the “Zhao Family”.

And Yin Tianxiong is on this “Penglai Island”!

Yi Tianxing said that to find ancient tombs, one needs to go to a higher ground to observe the wind and the water, and look for the dragon’s cave.

Yin Zhi can only trust him now.

So he took him away looking at the mountain.

After a while, night fell.

Yin Zhi dug a hole in the root of a big tree.

I exchanged another high-end sleeping bag and slept comfortably all night.

As for Yi Tianxing…

Naturally, there is no such enjoyment, and I spent the night under the tree.

After dawn, Yin Zhi exchanged a rich breakfast and had a refreshing meal.

Yi Tianxing…

Yin Zhi was naturally not a devil, and he didn’t let him hungry.

Just lost a few big sweet potatoes to him.

Born to live, it is really crispy and sweet to eat.

On the way.

Yin Zhi stopped suddenly and stood up to listen.

Yi Tianxing looked at him suspiciously.


Sizzle! !

One, two, three…a strange cry came.

One, two, three…One by one, figures shot out from the forest.

It is a group of strange beasts that have never been seen before!

They have two thick and strong legs.

Stand on two feet like a human.

It supports their bodies that are more than two meters high and three meters long.

He dragged a long tail behind him, almost parallel to the ground.

The head is elliptical and huge.

Big head and big mouth!

The sharp fangs of a mouth, each one bends inward.

Outside of it, it has a pair of sharp claws!

The long, curved and sharp claws are just like scimitars embedded in their palms.

As soon as they appeared, they encircled Yin Zhi and Yi Tianxing.


Sizzle! !

Yi Tianxing was frightened.

Straightforwardly, what kind of monsters are these? !

Yin Zhi happened to know them.

Who made him an intellectual who loves to read and study now?

That is Velociraptor!

A carnivorous beast known for its speed, cunning and ferociousness.

But the problem is…


“‘Speedraptor’ should be Life’s creature more than half a million years ago!”

“It has long since perished with the’mass extinction’.”

“Why is there a’Speedraptor’ here?”


“Speed ​​Raptor” and all other creatures collectively referred to as “Dread Dragon”.

It perished in the “mass extinction” more than half a million years ago!

A fierce beast that should have been extinct appeared on “Penglai Island”?

This is ridiculous!

Yin Zhizheng was surprised, wondering…

One of the most majestic guys in “Speedraptor” roared like a king giving orders!

The other Velociraptors rioted like soldiers obeying the command.


The Velociraptor behind the two attacked them.

With a fierce kick of his strong leg, two holes were dug into the ground.

As soon as he shot his body, his big mouth opened in anger and bit towards Yin Zhi!

Yi Tianxing turned around abruptly and yelled “Run!” in fright.

“I’ll run your mother!”

With a “pop”, Yin Zhi slapped Yi Tianxing and fainted.

Well, it won’t get in the way now!

Facing the “Speed ​​Raptor” that had bitten it, Yin Zhian gave a “hum”.

What about the fierce beast 500,000 years ago?

Master, I still beaten up!

boom! !

A punch that was as hard as steel and as powerful as a mad lion hit the “Speedraptor” on the chin.


“This skin is really hard!”

Yin Zhi only felt his own fist hit the rough stone.

However, the “Speedraptor” was still beaten by Yin Zhi.

Immediately after, there was a slight abnormal noise behind him before he could catch his breath.

A “Speedpilot” took the opportunity to sneak attack, silently.

The sharp and slender scimitar claws grabbed Yin Zhi.

Yin Zhi quickly turned around and took a step back to escape.

It dashed again and hit its neck with a punch.

Just hit it!

“It’s really the same as written in the book.”

“This’Speedraptor’ is very smart and knows how to cooperate and sneak attacks.”

Yin Zhi kicked Yi Tianxing from the ground up to the sky, which happened to hang on the tree.

Bang bang!

He smashed his fist.

“Come on!”

“Let you creatures from 500,000 years ago.”

“Seeing the fists after 500,000 years is so powerful!”

The leader of the “Speedraptor” roared furiously and spewed out a bunch of fishy spit stars.

The “Speedraptor” in a circle attacked Yin Zhi at the same time.

Yin Zhike has no passive defense, he chooses to attack actively.

Boom boom boom boom! ! !

Five minutes later, there was no “Speedraptor” still standing…

The pitch-black army boots stepped on the head of the “Speedraptor” leader.

Yin Zhi wondered: “System, why can’t the killing intent of animals work?”

“Didi! The killing behavior of animals comes from pure instinct and does not possess any subjective initiative!”

“All right! You have the final say.”

Then he muttered.

“I don’t know how the flesh of these creatures from 500,000 years ago…”

Don’t you know if you taste it?

It happens that a fight consumes a lot of energy and needs to be supplemented!

Yin Zhi immediately peeled his skin with his bare hands.

Why not use a knife?

You don’t have to try, and you won’t be able to cut the skin of the Velociraptor!

Just in time, an eagle flew across the sky.

See what happened in the forest below…

To the west of Yin Zhi’s location.

One kilometer away.

A place very suitable for ambush.

Yin Tianxiong grabbed a display screen.

What appeared on the screen was the picture of Yin Zhi tearing the “Speedraptor” with his bare hands.

“A beast is a beast!”

“I still have to do it myself!”


With that said, Yin Tianxiong folded the display in his hand.

Disappeared in the jungle with a group of unusually obedient people…

It turned out that those “Speedraptors” were controlled by the “Zhao Family”!

Creatures that have been extinct more than half a million years ago will appear half a million years later, which is outrageous enough.

What’s even more outrageous is that they are still under control! ?

I don’t know how the “Zhao family” did it…

The original mission of the group of “Speedraptors” was to drive Yin Zhi into the ambush circle.

Then Yin Tianxiong killed Yin Zhi by surprise.


A total of thirty “Speedpilots” were killed by Yin Zhi alone! ?

The plan naturally fell through.

Since it’s not dark, let’s make it clear!

“Yin Zhi!”

“Do you think you are already strong?”

“I will let you know soon, I am stronger than you!”

“The pain and torture you have caused me, I will return it to you thousands of times!”

“You frantic beast!!”

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